Saturday 1 July 2017

Brief Note About Spondylosis

Spondylosis ... What is it ?? 
          Spondylosis is the one kind of Arthritis which is specially occurs to the spine or it may called Spinal Osteoarthritis. This is the age related condition which is commonly occurs  in middle-aged and elderly people. In this condition there was degeneration occurs in between the spinal discs. 

How It Is Caused ??
          It is caused by the wear and tear of the cartilages and bones of spine. it can also be caused by other Factors like Injury, Herniating disc, Dehydration of spinal disc, Heavy lifting, Stress, Family History Of Spondylosis, Sedentary lifestyle, Smoking. etc..

          By the degeneration of the cartilages and Disc, spurs or the abnormal growth which is called as the Osteophytes are form over the bones of spine. That overgrowth causes the narrowing of the interior of the spine where the spinal nerves exits. so there will be the compression  over the nerves occurs even if they are not large enough to directly pinch a nerve, bulging discs can cause local inflammation and cause the nerves in the spine to become more sensitive, increasing pain. Also, disc herniation can push on the ligaments in the spine and cause pain. 

What are the Symptoms ??
       Commonly spondylosis  shows with the symptoms similar to arthritis, there will be pain localized in the back or neck, Headache Cause by the the spondylosis in the neck (Cervical Spondylosis).  Stiffness, Pain in the shoulder or arm, Inability to fully turn the head or bend the neck, sometimes interfering with driving, Generally All the symptoms are aggravated in the morning and again at the end of the day, and can be relieved by rest.

What will be the complication of it ??
          If the Spondylosis is caused by the pressure on the spinal cord whuch may be known as the spinal stenosis, it can put pressure on spinal cord, which causes condition called cervical myelopathy, and the symptoms occurs in cervical spondylosis with cervical myelopathy are tingling, numbness in arms, legs, hand, legs or feet. Difficulty in walking , Muscle spasm, Lack of control over muscle contraction, Abnormal reflexes, Loss of control over bowel and bladder which may causes incontinence.
          Another possible complication of cervical spondylosis is cervical radiculopathy, when bone spurs press on nerves as they exit the bones of the spinal column. Pain shooting down into one or both arms is the most common symptom.

How it Can be Diagnosed ??
          It can be diagnosed by the history taking, Followed by Physical Examination, For the confirmation We can take x-ray , CT Scan and MRI.

How it will be treated ? (Allopathic Way)
          Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Chiropractic manipulation that can help to control episodes of more severe pain, Muscle relaxants, such as cyclobenzaprine, to treat muscle spasms. Steroid injections, such as prednisone, to reduce tissue inflammation and subsequently lessen pain.

How it will be treated ?? (Homoeopathic Way)
          There are so many homoeopathic remedies are available for the treatment of the cervical spondylosis. The Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial in controlling pain or stiffness in the neck, numbness or pricking in limbs and vertigo experienced as a result of Cervical Spondylosis.

Different remedies and their actions on Spondylosis: 

Rhus tox : Pain And stiffness in Neck and back which is relieved by motion.
Kalmia : Pain radiates to neck to shoulder. pains sticking, darting, pressing & shooting in downward direction.
Gelsemium: Complete relaxation & prostration of whole muscular system.
Bryonia: Stiffness of neck and back. < by motion, > by absolute rest and pressure.
Calc Carb: As if neck and back were paralyzed. Great debility. Pain almost  in 3 am.

These are some specific remedies for spondylosis, but remedy must be prescribed on base of full case study for cure.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Backache & Homoeopathy

     Backache is nowadays a common complaint that nearly anyone having it. Humans and animals have a one difference that is humans can walk on their feet when animals don’t! Due to that humans are more susceptible to backache. There are many reasons of backache, but most common is weight on back. Backache can occur due to congenital defect of spine, injury to spine, thrust on back, sprain, over lifting of weight, incorrectly position of sitting or sleeping, during menses, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, faulty posture etc. Backache mainly occurs due to problem in back bone, muscle or surrounding organs might be the cause. Backache is more common after 30 to 35 years of life but nowadays it is also seen in young people! In child who are malnourished or who having faulty posture, lack of exercise are more likely have backache in early life.

     With help of homoepathy on can get rid of backache, but prevention is better cure, right? So how one can prevent or avoid it? Here is few things that you should try-

1.You should exercise every day at least 15 to 20 minutes. Yoga is good for back. And yes heavy exercise should be avoid also.
2.You should walk at least 1 to 2 km.
3.You should sleep on hard bed rather than soft bed.
4.For ladies they should not wear shoes with high heels.
5.While driving, sitting you should sit straight.
6.You probably should avoid sleeping in faulty posture.

     So these were few points that can help one to avoid backache. If you are having backache then you need homoeopathic medicine. Yeah you can just take allopathic medicine like paracetamol, diclofenac etc. but they can cause gastric disturbances, and renal and hepatic damage etc. so anyways there quiet miraculous homoeopathic remedy that can remove backache in minutes!

Rhus tox: Causing due to too much summer bathing in river or lake, lying on damp wet ground or straining or spraining. Occurring between shoulders and small of the back. Pain with stiffness, pain on swallowing. Aggravated by sitting and lying. Ameliorates by motion or lying on something hard.

Kali Carb:  when there is backache one should probably think of kali carb. It is one suitable in pregnant ladies. There is severe backache during pregnancy, after miscarriage. There is great weakness. Small of back feels weak. Lumbago with sudden sharp pain extending up & down the back and runs to thighs. Pain is like pricking a sharp needle.

Bryonia Alba: Backache is worse from motion. Stitching pain in back. Especially suited for person having constipation. Pain relieved by absolute rest and pressure. Lying on back relieves pain.

Actaea Racemosa: More effective on spine. Rheumatism of upper part of spine & muscle of back. A very good medicine for muscular rheumatism. Sudden thrust on back due to heavy lifting causing severe pain in back. Cannot sit on left side.

Calc. Phos: Sphere of action of this medicine is on bones. Rheumatic pain. Stiffness of back. Aggravated by change of weather, by motion or exertion. Pain is relieves by rest and summer season.

Phytolacca: Right sided backache. There is intense backache and sore aching, bruised feeling all over body with restlessness. Pain flying like electric shocks, rapidly shifting, shooting. Back pain become worse at night and from motion.

Monday 8 May 2017

Can homoeopathy restore structural changes?

     In homoeopathy curing overgrowth of tissues to normal structure is very difficult and quiet controversial. Many homoeopaths believes that homoeopathic medicine cannot alter or reverse structural changes that occurs in tissue. And somewhat they are right. In some cases homeopathy has no or little hope for cure, some homeopaths are not agree with this. I would like to share a case even with structural changes can be restore to normal with help of homeopathy. Though, I am not going to mislead any young and fresh homeopaths to believe that they can cure ANY case with homeopathy, yes it is sad but, even homeopathy has some limits in pure surgical case, advanced malignancy, involved any vital organs etc.

     So I am going to share a case of Lipoma. Everybody know what Lipoma is? Right? Lipoma is simple overgrowth of fat in skin. They are hard and mobile under skin. They are not causing any pain pan it can cause inconvenient in day to day life. In allopathic mode of treatment they don’t have any medication so they recommends incision and removal with minor surgery. The cause of Lipoma is not known. Lipoma can be simple single node or multiple nodes. They can appear on any superficial part of body (under skin). In homoeopathy curing Lipoma is very difficult and demands time and patience. Sometimes it takes so much time that patient give up to taking medicines! Lipomas are sycotic, so they can be treat with anti-sycotic homeopathic medicines.

     There are some specific homeopathic medicines that help to treat Lipoma but, I would suggest to find similimum medicine. Because finding specific medicine on simple node is hard and you cannot prescribe any medicine on single symptom. And that would be just; overgrowth on skin! This is reason why some cases cannot be cure with homoeopath, because of lack of characteristic symptoms.

     Some time ago I case of node on neck of a child. He was about 11 year old boy. He had overgrowth fat tissue on right side of neck. Causing no pain. Size was about 1 to 1.5 inches and it was a single node. Diagnose was too easy. Child had no problem with this but his mother had. She thought it was the tumor as it was growing in size. Boy wasn’t treated with homoeopathy, his mother was a homoeopathic believer! She want to treat node with homoeopathy. Node was there since last year, it was first small and they came in to notice. He was treated with homeopathically in his village, and his node was resolved. But after few time it reappeared on same site.

     In boy’s appearance he was lean, thin and tall with dark complexion. He was poor in sport, but he was good in study. His appetite was good but cannot eat. There is nothing specific that he liked except spicy noodles. He refuse to eat routine food at home. Stool and urine was normal. He craves cold things that accomplished that he was hot patient. Tongue was clean and moist, became thirsty frequently, and generally drinks a glass at a time. When he sleeps he sleeps with mouth open. Cannot remember any dreams.

     About his mental generals, he was too shy. In school he did not fight with any other boy, even when he was angry. He likes to make new friends, new contacts but he did not approach them first. After long case study I gave him lycopodium 30C. In few days I get any results but after a month node shrank a little and gave me a little hope. And then I continued lycopodium 30C for few months and then started give him placebo. Within 6 months his node was 95% resolved and in few time latter it disappeared.

Saturday 29 April 2017

Leucorrhoea & Homoeopathy

     Leucorrhoea is one of the general diseases that occurs to female. Leucorrhoea is basically fungal or bacterial infection, but it can be very irritating to those female who having it. Before studying case here is few specific homoeopathic remedies that can help in leucorrhoea:

Ammonium Carb: Leucorrhoea is watery, acrid, profuse discharge from vagina with excoriation of vulva. There is cholera like diarrhea at beginning of menses.
Alumina: Leucorrhoea is acrid and profuse, running down to the heels which becomes worse during day and relieved by cold bathing.
Ambra Grisea: Discharge is thick, bluish white mucus like, especially or only at night. Sensation of coldness in stomach.
Arsenicum Album: Fastidious; she wants everything neat and clean. Mentally restless (as it is one the trio of restlessness). Leucorrhoea is excoriating the parts causing itching and burning.
Baryta Carb: Mentally & physically weak female. Dwindling of ovaries, mammary gland & yet lymphatic become enlarged & infiltrated. Whitish thick copious discharging leucorrhoea a week before menses. Scanty menses.
Calcarea Carb: THICK, YELLOW, PROFUSE & ACRID. Leucorrhoea causing itching and rawness in the vagina. Leucorrhoea occurs between menses. Menses too early, too profuse & too long lasting.
Calcarea Phos: Albumious & tenacious, acrid discharge like white of egg. Worse after menses or with sexual arousal.
Kreosotum: Leucorrhea is acrid, corrosive and offensive. Discharge is smells like green corn. Stiffens like starch, stains the linen yellow. It becomes worse between menses. Menes stops when she lying down.
Merc. Sol: There is acrid, burning, itching with rawness of vagina which is always worse at night. Pruritus which aggravates from contact of urine which must be washed off as she can’t bear.
Psorinum: Psorinum should not be taken without consulting homoeopath. It is king of anti-psoric remedies (Nosodes). There is lumpy clots which having intolerable bad smell. Pain in sacrum is violent. Leucorrhoea occurring during climaxes.
Sepia: Constitution with “tell-tale face”. Cannot bear smell of cooking, it makes her nauseate. Leucorrhoea is acrid and causing itching in vagina. Irregular menses.

     So, these were few remedies that can helps with leucorrhoea. Now let’s see a case of leucorrhea. A 25 year old female was having leucorrhoea since 2 months. She came to me and she said I only trust homoeopathic medicines don’t give me allopathic medicine. And then I asked why did you take so much time to consult a doctor? She replied I am new here and I didn’t know any homoeopathic clinic here.

     She said she had leucorrhoea which is itchy & causing burning. Discharge is acrid and copious. Smells bad. Leucorrhoea was relieved by seating and becomes worse by walking. She had typical type of tongue; mapped tongue. In her past history she had caesarian section 4 to 5 months ago and having history of renal stone. On my point of view patient was psoric. About her thermal was hot, as she craves cold. She like spiced and salted food. She is thirst less one. And after few hours of case taking I prescribed her Natrum Mur 200C. After a week her leucorrhoea was cured.

Friday 28 April 2017

First Aid With Homoeopathy

           Well some people are thinking that homoeopathy is slow acting medicine, so they are not using homoeopathic remedies as the first aid medicines.
            But today we are about to learn first aiding with homoeopathic remedies, how to use, when to use, and which potency to be used in some emergencies.
            Every home needs this homoeopathic first aid box for some medical emergencies, which will be helpful in some minor illness and some emergency conditions.
            These Homoeopatic remedies are to be stored in a wooden box or it should be stored at a dry, clean place, And there is no direct sunlight on it. These medicines or the box should be away form from perfumes or strong adores.

Aconite 6 -  In the begining of each disease, Sudden fever, cold , headache etc,.

Arnica 30 -  Arnica is the first remedy to be thought for an accident victim. It will relieve pain, stops bleeding, it promotes healing. it also relieves Swelling from sprains.
       [ Do not apply Arnica topically to open wounds instead apply Calendula Cream topically and take Arnica Orally in potency for these kinds of injuries. ]

Arsencum Album 6 - Food poisoning or Food Allergies, Especially  to milk, sugar, wheat, Ice cream, gastritis, Acidity. Prone to allergies and the toxic effects of pesticides, chemicals, multiple chemical sensitivities.

Apis 6 - Homoeopathic Anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine. It is the remedy for Stinging. It is used in emergency situations like bee stings, Venomous snake bites or poisonous spider bites.

Balladonna 6 -  Fever, headache, Any Pain, Cold-cough, Mumps, Redness of Face, etc.

Bryonia 30 - Headache, Body-ache with fever, Constipation, Dry Cough, Chest pain from Bronchial Cough.

Calandula 30 - Any kind of Injury, Cuts, Lacerated Wounds, It diminishes inflammation, suppuration, and controls bleeding.

Cantharis 30 - Burns, Heals the Burn wound faster. Burning in urination. Burning Pains.

Cocculus 6 - For Nausea and vomiting by riding in car or carriage. Car sickness.  

Carboveg 6 -  Gas, Farting, Bloating Heaviness of abdomen.

Chamomilla 6  - Distress of teething children, Painful Or difficult dentition.

Colocynthis 6 - Abdominal Pain, Cramps During menstruation, 

China 30 - Indigestion, Weakness, Jaundice, Weakness after loss of vital fluids e.g. Vomiting, Loose motions, Hemorrhage, Sweating, etc.  Distension Of abdomen, Burping and discomfort, 

Glonoin 30 -  Congestive Headache, Heat stroke or sun stroke. 

Hepar Sulph 30- Boils, Ulcers, Pustules, Swelling Of glands, Inflammation with purulent discharge, Abscesses, Earache that has thick Yellow Discharge.

Hypericum 30- Injury By Pointed things like pin, knife, Scissor, Injury At the parts which are rich in nerves, like Finger or toes.

Ipecac 6 - Nausea, Vomiting , Bronchial cough, Colic With Nausea, Giddiness, Profuse Salivation, Epistexis, 

Lycopodium 6- Heaviness of abdomen, Abdominal Discomfort, Gas, Generalized Swelling. Red Sand in urine. 

Natrum Mur 30-  Cold, Coryza, Running Nose, Headache, 

Nux Vomica 30- All Kind of abdominal discomfort, and pains. All kind of GI Disturbances.

Merc Sol. 6 -  Colitis, Continued Loose motions, Dysentry, Mucoid Stool, Bleeding in Stool, Stomatitis, Bleeding Gums,

Pulsatilla 30 - Women Best Friendly remedy, All kind Of female troubles, Menstrual troubles, leucorrhoea, menstrual cramps, Steye,  earache, weepiness, Changable mood.  

Rhus tox 30- Body ache, gouty pain, joint pains, stiffness of joints and muscles, arthritis, 

Ruta 30 - Strains, tendons, ligaments and cartilages, bone injury, Dislocation.

Sulphur 30 - All kind of skin affections, Eczema, irruptions, itching, Boils, pustules, meculer irruption, scaling of skin, watery discharge from skin irruption, burning Pain, Offensive Discharge. 

Spongia tosta  30 - Barking Cough, Dry cough, Dryness in nose, throat and chest.

Silicea 30 - Boils, Abscess, Promotes of rejection of thorns or glass, splinters.

Arnica Q or Ointment-  Any kind of swelling by injury, Trauma, pain, swelling, Bruising, Inflammation, Sprains. 

Calandula Q or Ointment - Best antiseptic remedy, Great healer of wounds, cuts, bleeding, it diminsh inflammation, suppuration an stops bleeding.

            These all medicines have also other symptoms, and they also works for other medical conditions too. These all remedies are used as first aid only, Please consult your health care practitioner for any serious condition or if you need a diagnosis.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Treat Female Infertility with Homoeopathy

 When people are dealing with infertility they goes for possible harmless way, and homoeopathy is one of them. Infertility can be both side male and female. Female causes of infertility can be many but mostly are of two kinds: structural abnormalities and hormonal imbalances.
     The first kind can be helped with homeopathic medicine but not all cases will resolve in a pregnancy, the second type can definitely be helped by homeopathy and women with hormonal imbalances restore fertility within a few cycles leading usually to healthy pregnancies.
     Everyone person is different, so specific homeopathic treatment is advised to restore fertility.
     During homeopathic treatment to restore fertility many aspects of your menstrual cycle are taken into consideration, for example the lengths of your cycle is very important, the type of menstrual bleeding (bright red, dark red, clotted), the premenstrual discomforts like cravings, headaches, lower back pain, pelvic pain, etc. The mental and emotional changes that women experience during the premenstrual period should also be investigated by a homeopathic practitioner to help deal with hormonal fluctuations and imbalances. Homeopathic medicine can help restore fertility when followed in conjunction with a healthy diet low in animal fats and high in fiber from legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Homoeopathic remedies can help restore fertility caused by endometriosis:
Nux-vomica: Very irritable. Menses are irregular, too early and last too long. The blood can be dark with fainting spells. Metrorrhagia (abnormal menstrual bleeding) with sensation of passing stool. Irritable bladder.
Medorrhinum: For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Itchy white vaginal discharge that smells like fish. Sterility, endometriosis, intense menstrual colicky pains. Warts on genitals, ovarian pain worse on the left side or that goes from one ovary to the other. Menses have an offensive odor and are dark. Ailments after suppressed gonorrhea.
Lachesis: Left ovary very painful and swollen (cysts). Swollen, burning uterus. Pain relieved by menstrual flow. PMS with inflamed and swollen breasts. This remedy works well when one dose is given at the beginning of the menses. Worse from suppressed menses caused by birth control pill or other hormonal therapies.
Pulsatilla: Weepy and moody before period. Cramping painful periods with cramps before period arrives. Nausea, vomiting before periods aggravated by eating fatty foods. Bloating feeling, swollen breasts and back pain before period. Weight gain before menses.
Sepia: Great constitutional remedy that fits well a picture of hormonal imbalance in women that are over worked and have sluggish constitution, due to a weak liver, pancreas and spleen. This remedy is excellent in restore fertility after birth control, miscarriages, abortions and pregnancy.
Cramps before period with a dragging sensation as if the uterus would fall out. For this reason, they tend to cross their legs and suffer from poor circulation to the uterus and pelvic region. They feel tired and rather sit and do nothing but when they move around they feel better and actually tend to like dancing and activity.
They also suffer from recurrent yeast infections with itchy, burning white, yellow-green discharges. They are worse after intercourse and dread having sex because it can be painful or they feel exhausted afterward. Violent stitching pains going upwards in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus. Pain in left inguinal region extending to the back.
Kali carb: Severe back pain with menstrual cramps.
Calcarea carb: Painful uterus during periods. Heavy periods. Tendency to gain weight and difficulty losing weight. Hypothyroid. Painful swollen breasts with bloating feeling before menses. Fear about one's health.

Fibroids, Cysts and Polyps:
Bufo rana: Burning in ovaries and uterus. Tumors and polyps of uterus.
Thuja occidentalis: Warts on vulva and perineum. Vaginal discharge is profuse, thick and green in color. Severe pain in the left ovary and left inguinal region. Menses are scanty and late. Polypi and fleshy growths. Profuse perspiration before menses. Ailments from vaccinations.
Helonias: Very tired women with a weight and a dragging sensation in the uterus with tendency to prolapse especially after miscarriages. Back pain after miscarriages. Malposition of the uterus. This is a great remedy for infertility. The woman is very conscious of the womb. Itchy vagina and vulva with white discharges. Constant pain over the kidneys. Diabetes mellitus and insipidus.
Ignatia: Hysteria, sobbing, and grief.
Phosphorus: Metrititis. Menses too early and too scanty, lasting too long with hemorrhages from the uterus between periods. White discharges that are burning and come instead of menses. Uterine polyps and amenorrhea with bleeding in other parts of the body (nose bleeds).
Calcarea carb: This remedy helps for women that are very concerned about their health and develop infertility. Menses too early, too profuse, too long. Uterine polyps and sterility with heavy menstrual flow and cutting pain in the uterus during menses. Swollen breasts before menses. This is a great remedy to restore fertility.
Calcarea fluor: (Biochemic preparation) Indurations and tumors of the uterus and ovaries. Best taken as a tissue salts for 3-6 months.
Thlaspi bursa pastoris: Hemorrhages from uterine fibroids with aching in the back and a general bruised feeling. Heavy cots during uterine cramps. Bleeding between periods. Menses are too frequent and heavy. Every other period is very heavy. This remedy is suitable for women who have difficulty recovering from a period before another begins.
Trillium pendulum: This remedy is great for women who suffer from anemia and feel dizzy. There are uterine hemorrhages from fibroids with cramp-like pains and a sensation of broken hips. This remedy has also a great use for threatened miscarriages with gushing of bright blood on the least movement.
Ustilago: Flabby conditions of the uterus with hemorrhages. Uterus becomes hypertrophied, the cervix bleeds easily, ovaries burn and become swollen. Profuse menses after miscarriage. Blood flow can be clotted forming long black strings.
Secale: Threatened abortions about the third month. Brown discharges. Menses irregular, heavy dark flow. Burning pain in the uterus. Hemorrhages. Menstrual colic.
Viburnum: Often used to prevent miscarriages and aids in false labor-pains. This is a remedy for cramps and colicky pains in the pelvic region. Menses are too late and when they come they are scanty and last for a few hours. Bearing down pains before menses. Ovarian region feels heavy and congested. Aching in sacral area extending to the front of the thighs. Frequent miscarriage early on during a pregnancy may be due to luteal phase defect. This remedy can help restore fertility in some cases.
Cimicifuga: Profuse dark menses. Pain in ovaries and amenorrhea (absent menses). Hormonal acne. Pains immediately before menses which are profuse, offensive, dark coagulated blood with backache.
Caulophyllum: Weak uterus, painful small joints and thrush. The cervix is very rigid. False labor and failure to progress during labor. Needle-like pains in the cervix. Painful periods with pains flying to other parts of the body.
Platina: Ovaritis with sterility. This remedy can restore fertility in cases where there is increase sexual desire. Vaginismus and itchy vagina. Menses too early, too profuse, dark clotted with spasms and bearing down pains.

Polycystic Ovarian Diseases:
Lilium tigrinum: Pathological conditions of uterus and ovaries. This remedy can restore fertility in cases of congestion and ante-version of uterus with bearing down sensation. Early, scanty, dark clotted menses with the flow only when moving about.
Agnus castus: Scanty menses, sterility, transparent discharges often staining yellow. Nervous palpitations with recurrent nose bleeds. Lowered sex drive.

Ovaries Affections:
Homeopathic remedies that have an affinity with the ovaries and should be selected based on your most similar characteristic symptoms in order to restore fertility.

Apis mellifica: This remedy helps is cases of ovaritis or ovarian inflammation which is worse on the right side with soreness and stinging pains. Painful menses with severe ovarian pains. Great tenderness of uterine region. It can help treat ovarian cysts.
Secale: Indicated for women that suffer from menstrual colic worse right ovary with dark and irregular menses with brown discharges during the entire cycle. It is indicated when there is continuing watery blood discharges until the next period. Never been well since a miscarriage or pregnancy.
Baryta muriatica: This remedy can restore fertility in cases of underdeveloped ovaries.
Lachesis: Left ovary very painful and swollen (cysts). Swollen, burning uterus. Pain relieved by menstrual flow. PMS with inflamed and swollen breasts. This remedy works well when one dose is given at the beginning of the menses. Worse from suppressed menses caused by birth control pill or other hormonal therapies.
Colocynthis: Boring pain in left ovary. Round, small cysts in the ovaries or broad ligaments. Painful menses with bearing down cramps which are better by bending double.
Lycopodium: Menses too late, last too long and are too profuse. Right ovarian pain. Burning vaginal discharge. Painful intercourse.
Borax: Vaginal discharges like egg white with sensation as if warm water was flowing. This remedy favors easy conception and it is well indicated in resilient cases of vaginal yeast.
Bryonia: Menses too early, too profuse worse motion. Stitching pain in ovaries especially the right ovary extending to the thighs. Pain in the breasts at menstrual period. Frequent bleeding of nose at the appearance of period. Inflammation of the ovaries and pain around ovulation.
Palladium: Right ovarian pain due to indurations, swelling or cysts, ameliorated by rubbing, pressure or bending the legs. Cutting pain in the uterus better after stool.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Case of Blackish Eruption

             About a year ago I treated a case of blackish eruptions that I would like to share today.
            I was reading some old case for study and then Prakash showed up as patient. When he entered in to my consulting room I looked at him and ask him ‘how are you?’ He said that he was fine but an eruption was troubling him for long time. He had tried so many medicines (obviously allopathic medicines!) without any satisfactory results. After so many efforts his friend gave him advice to try homoeopathic medicines. So he asked me “can you really cure these eruption?” and then I replied positively. That was some chitchat before took his whole case because it is very important to be familiar with you patient in order to get all the history from patient.
                He was having a blackish eruption on both legs (below knee). Those eruption was too itchy especially at night, and that was occurring since 6 months. Eruptions were appearing and disappearing after few days. That means old eruptions were disappearing and new one on new site take its place. On beginning eruptions were reddish in color but in a day or two it turns in to dark (blackish) in color. Eruptions were round in shape about 2 to 3 inches in diameter, some of them were small too. He said scratching them gave him some relieve in itching but afterwards its burns and smarts and even bleed sometimes. I asked besides scratching what relieved itching? He replied that he has to take bath especially with hot water. Whenever he bath his itching was relieved. That was then because now it was spreading on hands (below elbow). On my observation his skin was too dirty, probably lack of cleanliness (which was true). I also asked which limb was first to affect? He replied it was left.
                I asked about its origin and he told me it was began on left foot with small eruption, first he neglected but when it was spread then it became issue. I asked was there any history or event that occur before this. He said yes doctor there was an accident! He said about 7 months ago he was going to wine shop on foot and a dog bite him on left leg! Wound was not too deep.  First his wound was treated by local allopathic physician, and then he too vaccination (for rabies) from government hospital.
                Before dog bite there was small abscess with pus, and he was taking antibiotic for that. And then I asked him “was time difference between dog bite and these blackish eruptions.” He replied it was about a month.
                Then I began to collect other symptoms to make totality. I asked how his sleep was. He said on beginning it is hard to fall asleep because of itching and then it was fine. I asked about his dreams. He replied with slow voice he was dreaming having sex with other girl. His original word was “ganda” (means bad). Appetite was good, he always hungry at midnight 2-3 AM. And can’t tolerate his hunger. His thirst was good, he drinks lots of water about 8-9 glasses, even at night also he drinks 2-3 glasses of water. He was hot patient.
               In his history he was alcoholic. On very first his first asked me does homoeopathy works after drinking alcohol? His father had operation on valve of heart and mother had hypertension. He was young (24years) but still alcoholic and for few time he had hypertension. And he also had liver abscess few years ago. He was very chat friendly fellow. His parents don’t know about alcohol, he sometimes fear that they will know. He was very impatient and rowdy.
              One thing about his mantle was very striking, he said he was becoming dog!!! (Of course mentally!) He said he was becoming more irritable after dog bite.
             So that was the case, but first I had to give him sulphur, because he had taken lots of medicine before coming to me so there was a miasmatic block which needs to removed and sulphur done the trick. I first gave him sulphur and asked him to come after 15 days. And then I gave him Lachesis 200 for a week. After week he was feeling lot more better both mentally and physically, after few days his eruptions were disappearing from hands and then from legs! Even his desire to drink alcohol was decreased.
                So this was a case, hope you like it, please comment if you have query.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Understanding Kalium Group

Muscles (esp. Cardiac), Nerves (esp. Vagus nerve), Gastro-intestinal tract, Skin, hair, mucous membrane, glands, bones and respiratory system.

Built: Heavily built, Stout and robust, prone to gain weight and having premature old look.
Thermal reaction: According to Gibson Miller, most of the Kalis are Chilly (except Kali-iod).

MENTAL GENERALS: Evolution of Kali Personality.

Kali as Child:

The above flow chart shows that the core feeling responsible for the Kali pathology is the "Need for Relationship & Harmony and Dependence on the Relationship". These two are solely responsible for carving and evolution of Kali personality. Owing to his need Kali person gets attached to his family and later emerges as two different poles of behaviorism depending on his family upbringing.
If the Kali child grows in a well-to-do family his dependency takes the form of pampering and he becomes timid and self-centered person. But if the child grows up in want of resources he learns the importance of money, hence the rubric Fear poverty, of. He also learns to take responsibility at an early age. Thus Kali grows out to be a conscientious, reliable and reserved person.
Kali has the attachment to his family in such measure that most of his fears and delusions are formed on its base.

Kali as an Adult:

As an adult, this core feeling of Need of Relationship develops in Kali an inner insecurity leading to vulnerability. This makes the patient anxious with a desire for company. In contrast, Natrum needs one person and Magnesium needs one mother for nourishment whereas Kalium needs a family and Calcarea a home. He needs much greater security than Natrum, security not balanced by one to one relationship; he needs the family or a group of family. They feel tremendous anxiety without them. If anyone disturbs the relationship, the Kalium person gets quite fearful and out of that fear, can get quite aggressive. This aggressiveness is restricted to the family, hence the rubrics, Quarrels with family; Company, desire for, treats them outrageously; Harsh, with his family & children; Quarrels with his bread and butter.

Breaking off of the relationship produces in him Disappointment of love; the patient may try to cope up with it by suppressing his emotions, detaching himself or takes the religious route.

The dreams of Kali patient also revolves around his family or his anxiety.

The key feature of Kali salts is debility and weakness; paresis and paralyzing action of muscles also leads to constipation and difficult labor.

Character of pain: Pulling, shifting, stitching or sharp and drawing pains.
Discharge: Copious, thick, tough, non-offensive and yellowish-green.
Desires: Sweet.
Aversion: Meat.
Aggravation: touch, coition, exertion, during menses, 2 to 4 a.m.
Amelioration: movement, leaning forward, eating, motion etc.

MIASMATIC BACKGROUND:  The different salts of Kali group cover different miasms but predominantly they are of syphilitic background.

CLINICAL CONDITIONS: Anemia, edema, sinusitis, asthma, cough-cold, whooping cough, affections of heart, liver, stomach & abdominal disorders, rheumatic affections, spinal affections, sciatica, backache, ulcer, urinary problems, uterine affections, vertigo, etc.

ઉનાળું અને હોમિયોપથી (Homoeopathy In Gujarati)

             મે  મહિનાની અકળાવતી ગરમી,   બપોર ના બળતો તડકો પરસેવા થી રેબઝેબ કરી નાખે ગરમી,   તાપ થી બચવા પંખાની હવા ખાવા બેસી જઇયે અને ફ્રીજ નું ઠંડુ પાણી ગટગટાવી જઇયે...! રાત્રે ઠંડો પવન-વરસાદ, તેની હવા લાગે, ભીંજાય જવાય અને બીજે દિવસે સવારે ઉઠતા શરદી , તાવ અને છાતી માં કફ ને ઉધરસ અને માથું  દુખાવાથી ફાટી જતું હોય, જીભ હોઠ સુકાતા હોય, ઠંડા પાણી ની તીવ્ર ઈચ્છા થતી હોય, હાથ પગ માં દુખાવો હોય અને કબજિયાત હેરાન કરી ચુકે તો  બ્રાયોનિયા 30 (Bryonia Alba.)લેવી...

              વૈશાખના વાયરા-એટલે રોગ ના વાયરા, કેરીના , તરબૂચના, આઈસ્ક્રીમના, ઠંડા પીણાં ને લગ્નના વાયરા આ બધા પછી Food Poisoning  અથવા ગેસ્ટ્રો ના વાયરા આ બધું ખાવા -પીવાથી ઝાડા-ઉલટી થઈ પડે,  ચડી આવે, કે મલેરિયા,  , કે ટાઇફોઇડ થઈ જાય જાય તો આર્સેનિક (Ars. Alb. ) 6 ને  રાખજો ...  

                 ધખધખતો  તડકો,  માથું ફાટી જાય, ગરમી થી ચક્કર-મોળ આવે, લૂ લાગી જાય, ઓચિંતો તાવ નો પારો ચઢી જાય.  મોઢું-આંખ લાલચોળ થઈ જાય ,  ક્યારેક દર્દી તાવ સાથે બળબળાટ કરે, શરદી , છીકો, માથાનો દુખાવો થાય ત્યારે પ્રાથમિક દવા બેલેડોના(Belladonna) 6 લઈ લેવી , તમને જરૂર ઉગારી લેશે ...

                 ગરમીના કારણે ઝાડા થાય. સાથે પરુ (Mucus) અથવા લોહી પડે. ઝાડા ઉપરાંત પેટ માં  ચૂંક આવે, પેટ માં બળતરા થાય, મરડાના (Dysentery) લક્ષણો હોય તો મર્ક સોલ (Merc. Sol.) 6 તમને તરત  સાજા કરી દેશે. 

                    આકરા તાપના દિવસો માં રંગ-રંગના પીણા, આઈસ્ક્રીમ , બજારુ ખોરાક ખાઈએ અને તેમાં નો જો એક રંગ આપણને પકડી લે- તો ક્યારેક મચ્છરો આ રોગ ને ફેલાવે ને "રંગ દે બસંતી ચોલા-" જેમ આપણા શરીર ને પીળા રંગ થી રંગી દે તેનું નામ કમળો (Viral Hepatitis) ! કોઈ પણ જાતનો કમળો થાય તો તરત જ લઈ લેજો ચેલીડોનિયમ (Chelidonium) 30 

                    હવામાં ઊડતા દુષિત તત્વો શરીર માં પ્રવેશે અને ચર્મ રોગ ઉત્પન્ન કરે, ગરમી ના કારણે શરીર પાર અળાઈ(Rash), શીળશ (Urticaria), હરપીશ (Herpes),ફોડલાં (Blisters), ગુમડાં (Boils) થઇ આવે. કેરી ખાવાથી પણ ગુમડાં  ફૂટી નીકળે। કેન દુખાવામાં લબકારા મારે, ગુમડા ફૂટતાં ન હોય અથવા ગરમી માં ઠંડાપીણા પીવાથી ગળા ની  તકલીફો થતી હોય, ટોન્સિલ પાકતા હોય તો પછી રાહ કોની જોવી। બોલાવો હિપર સલ્ફર (Hepar Sulph.) 30

                   ગરમીનો તાપ અકળાવે, ઠંડા પીણા, આઈસ્ક્રીમ, મીઠાઈની મોજ ઉડાવે અને પછી અકળાવે અસ્થમા(Asthma) . અરામી ને કારણે જરા ચાલવું પડે, શ્રમ કરવો પડે તો ઉપડી પડે ડેમ, શરીરે ઠંડો પરસેવો વળી જાય, રાત્રે સુઈ ના શકાય, ગભરામણ થાય તો કોઈ તો 'નમાઝ' પડે તેવી રીતે સુઈ શકે. અને જેને ખાસ ઉનાળામાં જ ડેમ થતો હોય તો લઈ લેજો એક ડોઝ 'સીફીલીનમ  (Siphilinum) 200' નો.. !

Thursday 13 April 2017


Here is some tip for summer season:

☀Mental Depression in Summer – Gels

☀Vertigo in Summer – Psorinum, Phos

☀Conjunctivitis in summer (granular) – Sepia

☀Headache in summer – Nat Carb, Glonoine

☀Coryza in Summer – Gels

☀Cold/coryza with diarrhoea in Summer – Dulcamera

☀Pimples in Summer – Muriatic acid

☀Freckles < in Summer – Sulphur

☀Rough face after exposure to sun – Kalmia

☀Toothache in summer – Ant crud

☀Stomach complaints in summer – Gujacum

☀Colitis in Summer – Vaccininum

☀Constipation in Summer – Bryonia

☀Periodical Diarrhoea in every Summer – Kali Bich

☀Dysentry in Summer – Kali Bich

☀Diarrhoea after taking cold drinks in Summer – Nux Mos

☀Diarrhoea after taking cold food in summer – Acid Phos

☀Asthma after taking cold in summer – Ars Alb

☀Asthma in Summer – Syphillinum

☀General respiratory and laryngeal complaints in summer – Argentum Nit

☀Summer Cough: Sang Can

☀Burning Soles in Summer – Vespa

☀Restless Sleep in Summer – Ferrum picric

☀Weakness and sleepiness due to heat of summer – Cornus Circinatus.

☀Fever in summer – Capsicum

☀Cracked skin < in summer – Coccus Cacti

☀Jaundice in summer – Chionanthus

☀Pimples in summer – Bovista

☀Skin Eruptions in Summer – Kali Bich

☀Convulsions in every summer: Stramonium

☀Fainting of school children (and adults) in summer due to exposure to sun: Ant Crud

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Homoepathic Treatment For Baldness

Some important homeopathic medicines that help in treatment of baldness-

1. Fluoric acid:

– Alopecia, tendency to develop alopecia in families

– Alopecia aerata

– Brittle hair

– Idiopathic hair fall

– Hair falls in spots, vertex baldness

– Hair tangles easily

– Buoyant attitude towards life

– Extreme irritability and anger

– All complaints aggravated by warmth and better by cold application etc

2. Phosphoric acid:

– Any sort of grief leading to hair fall

– Takes stress easily

– Early graying of hair (sometimes in childhood)

– Progressive thinning of hair

– Difficult comprehension of things

– Long-standing effects of mental agony and patient lives in the state of shock for long

– Extreme debility

– Craves juicy things

3. Phosphorus:

– Patchy baldness

– Dryness of hair and scalp, itchy scalp, dandruff

– Hair fall in handfuls while combing

– Alopecia aerata

– Frontal baldness

– Thin physique, long fingers, high cheek bones

– Weakness with excess emotional vulnerability and impressionability

– Extremely sympathetic persons who go out-of-the-way to help others

– Hair fall after any hemorrhagic disorder

– Scurvy

– Fearful when alone

– Better in company

4. Graphites:

– Hair fall on sides

– Patchy baldness

– Itchy, humid eruptions on scalp that emit fetid odor

– Constipation associated with hair fall

– Chilly, fat patient with tendency to develop one or the other skin problems

– Menopausal hair fall

5. Mezereum:

– hair stick together

– fall in handfuls

– crusty eruptions on scalp leading to hair fall

– itchy scalp, dandruff

– psoriasis affecting scalp leading to hair fall

– sensitive to cold air, skin rashes, eruptions, crusts below which is yellow purulent matter

6. Sepia:

– Baldness menopausal

– Hair fall after delivery of the child with mental depression, leading to indifference later on

– Hair pains when touched because of extremely sensitive hair roots

– Irritability increased, with snappish attitude

– Pimply eruptions near the hairline on forehead

7. Silica:

– Baldness in young people

– Hair fall in frontal and forehead region

– Early graying of hair

– Chilly with excessively sweaty cold palms

– Nervous and anxious disposition

– Mild types

– Fixed ideas, highly impressionable

The above given are thus some of the most widely required drugs for the different hair problems. Apart from them, Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Natrum mur, Selenium, Lachesis (typical pregnancy hair fall), Merc sol, Kali carb, Lycopodium, Borax, etc are some other important drugs. Finally the necessity to figure out the exact constitutional remedy is the crux of long-term positive result in cases of hair fall and baldness!

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Get Fair Skin In Homeopathy (In Hindi)

आर्सेनिक एल्ब 3, 6- डॉ० शंकरन के अनुसार जबकि त्वचा के काले पड़ने का कोई स्पष्ट कारण समझ में नहीं आये तो यह दवा देने से त्वचा का रंग ठीक हो जाता है

लैकेसिस 1M- त्वचा पर काले-काले दाग हों जो बॉयी तरफ से बैंगनी रंग के साथ प्रारम्भ हों तो इस दवा की प्रत्येक 15 दिन के अन्तर से एक मात्रा देने से लाभ होता है

कोलोफाइलम 30– डॉ० हेलमेथ का कहना है कि यदि स्त्रियों के चेहरे की त्वचा का रंग अनियमित मासिक स्राव की वजह से बदल जाये तो इस दवा को देना चाहिये

रसटॉक्स 200- नाई से दाढ़ी बनवाने के बाद त्वचा पर किसी भी तरह के उद्भेद हो जायें तो यह दवा लाभ करती है

सासपैरिला 200- डॉ० घोष के अनुसार यदि किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर पर वृद्धों की भाँति झुर्रियाँ (सिलवटें) पड़ जायें तो यह दवा देनी चाहिये।

काली स्त्रियो का उपचार यदि कोई स्त्री अत्यधिक काली त्वचा तथा काले बालों वाली हो तो उसे आयोडम 1x की एक मात्रा प्रति रात्रि दें- इस प्रकार कुल सात दिनों तक दें और फिर दवा बन्द कर दें इसके बाद नम्नलिखित मलहम बनाकर लगायें:

बबॅरिस एक्वा, जिंक ऑक्सी, कैलेण्डुला, ओलियम सेन्टल- सभी दवाओं के मूल अकों को समान मात्रा में लेकर मिला लें फिर इस मिश्रण को पेट्रोलियम जैली वैसलीन में मिलाकर मरहम-सा बनाकर रख लें फिर प्रतिदिन सुबह नहाने से पहले इस मरहम को सम्पूर्ण त्वचा पर रगड़-रगड़ कर लगायें इस प्रकार प्रयोग करने से त्वचा थोड़ी और अधिक काली हो जायेगी परन्तु धीरे-धीरे त्वचा में स्निग्धता और चमक आने लगेगी और त्वचा गोरी हो जायेगी परन्तु मलहम का नियमित प्रयोग किया जाना आवश्यक है से कच्चे दूध में पिसी हुई मुलतानी मिट्टी तथा हल्दी मिलाकर त्वचा पर लगाये और आधा घण्टे बाद धो दे इस प्रकार कई रात्रियों तक लगाना चाहिये दिन में कई बार सौंफ चबाना भी लाभप्रद है

Monday 10 April 2017

Emotional causes

Emotional causes in infants
(New born to 2 years of age)

NB: In this age commonest cause is vaccination

  1. Mother who used to be with her child for 3-4 months resumes for her office
  2. Child was kept away from mother cause mother falls sick
  3. Fights between parents
  4. Mother being beaten
  5. Interruption in feeds
  6. Child was frighten by seeing dog/cat/darkness
  7. Fall
  8. Hit by mother
  9. New born sibling in the house

Emotional causes in school going children

  1. Punishment in school
  2. Loosing rank in class
  3. Disturbance from friends
  4. Humiliation in class
  5. Parents strictness
  6. Parents  Quarrels
  7. Missing working parents
  8. Failing in studies
  9. Sports activity failure-not being selected for team, disappointment in cultural activity
  10. Sexual abuse

Emotional causes in Collage students

  1. Problem with friends
  2. Infatuation with opposite sex
  3. Disappointment in love
  4. Failure in studies
  5. Complex about money and status
  6. Abuse (Use to bad effect or for a bad purpose. Or treat with cruelty or violence. Assault sexually. Address in an insulting and offensive way )

Emotional causes in Middle age/ working age

  1. Financial embarrassments
  2. Social embarrassments
  3. Working place problems-injustice/working against his will/ abuse
  4. Family disharmony
  5. Personal-extra marital affairs/own or spouse
  6. Loss of ambition

Emotional causes in Old age

  1. Retirements hues
  2. Neglected feeling
  3. Insults
  4. Useless feeling
Monetary tension (of or relating to money or currency)