Wednesday 24 May 2017

Backache & Homoeopathy

     Backache is nowadays a common complaint that nearly anyone having it. Humans and animals have a one difference that is humans can walk on their feet when animals don’t! Due to that humans are more susceptible to backache. There are many reasons of backache, but most common is weight on back. Backache can occur due to congenital defect of spine, injury to spine, thrust on back, sprain, over lifting of weight, incorrectly position of sitting or sleeping, during menses, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, faulty posture etc. Backache mainly occurs due to problem in back bone, muscle or surrounding organs might be the cause. Backache is more common after 30 to 35 years of life but nowadays it is also seen in young people! In child who are malnourished or who having faulty posture, lack of exercise are more likely have backache in early life.

     With help of homoepathy on can get rid of backache, but prevention is better cure, right? So how one can prevent or avoid it? Here is few things that you should try-

1.You should exercise every day at least 15 to 20 minutes. Yoga is good for back. And yes heavy exercise should be avoid also.
2.You should walk at least 1 to 2 km.
3.You should sleep on hard bed rather than soft bed.
4.For ladies they should not wear shoes with high heels.
5.While driving, sitting you should sit straight.
6.You probably should avoid sleeping in faulty posture.

     So these were few points that can help one to avoid backache. If you are having backache then you need homoeopathic medicine. Yeah you can just take allopathic medicine like paracetamol, diclofenac etc. but they can cause gastric disturbances, and renal and hepatic damage etc. so anyways there quiet miraculous homoeopathic remedy that can remove backache in minutes!

Rhus tox: Causing due to too much summer bathing in river or lake, lying on damp wet ground or straining or spraining. Occurring between shoulders and small of the back. Pain with stiffness, pain on swallowing. Aggravated by sitting and lying. Ameliorates by motion or lying on something hard.

Kali Carb:  when there is backache one should probably think of kali carb. It is one suitable in pregnant ladies. There is severe backache during pregnancy, after miscarriage. There is great weakness. Small of back feels weak. Lumbago with sudden sharp pain extending up & down the back and runs to thighs. Pain is like pricking a sharp needle.

Bryonia Alba: Backache is worse from motion. Stitching pain in back. Especially suited for person having constipation. Pain relieved by absolute rest and pressure. Lying on back relieves pain.

Actaea Racemosa: More effective on spine. Rheumatism of upper part of spine & muscle of back. A very good medicine for muscular rheumatism. Sudden thrust on back due to heavy lifting causing severe pain in back. Cannot sit on left side.

Calc. Phos: Sphere of action of this medicine is on bones. Rheumatic pain. Stiffness of back. Aggravated by change of weather, by motion or exertion. Pain is relieves by rest and summer season.

Phytolacca: Right sided backache. There is intense backache and sore aching, bruised feeling all over body with restlessness. Pain flying like electric shocks, rapidly shifting, shooting. Back pain become worse at night and from motion.

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