Sunday 28 June 2015

Apis Mellifica

General Introduction about Apis Mellifica:
Apis Mellifica is medicine from animal kingdom, which is prepared from poison of western honey bee (Apium Virus). This bee sting produces stinging pain, burning, redness, soreness & puffiness of particular affected part. Pain from bee sting is too much that it will make any person cry!
Apis Mellifica has few characteristic symptoms which we should keep in mind which are HOT+TIRSTLESS+RIGHT SIDED. If one is going to approach a case with these symptoms then he should keep apis in mind. Well, thirst of apis has peculiarity which is thirstless is marked but especially in dropsy but it is thirsty when there is chill stage of intermittent fever.
Clinical Uses:
Abscess, apoplexy, asthma, carbuncles, constipation, diarrhoea, DROPSY, eye affection, gangrene, intermittent fever, renal affection, skin affection, urinary complain & more.
Action of Apis Mellifica:
It acts on cellular tissues, glands, skin, urinary organs, and serous membrane.
Constitution of Apis Mellifica:
Apis is adapted to person with strumous constitution (goitrous). Enlarged & indurated glands, Scirrous or open cancer & tendency to dropsy of external coverings.
 Bag like swelling under lower eyelids. Pale, waxy, oedematous face. 
Temperament: irritable temperament.
Thermal: HOT patient.
Miasm: Psora in the background.
Diathesis: Scrofulous.
Mental/ Mind symptoms of Apis Mellifica:
          Apis patient is very much awkward, he drops things easily while handling things; so when we see a patient with butterfingers that patient might be apis.
          Person who cannot concentrate his mind while reading or studying are might be apis patient. Apis patient cannot keep his mind in studying. Patient cannot think clearly.
          Apis patient is very irritable, nervous & having fidgety. Patient maybe irritable due to unbearable stinging pain.
          Apathy, indifference & unconsciousness are well marked in apis. Weeping disposition; cannot help crying; he is quite discouraged.
          Muttering delirium, loquacity; suppression of rosy eruption. Stupor alternating with erotic mania.
          There is fear of impending death. Jealousy & suspicion.
          All mental complains aggravates from heat & in warm room, better by after cold weather.
Physical general / key-note symptoms:
          Apis affects right side of the body. In apis symptoms goes right to left. As apis is hot medicine its general modalities will be aggravation from heat / warmth & its amelioration will be cold in general.
          Pain: burning & stinging pain which is suddenly goes one part of another part of the body. Apis is great pain remedy.
          Oedema: puffy, bag like swelling under the lower eyelids. Here is difference in apis mellifica, kali carb & phosphorous; kali carb has bag like swelling but in upper eyelids, but in phosphorous has puffy swelling around eyes. Swelling of hands & feet.
          Dropsy: Dropsy & fever with thirstlessness & scanty urine. In dropsy skin become transparent, with a waxen look, whitish yellow. There is ‘dropsy of brain’ that is hydrocephalus. Hydrothorax especially when the trouble is of cardiac origin. He feels suffocated as if every breath would be his last breath, especially in dropsical condition.
           There is aversion to tight clothing, bandage. He cannot tolerate tight clothing around waist, he must loosen them. There is extreme sensitiveness to touch.
            Skin is dry but alternates with perspiring. Tongue of apis is fiery red.
           Urinary symptoms: painful & burning micturition, scanty urine which is coming in drops. As soon as few drops of urine collect in bladder, he has sudden urge to urinate; constant ineffectual urge to urinate. There is great incontinence of urine with great irritation of parts. He scarcely retains urine for while.

A case of apis mellifica:
          When I was in my internship days, I used to learn under some homeopaths. One day a lady came with her complain regarding pain in feet & weakness. My sir & I both learned detailed case but on her first visit sir gave her only placebo. Then sir told me that he need more time to understand case. After that sir asked that lady to visit another time & he gave her natrum mur. But when sir prescribed her natrum then I wasn’t there to ask why he had given her natrum mur. After few follow up she came to visit but then sir wasn’t present there so I asked her how she was. Is she having improvement? She said no doctor I have no relief in complain. Then I decided to re-take the case found strange thing that she said she had feeling of stinging in her feet. I asked few more question which was indicated that medicine was actually apis mellifica! Then I gave her apis, and next week she came & said doctor I have such relief! I think she had 75% relief in her all complain. Then I told sir what was happened. After this incidence I learn apis mellifica & this event show me the genius of this wonderful remedy!

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