Thursday 20 April 2017

Understanding Kalium Group

Muscles (esp. Cardiac), Nerves (esp. Vagus nerve), Gastro-intestinal tract, Skin, hair, mucous membrane, glands, bones and respiratory system.

Built: Heavily built, Stout and robust, prone to gain weight and having premature old look.
Thermal reaction: According to Gibson Miller, most of the Kalis are Chilly (except Kali-iod).

MENTAL GENERALS: Evolution of Kali Personality.

Kali as Child:

The above flow chart shows that the core feeling responsible for the Kali pathology is the "Need for Relationship & Harmony and Dependence on the Relationship". These two are solely responsible for carving and evolution of Kali personality. Owing to his need Kali person gets attached to his family and later emerges as two different poles of behaviorism depending on his family upbringing.
If the Kali child grows in a well-to-do family his dependency takes the form of pampering and he becomes timid and self-centered person. But if the child grows up in want of resources he learns the importance of money, hence the rubric Fear poverty, of. He also learns to take responsibility at an early age. Thus Kali grows out to be a conscientious, reliable and reserved person.
Kali has the attachment to his family in such measure that most of his fears and delusions are formed on its base.

Kali as an Adult:

As an adult, this core feeling of Need of Relationship develops in Kali an inner insecurity leading to vulnerability. This makes the patient anxious with a desire for company. In contrast, Natrum needs one person and Magnesium needs one mother for nourishment whereas Kalium needs a family and Calcarea a home. He needs much greater security than Natrum, security not balanced by one to one relationship; he needs the family or a group of family. They feel tremendous anxiety without them. If anyone disturbs the relationship, the Kalium person gets quite fearful and out of that fear, can get quite aggressive. This aggressiveness is restricted to the family, hence the rubrics, Quarrels with family; Company, desire for, treats them outrageously; Harsh, with his family & children; Quarrels with his bread and butter.

Breaking off of the relationship produces in him Disappointment of love; the patient may try to cope up with it by suppressing his emotions, detaching himself or takes the religious route.

The dreams of Kali patient also revolves around his family or his anxiety.

The key feature of Kali salts is debility and weakness; paresis and paralyzing action of muscles also leads to constipation and difficult labor.

Character of pain: Pulling, shifting, stitching or sharp and drawing pains.
Discharge: Copious, thick, tough, non-offensive and yellowish-green.
Desires: Sweet.
Aversion: Meat.
Aggravation: touch, coition, exertion, during menses, 2 to 4 a.m.
Amelioration: movement, leaning forward, eating, motion etc.

MIASMATIC BACKGROUND:  The different salts of Kali group cover different miasms but predominantly they are of syphilitic background.

CLINICAL CONDITIONS: Anemia, edema, sinusitis, asthma, cough-cold, whooping cough, affections of heart, liver, stomach & abdominal disorders, rheumatic affections, spinal affections, sciatica, backache, ulcer, urinary problems, uterine affections, vertigo, etc.

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