Friday 28 April 2017

First Aid With Homoeopathy

           Well some people are thinking that homoeopathy is slow acting medicine, so they are not using homoeopathic remedies as the first aid medicines.
            But today we are about to learn first aiding with homoeopathic remedies, how to use, when to use, and which potency to be used in some emergencies.
            Every home needs this homoeopathic first aid box for some medical emergencies, which will be helpful in some minor illness and some emergency conditions.
            These Homoeopatic remedies are to be stored in a wooden box or it should be stored at a dry, clean place, And there is no direct sunlight on it. These medicines or the box should be away form from perfumes or strong adores.

Aconite 6 -  In the begining of each disease, Sudden fever, cold , headache etc,.

Arnica 30 -  Arnica is the first remedy to be thought for an accident victim. It will relieve pain, stops bleeding, it promotes healing. it also relieves Swelling from sprains.
       [ Do not apply Arnica topically to open wounds instead apply Calendula Cream topically and take Arnica Orally in potency for these kinds of injuries. ]

Arsencum Album 6 - Food poisoning or Food Allergies, Especially  to milk, sugar, wheat, Ice cream, gastritis, Acidity. Prone to allergies and the toxic effects of pesticides, chemicals, multiple chemical sensitivities.

Apis 6 - Homoeopathic Anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine. It is the remedy for Stinging. It is used in emergency situations like bee stings, Venomous snake bites or poisonous spider bites.

Balladonna 6 -  Fever, headache, Any Pain, Cold-cough, Mumps, Redness of Face, etc.

Bryonia 30 - Headache, Body-ache with fever, Constipation, Dry Cough, Chest pain from Bronchial Cough.

Calandula 30 - Any kind of Injury, Cuts, Lacerated Wounds, It diminishes inflammation, suppuration, and controls bleeding.

Cantharis 30 - Burns, Heals the Burn wound faster. Burning in urination. Burning Pains.

Cocculus 6 - For Nausea and vomiting by riding in car or carriage. Car sickness.  

Carboveg 6 -  Gas, Farting, Bloating Heaviness of abdomen.

Chamomilla 6  - Distress of teething children, Painful Or difficult dentition.

Colocynthis 6 - Abdominal Pain, Cramps During menstruation, 

China 30 - Indigestion, Weakness, Jaundice, Weakness after loss of vital fluids e.g. Vomiting, Loose motions, Hemorrhage, Sweating, etc.  Distension Of abdomen, Burping and discomfort, 

Glonoin 30 -  Congestive Headache, Heat stroke or sun stroke. 

Hepar Sulph 30- Boils, Ulcers, Pustules, Swelling Of glands, Inflammation with purulent discharge, Abscesses, Earache that has thick Yellow Discharge.

Hypericum 30- Injury By Pointed things like pin, knife, Scissor, Injury At the parts which are rich in nerves, like Finger or toes.

Ipecac 6 - Nausea, Vomiting , Bronchial cough, Colic With Nausea, Giddiness, Profuse Salivation, Epistexis, 

Lycopodium 6- Heaviness of abdomen, Abdominal Discomfort, Gas, Generalized Swelling. Red Sand in urine. 

Natrum Mur 30-  Cold, Coryza, Running Nose, Headache, 

Nux Vomica 30- All Kind of abdominal discomfort, and pains. All kind of GI Disturbances.

Merc Sol. 6 -  Colitis, Continued Loose motions, Dysentry, Mucoid Stool, Bleeding in Stool, Stomatitis, Bleeding Gums,

Pulsatilla 30 - Women Best Friendly remedy, All kind Of female troubles, Menstrual troubles, leucorrhoea, menstrual cramps, Steye,  earache, weepiness, Changable mood.  

Rhus tox 30- Body ache, gouty pain, joint pains, stiffness of joints and muscles, arthritis, 

Ruta 30 - Strains, tendons, ligaments and cartilages, bone injury, Dislocation.

Sulphur 30 - All kind of skin affections, Eczema, irruptions, itching, Boils, pustules, meculer irruption, scaling of skin, watery discharge from skin irruption, burning Pain, Offensive Discharge. 

Spongia tosta  30 - Barking Cough, Dry cough, Dryness in nose, throat and chest.

Silicea 30 - Boils, Abscess, Promotes of rejection of thorns or glass, splinters.

Arnica Q or Ointment-  Any kind of swelling by injury, Trauma, pain, swelling, Bruising, Inflammation, Sprains. 

Calandula Q or Ointment - Best antiseptic remedy, Great healer of wounds, cuts, bleeding, it diminsh inflammation, suppuration an stops bleeding.

            These all medicines have also other symptoms, and they also works for other medical conditions too. These all remedies are used as first aid only, Please consult your health care practitioner for any serious condition or if you need a diagnosis.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting useful information to keep in mind when nose bleed occurs.Ensure that blood does not move to internal organs which can cause clotting.for more advance information about it then full information is here
