In my daily
practice I had seen that many cases have clear therapeutic indications, which
are very important in acute cases as well as chronic cases. So, in my opinion a
physician must have knowledge of therapeutic indication in cases. In chronic
cases also, physician must focus on his recent complain of chronic case first,
and then he can approach different medicine according to case. Now trios, which
are given by our mentors, are very useful in acute & chronic cases. These
are medicine which having similar indication yet having differential symptoms.
Here some trios of medicines with their differential symptoms, which may help
in clinical cases.
Trio of thirstlessness:
Apis Melifica: Thirstlessness especially during dropsy, with burning micturition.
Desire for cold milk
Trio of thirstlessness:
Apis Melifica: Thirstlessness especially during dropsy, with burning micturition.
Desire for cold milk
Thirstlessness with dry white coated tongue.
Drinks often & little at a time which provokes vomiting.
Bad taste in mouth.
Drinks often & little at a time which provokes vomiting.
Bad taste in mouth.
Aethusa Cynapium: Complete
absence of thirst
Intolerance of milk; all complaints worse after drinking milk.
Trio of pain:
Chamomilla: Intolerable pain with numbness of affected parts.
Over sensitiveness
great debility as soon as pain begins < from heat.
Intolerance of milk; all complaints worse after drinking milk.
Trio of pain:
Chamomilla: Intolerable pain with numbness of affected parts.
Over sensitiveness
great debility as soon as pain begins < from heat.
Aconite: Acute
sudden & violent invasion
scream with pain, intolerable, drive him crazy with restlessness.
scream with pain, intolerable, drive him crazy with restlessness.
Coffea Cruda:
great sensitiveness to pain & pain seems almost insupportable, driving patient to despair.
Pain with insomnia.
Trio of croup:
Aconite: Hoarse, dry croupy cough.
Dry hacking cough worse at night & after midnight.
Loud labored breathing, shortness of breath.
Oppressed breathing on least motion.
great sensitiveness to pain & pain seems almost insupportable, driving patient to despair.
Pain with insomnia.
Trio of croup:
Aconite: Hoarse, dry croupy cough.
Dry hacking cough worse at night & after midnight.
Loud labored breathing, shortness of breath.
Oppressed breathing on least motion.
Spongia: Croup
worse during inspiration & before midnight.
Feeling of plug in larynx, cough after eating or drinking warm things.
Awakes in fright; feels as if suffocating.
Feeling of plug in larynx, cough after eating or drinking warm things.
Awakes in fright; feels as if suffocating.
Hepar Sulph: Croup
with loose, rattling cough.
Cough excited whenever any part of body gets cold or uncovered.
Chocking cough.
Cough excited whenever any part of body gets cold or uncovered.
Chocking cough.
Trio of restlessness:
Arsenic album: Mental restlessness but physically too weak & exhausted to move about.
Restlessness with great prostration.
Sinking of strength out of proportional to degree of illness.
Arsenic album: Mental restlessness but physically too weak & exhausted to move about.
Restlessness with great prostration.
Sinking of strength out of proportional to degree of illness.
Aconite: Restless
with intense nervousness; can’t remain in one place.
He is full of energy , vigor & strength; as such moves frequently.
He is full of energy , vigor & strength; as such moves frequently.
Rhus toxicodendron: Can’t
stay in one place. Must change position frequently to obtain relief from pain.
Great rigidity , stiffness & lameness.
Pain on 1st moving the joint after rest or on waking up in morning; > by waking / Continued motion.
Great rigidity , stiffness & lameness.
Pain on 1st moving the joint after rest or on waking up in morning; > by waking / Continued motion.
Trio of flatulence:
Lycopodium: Accumulation of gas & flatulence in lower abdomen with loud grumbling, croaking.
Rolling of flatus as through fermentation was going on.
Not > by passing flatus & eructation,
Belching always sour & acrid.
Lycopodium: Accumulation of gas & flatulence in lower abdomen with loud grumbling, croaking.
Rolling of flatus as through fermentation was going on.
Not > by passing flatus & eructation,
Belching always sour & acrid.
Carbo veg: Simple
food disagree, causing excessive flatulence; weak digestion.
Abdomen is full to bursting point especially on UPER PART.
<: from least food; >: eructation, on passing flatus
Abdomen is full to bursting point especially on UPER PART.
<: from least food; >: eructation, on passing flatus
Tympanitic abdomen with much flatulence & belching which gives no relief.
Great distension of entire abdomen; sensation as is abdomen is full of gas.
Each food particles seems to have turned into gas.
Great distension of entire abdomen; sensation as is abdomen is full of gas.
Each food particles seems to have turned into gas.
Trio of sleepiness:
Antim tart: Irresistible desire to sleep nearly with all complaints. Great drowsiness.
On falling asleep feels electric like shocks.
Antim tart: Irresistible desire to sleep nearly with all complaints. Great drowsiness.
On falling asleep feels electric like shocks.
Sleepiness from nervous irritation.
Great drowsiness; falls into heavy stupid sleep.
Profound coma; loss of breath on falling sleep. Picking at bed clothes. Very sleepy but can’t go to sleep. Sleeps with half eye opened.
Great drowsiness; falls into heavy stupid sleep.
Profound coma; loss of breath on falling sleep. Picking at bed clothes. Very sleepy but can’t go to sleep. Sleeps with half eye opened.
Nux Moschata:
Drowsiness & sleepiness which accompany all ailments.
Complaints cause sleepiness. Coma.
Complaints cause sleepiness. Coma.
Trio of burns:
Sulphur: External burning; all over the skin in the parts on which he lies.
< From heat of bed & covering.
Sulphur: External burning; all over the skin in the parts on which he lies.
< From heat of bed & covering.
Arsenicum album: Violent
& acute > by heat, except in head which is > by cold.
Burning with marked prostration & restlessness.
Burning especially in acute disease; < mid-day, mid-night.
Has fear of death
Burning with marked prostration & restlessness.
Burning especially in acute disease; < mid-day, mid-night.
Has fear of death
Phosphorus: Internal
burning; anywhere & everywhere all over body.
Burning in spots along the spine between scapula, of the palm, hands, in chest, lungs etc., < evening.
Burning in spots along the spine between scapula, of the palm, hands, in chest, lungs etc., < evening.
Trio of prolapse of uterus:
Sepia: Bearing down pressure from back of abdomen. Must cross her legs to prevent protrusion of parts.
Mentally pt. is very indifferent & apathetic with complete absence of sexual desire.
Sepia: Bearing down pressure from back of abdomen. Must cross her legs to prevent protrusion of parts.
Mentally pt. is very indifferent & apathetic with complete absence of sexual desire.
Lilium tig: Bearing
down, everything forcing down, as if contents of pelvis were being pushed down
through a funnel, the outlet being vagina.
Must support vagina with her hands; mentally pt. is hurried, worried; sexual desire much more marked.
Must support vagina with her hands; mentally pt. is hurried, worried; sexual desire much more marked.
Murex: prolapse
of uterus with sore pain. Profuse & excessive hemorrhage. Intense sexual
desire. Must keep her legs tightly crossed. Pain from rt. Side of womb to right
/ left breast. Nymphomania.
Trio of delirium:
Belladonna: Delirium with throbbing of carotids, the heat, redness & congestion of face & conjunctiva; when it passes away then delirium subsides.
In proportion- great violence & excitement.
Flood of subjective visual impression & fantastic illusions. Hallucination; sees monsters, hideous face.
Belladonna: Delirium with throbbing of carotids, the heat, redness & congestion of face & conjunctiva; when it passes away then delirium subsides.
In proportion- great violence & excitement.
Flood of subjective visual impression & fantastic illusions. Hallucination; sees monsters, hideous face.
Hyoscymus: Non-inflammatory
type of increased cerebral activity. Ridiculous gesture.
Horrible lascivious mania & desire to remain uncovered.
Horrible lascivious mania & desire to remain uncovered.
Stramonium: During
delirium, pt. gets up & wants to escape; difficult to be located.
Loquacious, furious delirium but not much inflammation found. Religious mania.
Strange delusions about his own identity.
Trio of offensiveness:
Baptisia: Offensive breath, ulcerated mouth with offensive smell. All discharges like urine, stool and sweat are offensive. It is very difficult for doctor to examine the patient.
Loquacious, furious delirium but not much inflammation found. Religious mania.
Strange delusions about his own identity.
Trio of offensiveness:
Baptisia: Offensive breath, ulcerated mouth with offensive smell. All discharges like urine, stool and sweat are offensive. It is very difficult for doctor to examine the patient.
Kreosote: With
offensiveness, there is acridity, putridity of all discharges.
Cadaverous smelling with corrosiveness of discharge.
Cadaverous smelling with corrosiveness of discharge.
Offensiveness with profuseness of discharge foulness pt. as a whole smells
Discharges are bloody, profuse & offensive.
< At night.
Discharges are bloody, profuse & offensive.
< At night.
Trio of offensive urine:
Benzoic acid: Urine dark, brown, scanty & urinous odor. Highly intensified. Nocturnal enuresis.
Repulsive odor, changeable color. Cystitis.
Benzoic acid: Urine dark, brown, scanty & urinous odor. Highly intensified. Nocturnal enuresis.
Repulsive odor, changeable color. Cystitis.
Nitric acid: Scanty,
dark offensive urine, smells like horse’s urine. Cold on passing. Burning &
Urine- bloody & albuminous. Alteration of cloudy, phosphatic urine with profuse urinary secretion in old prostatic cases.
Urine- bloody & albuminous. Alteration of cloudy, phosphatic urine with profuse urinary secretion in old prostatic cases.
Sepia: Red, adhesive,
sand in urine, Involuntary urination, during 1st sleep.
Chronic cystitis. Slow micturition with beating down sensation above pubis.
Trio of ptosis:
Causticum: Ptosis, vision impaired as if film were before eyes. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold. Inflammation of eyelid.
Chronic cystitis. Slow micturition with beating down sensation above pubis.
Trio of ptosis:
Causticum: Ptosis, vision impaired as if film were before eyes. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold. Inflammation of eyelid.
Gelsemium: Heavy
eyelids; ptosis.
Pt. can hardly open then. Double vision blurred. Smoky. Dim slighted; pupils dilated & insensible to light. Orbital neuralgia with contraction & twitching of muscles.
Pt. can hardly open then. Double vision blurred. Smoky. Dim slighted; pupils dilated & insensible to light. Orbital neuralgia with contraction & twitching of muscles.
Sepia: Muscular
Black spots in field of vision. Tarsal tumor; ptosis cilliary irritation.
Venous congestion of fundus.
Trio of warts:
Causticum: Warts large, jugged, bleeding easily on tips of fingers & nose.
Cicatrices freshen up- old injuries reopen.
Black spots in field of vision. Tarsal tumor; ptosis cilliary irritation.
Venous congestion of fundus.
Trio of warts:
Causticum: Warts large, jugged, bleeding easily on tips of fingers & nose.
Cicatrices freshen up- old injuries reopen.
Dulcamara: Warts
large smooth, on face & palmer surface of hands.
Thick, brown yellow crusts; bleeding when scratched. <: in cold, wet weather.
Thick, brown yellow crusts; bleeding when scratched. <: in cold, wet weather.
Thuja: Warts in
ano-genital region. Eruptions only on covered parts. Brown spots on hands &
arms. Coldness of one side.
Trio of diarrhoea:
Gambogia: Rumbling & rolling. Pain & distention of abdomen from flatulence, after stool.
Dysentery, diarrhoea with sudden & forcible ejection of bilious stool. Tenesmus after, with burning at anus. Profuse watery diarrhoea in hot weather.
Pain in coccyx.
Gambogia: Rumbling & rolling. Pain & distention of abdomen from flatulence, after stool.
Dysentery, diarrhoea with sudden & forcible ejection of bilious stool. Tenesmus after, with burning at anus. Profuse watery diarrhoea in hot weather.
Pain in coccyx.
Diarrhoea; green frothy water followed by anal burning. Forcibly
evacuation without pain.
Constipation with gouty acidity. Rectum constricted.
Constipation with gouty acidity. Rectum constricted.
Undigested faeces. Stool passes when emitting flatus. Burning pain in anus.
Gnawing around navel.
Gnawing around navel.
dear sir, is trio means that we should take 1 globule of every medicine at a time, for fast relief ?
ReplyDeleteTrio does not mean you have to give one globule of medicine. For fast relief you have to differentiate between those medicine.
DeleteI notice a tendency for the best trios to be structured so that each dose is an antidote to the previous dose, and so on round in a circle. Note that A may antidote B, but not the other way around. Certainly, avoid sequences which are inimical! (see )
ReplyDeleteTrios can be essential where the disease changes form and states recur, or where the vector does that (as in the life-cycles of some parasites).
Greetings Sir,
ReplyDeleteWonderful article on Trio healing!
I have "Brown spots on hands & arms" that is mentioned above with Thuja for Warts.
I have melasma? bronzing of large spreading brown spots on the top of my arms and being quite unsightly, I wondered
if I took Thuja if it would permanently get rid of the spots / bronzing on my arms?
If so, what strength should I take and how much per day?
I had an accident with dental Mercury overdose and the bronzing started shortly thereafter.
Thank you so much for this article on Trio's.
I actually looked up absence of thirst and found this page, as I have
no desire to drink water but am forcing myself to drink at least 4-6 glasses a day.
Thank you for your reply! please send it to:
Trio of chilliness?
ReplyDeleteSir can we mix the three medicine for instant result
ReplyDeleteSir can we mix the three medicine for instant result
ReplyDeleteNice information about trios of homeopathic remedies
ReplyDeleteIn case of medicine spongia relief in cough is there or you feel better by taking hot water
ReplyDeleteHot drinks ameliorate and sweet things aggravate the situation is a symptom of spongia
ReplyDeleteMy baby is 13 month old. He does not drink enough water. He drinks hardly half glass of water in a day. Can i give him trio or thirstlessness? And If yes them how much quantity should I give him?