Thursday 27 April 2017

Treat Female Infertility with Homoeopathy

 When people are dealing with infertility they goes for possible harmless way, and homoeopathy is one of them. Infertility can be both side male and female. Female causes of infertility can be many but mostly are of two kinds: structural abnormalities and hormonal imbalances.
     The first kind can be helped with homeopathic medicine but not all cases will resolve in a pregnancy, the second type can definitely be helped by homeopathy and women with hormonal imbalances restore fertility within a few cycles leading usually to healthy pregnancies.
     Everyone person is different, so specific homeopathic treatment is advised to restore fertility.
     During homeopathic treatment to restore fertility many aspects of your menstrual cycle are taken into consideration, for example the lengths of your cycle is very important, the type of menstrual bleeding (bright red, dark red, clotted), the premenstrual discomforts like cravings, headaches, lower back pain, pelvic pain, etc. The mental and emotional changes that women experience during the premenstrual period should also be investigated by a homeopathic practitioner to help deal with hormonal fluctuations and imbalances. Homeopathic medicine can help restore fertility when followed in conjunction with a healthy diet low in animal fats and high in fiber from legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Homoeopathic remedies can help restore fertility caused by endometriosis:
Nux-vomica: Very irritable. Menses are irregular, too early and last too long. The blood can be dark with fainting spells. Metrorrhagia (abnormal menstrual bleeding) with sensation of passing stool. Irritable bladder.
Medorrhinum: For women with chronic pelvic disorders. Itchy white vaginal discharge that smells like fish. Sterility, endometriosis, intense menstrual colicky pains. Warts on genitals, ovarian pain worse on the left side or that goes from one ovary to the other. Menses have an offensive odor and are dark. Ailments after suppressed gonorrhea.
Lachesis: Left ovary very painful and swollen (cysts). Swollen, burning uterus. Pain relieved by menstrual flow. PMS with inflamed and swollen breasts. This remedy works well when one dose is given at the beginning of the menses. Worse from suppressed menses caused by birth control pill or other hormonal therapies.
Pulsatilla: Weepy and moody before period. Cramping painful periods with cramps before period arrives. Nausea, vomiting before periods aggravated by eating fatty foods. Bloating feeling, swollen breasts and back pain before period. Weight gain before menses.
Sepia: Great constitutional remedy that fits well a picture of hormonal imbalance in women that are over worked and have sluggish constitution, due to a weak liver, pancreas and spleen. This remedy is excellent in restore fertility after birth control, miscarriages, abortions and pregnancy.
Cramps before period with a dragging sensation as if the uterus would fall out. For this reason, they tend to cross their legs and suffer from poor circulation to the uterus and pelvic region. They feel tired and rather sit and do nothing but when they move around they feel better and actually tend to like dancing and activity.
They also suffer from recurrent yeast infections with itchy, burning white, yellow-green discharges. They are worse after intercourse and dread having sex because it can be painful or they feel exhausted afterward. Violent stitching pains going upwards in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus. Pain in left inguinal region extending to the back.
Kali carb: Severe back pain with menstrual cramps.
Calcarea carb: Painful uterus during periods. Heavy periods. Tendency to gain weight and difficulty losing weight. Hypothyroid. Painful swollen breasts with bloating feeling before menses. Fear about one's health.

Fibroids, Cysts and Polyps:
Bufo rana: Burning in ovaries and uterus. Tumors and polyps of uterus.
Thuja occidentalis: Warts on vulva and perineum. Vaginal discharge is profuse, thick and green in color. Severe pain in the left ovary and left inguinal region. Menses are scanty and late. Polypi and fleshy growths. Profuse perspiration before menses. Ailments from vaccinations.
Helonias: Very tired women with a weight and a dragging sensation in the uterus with tendency to prolapse especially after miscarriages. Back pain after miscarriages. Malposition of the uterus. This is a great remedy for infertility. The woman is very conscious of the womb. Itchy vagina and vulva with white discharges. Constant pain over the kidneys. Diabetes mellitus and insipidus.
Ignatia: Hysteria, sobbing, and grief.
Phosphorus: Metrititis. Menses too early and too scanty, lasting too long with hemorrhages from the uterus between periods. White discharges that are burning and come instead of menses. Uterine polyps and amenorrhea with bleeding in other parts of the body (nose bleeds).
Calcarea carb: This remedy helps for women that are very concerned about their health and develop infertility. Menses too early, too profuse, too long. Uterine polyps and sterility with heavy menstrual flow and cutting pain in the uterus during menses. Swollen breasts before menses. This is a great remedy to restore fertility.
Calcarea fluor: (Biochemic preparation) Indurations and tumors of the uterus and ovaries. Best taken as a tissue salts for 3-6 months.
Thlaspi bursa pastoris: Hemorrhages from uterine fibroids with aching in the back and a general bruised feeling. Heavy cots during uterine cramps. Bleeding between periods. Menses are too frequent and heavy. Every other period is very heavy. This remedy is suitable for women who have difficulty recovering from a period before another begins.
Trillium pendulum: This remedy is great for women who suffer from anemia and feel dizzy. There are uterine hemorrhages from fibroids with cramp-like pains and a sensation of broken hips. This remedy has also a great use for threatened miscarriages with gushing of bright blood on the least movement.
Ustilago: Flabby conditions of the uterus with hemorrhages. Uterus becomes hypertrophied, the cervix bleeds easily, ovaries burn and become swollen. Profuse menses after miscarriage. Blood flow can be clotted forming long black strings.
Secale: Threatened abortions about the third month. Brown discharges. Menses irregular, heavy dark flow. Burning pain in the uterus. Hemorrhages. Menstrual colic.
Viburnum: Often used to prevent miscarriages and aids in false labor-pains. This is a remedy for cramps and colicky pains in the pelvic region. Menses are too late and when they come they are scanty and last for a few hours. Bearing down pains before menses. Ovarian region feels heavy and congested. Aching in sacral area extending to the front of the thighs. Frequent miscarriage early on during a pregnancy may be due to luteal phase defect. This remedy can help restore fertility in some cases.
Cimicifuga: Profuse dark menses. Pain in ovaries and amenorrhea (absent menses). Hormonal acne. Pains immediately before menses which are profuse, offensive, dark coagulated blood with backache.
Caulophyllum: Weak uterus, painful small joints and thrush. The cervix is very rigid. False labor and failure to progress during labor. Needle-like pains in the cervix. Painful periods with pains flying to other parts of the body.
Platina: Ovaritis with sterility. This remedy can restore fertility in cases where there is increase sexual desire. Vaginismus and itchy vagina. Menses too early, too profuse, dark clotted with spasms and bearing down pains.

Polycystic Ovarian Diseases:
Lilium tigrinum: Pathological conditions of uterus and ovaries. This remedy can restore fertility in cases of congestion and ante-version of uterus with bearing down sensation. Early, scanty, dark clotted menses with the flow only when moving about.
Agnus castus: Scanty menses, sterility, transparent discharges often staining yellow. Nervous palpitations with recurrent nose bleeds. Lowered sex drive.

Ovaries Affections:
Homeopathic remedies that have an affinity with the ovaries and should be selected based on your most similar characteristic symptoms in order to restore fertility.

Apis mellifica: This remedy helps is cases of ovaritis or ovarian inflammation which is worse on the right side with soreness and stinging pains. Painful menses with severe ovarian pains. Great tenderness of uterine region. It can help treat ovarian cysts.
Secale: Indicated for women that suffer from menstrual colic worse right ovary with dark and irregular menses with brown discharges during the entire cycle. It is indicated when there is continuing watery blood discharges until the next period. Never been well since a miscarriage or pregnancy.
Baryta muriatica: This remedy can restore fertility in cases of underdeveloped ovaries.
Lachesis: Left ovary very painful and swollen (cysts). Swollen, burning uterus. Pain relieved by menstrual flow. PMS with inflamed and swollen breasts. This remedy works well when one dose is given at the beginning of the menses. Worse from suppressed menses caused by birth control pill or other hormonal therapies.
Colocynthis: Boring pain in left ovary. Round, small cysts in the ovaries or broad ligaments. Painful menses with bearing down cramps which are better by bending double.
Lycopodium: Menses too late, last too long and are too profuse. Right ovarian pain. Burning vaginal discharge. Painful intercourse.
Borax: Vaginal discharges like egg white with sensation as if warm water was flowing. This remedy favors easy conception and it is well indicated in resilient cases of vaginal yeast.
Bryonia: Menses too early, too profuse worse motion. Stitching pain in ovaries especially the right ovary extending to the thighs. Pain in the breasts at menstrual period. Frequent bleeding of nose at the appearance of period. Inflammation of the ovaries and pain around ovulation.
Palladium: Right ovarian pain due to indurations, swelling or cysts, ameliorated by rubbing, pressure or bending the legs. Cutting pain in the uterus better after stool.


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