Monday 10 April 2017

Emotional causes

Emotional causes in infants
(New born to 2 years of age)

NB: In this age commonest cause is vaccination

  1. Mother who used to be with her child for 3-4 months resumes for her office
  2. Child was kept away from mother cause mother falls sick
  3. Fights between parents
  4. Mother being beaten
  5. Interruption in feeds
  6. Child was frighten by seeing dog/cat/darkness
  7. Fall
  8. Hit by mother
  9. New born sibling in the house

Emotional causes in school going children

  1. Punishment in school
  2. Loosing rank in class
  3. Disturbance from friends
  4. Humiliation in class
  5. Parents strictness
  6. Parents  Quarrels
  7. Missing working parents
  8. Failing in studies
  9. Sports activity failure-not being selected for team, disappointment in cultural activity
  10. Sexual abuse

Emotional causes in Collage students

  1. Problem with friends
  2. Infatuation with opposite sex
  3. Disappointment in love
  4. Failure in studies
  5. Complex about money and status
  6. Abuse (Use to bad effect or for a bad purpose. Or treat with cruelty or violence. Assault sexually. Address in an insulting and offensive way )

Emotional causes in Middle age/ working age

  1. Financial embarrassments
  2. Social embarrassments
  3. Working place problems-injustice/working against his will/ abuse
  4. Family disharmony
  5. Personal-extra marital affairs/own or spouse
  6. Loss of ambition

Emotional causes in Old age

  1. Retirements hues
  2. Neglected feeling
  3. Insults
  4. Useless feeling
Monetary tension (of or relating to money or currency)

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