Saturday 29 April 2017

Leucorrhoea & Homoeopathy

     Leucorrhoea is one of the general diseases that occurs to female. Leucorrhoea is basically fungal or bacterial infection, but it can be very irritating to those female who having it. Before studying case here is few specific homoeopathic remedies that can help in leucorrhoea:

Ammonium Carb: Leucorrhoea is watery, acrid, profuse discharge from vagina with excoriation of vulva. There is cholera like diarrhea at beginning of menses.
Alumina: Leucorrhoea is acrid and profuse, running down to the heels which becomes worse during day and relieved by cold bathing.
Ambra Grisea: Discharge is thick, bluish white mucus like, especially or only at night. Sensation of coldness in stomach.
Arsenicum Album: Fastidious; she wants everything neat and clean. Mentally restless (as it is one the trio of restlessness). Leucorrhoea is excoriating the parts causing itching and burning.
Baryta Carb: Mentally & physically weak female. Dwindling of ovaries, mammary gland & yet lymphatic become enlarged & infiltrated. Whitish thick copious discharging leucorrhoea a week before menses. Scanty menses.
Calcarea Carb: THICK, YELLOW, PROFUSE & ACRID. Leucorrhoea causing itching and rawness in the vagina. Leucorrhoea occurs between menses. Menses too early, too profuse & too long lasting.
Calcarea Phos: Albumious & tenacious, acrid discharge like white of egg. Worse after menses or with sexual arousal.
Kreosotum: Leucorrhea is acrid, corrosive and offensive. Discharge is smells like green corn. Stiffens like starch, stains the linen yellow. It becomes worse between menses. Menes stops when she lying down.
Merc. Sol: There is acrid, burning, itching with rawness of vagina which is always worse at night. Pruritus which aggravates from contact of urine which must be washed off as she can’t bear.
Psorinum: Psorinum should not be taken without consulting homoeopath. It is king of anti-psoric remedies (Nosodes). There is lumpy clots which having intolerable bad smell. Pain in sacrum is violent. Leucorrhoea occurring during climaxes.
Sepia: Constitution with “tell-tale face”. Cannot bear smell of cooking, it makes her nauseate. Leucorrhoea is acrid and causing itching in vagina. Irregular menses.

     So, these were few remedies that can helps with leucorrhoea. Now let’s see a case of leucorrhea. A 25 year old female was having leucorrhoea since 2 months. She came to me and she said I only trust homoeopathic medicines don’t give me allopathic medicine. And then I asked why did you take so much time to consult a doctor? She replied I am new here and I didn’t know any homoeopathic clinic here.

     She said she had leucorrhoea which is itchy & causing burning. Discharge is acrid and copious. Smells bad. Leucorrhoea was relieved by seating and becomes worse by walking. She had typical type of tongue; mapped tongue. In her past history she had caesarian section 4 to 5 months ago and having history of renal stone. On my point of view patient was psoric. About her thermal was hot, as she craves cold. She like spiced and salted food. She is thirst less one. And after few hours of case taking I prescribed her Natrum Mur 200C. After a week her leucorrhoea was cured.

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