Saturday 6 June 2015

Clinical Case #2 : Sciatica

             Homoeopathy Cured so called incurable Disease as per Allopathic mode of treatment "Sciatica."

             My old patient Rajeshbhai ( Name changed due to respect Secrecy.) Visited me for pain in lower back to hip to leg till knee joint. Pain was very severe. He has to suffer very much to walk. He had done X-ray of leg and hip and diagnosed as Sciatica.
             First of all we learn something about what is Sciatica ? Its Causes , Symptoms.

What is Sciatica ?
             " pain affecting the back, hip, and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back, often owing to degeneration of an inter vertebral disc. "

Causes :-

Sciatica is caused by irritation of the root(s) of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral spine.
Additional common causes of sciatica include:

-Lumber spinal stenosis
-Degenerative disc disease
-Sacroiliac joint dysfunction

Case Taking :-
            Patient suffering from backache and its pain radiating to left thigh to posterior side left knee joint since 6 months. Pain stated gradually. Patient was irritable due to pain previously he was calm in nature. Movement of the leg was difficult due to pain. Patient was chilly. Thirst was normal. Leg feels heavy and numbness of left leg. Patient had difficulty in walking. Pain was like lightning spark type in whole left hip to knee. Pain > by lying on left side. Patient had taken painkiller for 1 month but it gives temporary relief (It's obvious..)
          The Medicine came in my mind was COLOCYNTHIS because of following symptoms
     - Left sided sciatica
     - Heavyness & numbness of Leg
     - Pain like lightning spark
     - Amelioration by Lying on Left side

I prescribed Colocynth 30 Single dose with Placebo of 1 week.

FOLLOW UP :- After 1 week pain was relieved up to 40% so that I prescribed another 1 week Placebo.

AFTER ANOTHER 1 WEEK :- Leg again become as painful as medicine prescribed . No relief at all so that I decided to repeat colocynth 30 single dose again & as usual placebo for 1 week.

AFTER ANOTHER 1 WEEK :- Pain relieved up to 30%.

I tried different potencies of colocynth for approx 4 month but relief become stand still at 30-40 %.

AFTER 4 MONTH :- Patient visited my clinic as usual. We were talking about recovery , prognosis , treatment of sciatica at that time Rajeshbhai told me , "I forget to informed you doctor as I didn't notice it previously but I feel Chilliness in my left leg during pain."

I Immediately opened Kent's repertory in which I found 1 rubric in extremities section.
CHILLINESS -> Legs -> in Sciatica
Single medicine NUX VOMICA

I prescribed single dose of Nux Vomica 30 with 1 week placebo.

AFTER 1 WEEK :- Patient came to my clinic with smiling face. Pain was completely gone. He told me that now he can walk without any difficulty.

Now it's has been 1 year , still he didn't feel pain in back & in legs. I had repeated another 1-2 doses of Nux Vomica in this whole year and given placebo.

NOTE:- Sometimes we or our patient miss some symptoms so that we can not achieve cure. Do not give up on any case because may be in next visit of patient can give you some new clue to find out most similimum remedy. Have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. We always learn with our experience, although its good or bad. Nice learning experience in Sciatica .
