Saturday 22 April 2017

Case of Blackish Eruption

             About a year ago I treated a case of blackish eruptions that I would like to share today.
            I was reading some old case for study and then Prakash showed up as patient. When he entered in to my consulting room I looked at him and ask him ‘how are you?’ He said that he was fine but an eruption was troubling him for long time. He had tried so many medicines (obviously allopathic medicines!) without any satisfactory results. After so many efforts his friend gave him advice to try homoeopathic medicines. So he asked me “can you really cure these eruption?” and then I replied positively. That was some chitchat before took his whole case because it is very important to be familiar with you patient in order to get all the history from patient.
                He was having a blackish eruption on both legs (below knee). Those eruption was too itchy especially at night, and that was occurring since 6 months. Eruptions were appearing and disappearing after few days. That means old eruptions were disappearing and new one on new site take its place. On beginning eruptions were reddish in color but in a day or two it turns in to dark (blackish) in color. Eruptions were round in shape about 2 to 3 inches in diameter, some of them were small too. He said scratching them gave him some relieve in itching but afterwards its burns and smarts and even bleed sometimes. I asked besides scratching what relieved itching? He replied that he has to take bath especially with hot water. Whenever he bath his itching was relieved. That was then because now it was spreading on hands (below elbow). On my observation his skin was too dirty, probably lack of cleanliness (which was true). I also asked which limb was first to affect? He replied it was left.
                I asked about its origin and he told me it was began on left foot with small eruption, first he neglected but when it was spread then it became issue. I asked was there any history or event that occur before this. He said yes doctor there was an accident! He said about 7 months ago he was going to wine shop on foot and a dog bite him on left leg! Wound was not too deep.  First his wound was treated by local allopathic physician, and then he too vaccination (for rabies) from government hospital.
                Before dog bite there was small abscess with pus, and he was taking antibiotic for that. And then I asked him “was time difference between dog bite and these blackish eruptions.” He replied it was about a month.
                Then I began to collect other symptoms to make totality. I asked how his sleep was. He said on beginning it is hard to fall asleep because of itching and then it was fine. I asked about his dreams. He replied with slow voice he was dreaming having sex with other girl. His original word was “ganda” (means bad). Appetite was good, he always hungry at midnight 2-3 AM. And can’t tolerate his hunger. His thirst was good, he drinks lots of water about 8-9 glasses, even at night also he drinks 2-3 glasses of water. He was hot patient.
               In his history he was alcoholic. On very first his first asked me does homoeopathy works after drinking alcohol? His father had operation on valve of heart and mother had hypertension. He was young (24years) but still alcoholic and for few time he had hypertension. And he also had liver abscess few years ago. He was very chat friendly fellow. His parents don’t know about alcohol, he sometimes fear that they will know. He was very impatient and rowdy.
              One thing about his mantle was very striking, he said he was becoming dog!!! (Of course mentally!) He said he was becoming more irritable after dog bite.
             So that was the case, but first I had to give him sulphur, because he had taken lots of medicine before coming to me so there was a miasmatic block which needs to removed and sulphur done the trick. I first gave him sulphur and asked him to come after 15 days. And then I gave him Lachesis 200 for a week. After week he was feeling lot more better both mentally and physically, after few days his eruptions were disappearing from hands and then from legs! Even his desire to drink alcohol was decreased.
                So this was a case, hope you like it, please comment if you have query.

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