Saturday 1 July 2017

Brief Note About Spondylosis

Spondylosis ... What is it ?? 
          Spondylosis is the one kind of Arthritis which is specially occurs to the spine or it may called Spinal Osteoarthritis. This is the age related condition which is commonly occurs  in middle-aged and elderly people. In this condition there was degeneration occurs in between the spinal discs. 

How It Is Caused ??
          It is caused by the wear and tear of the cartilages and bones of spine. it can also be caused by other Factors like Injury, Herniating disc, Dehydration of spinal disc, Heavy lifting, Stress, Family History Of Spondylosis, Sedentary lifestyle, Smoking. etc..

          By the degeneration of the cartilages and Disc, spurs or the abnormal growth which is called as the Osteophytes are form over the bones of spine. That overgrowth causes the narrowing of the interior of the spine where the spinal nerves exits. so there will be the compression  over the nerves occurs even if they are not large enough to directly pinch a nerve, bulging discs can cause local inflammation and cause the nerves in the spine to become more sensitive, increasing pain. Also, disc herniation can push on the ligaments in the spine and cause pain. 

What are the Symptoms ??
       Commonly spondylosis  shows with the symptoms similar to arthritis, there will be pain localized in the back or neck, Headache Cause by the the spondylosis in the neck (Cervical Spondylosis).  Stiffness, Pain in the shoulder or arm, Inability to fully turn the head or bend the neck, sometimes interfering with driving, Generally All the symptoms are aggravated in the morning and again at the end of the day, and can be relieved by rest.

What will be the complication of it ??
          If the Spondylosis is caused by the pressure on the spinal cord whuch may be known as the spinal stenosis, it can put pressure on spinal cord, which causes condition called cervical myelopathy, and the symptoms occurs in cervical spondylosis with cervical myelopathy are tingling, numbness in arms, legs, hand, legs or feet. Difficulty in walking , Muscle spasm, Lack of control over muscle contraction, Abnormal reflexes, Loss of control over bowel and bladder which may causes incontinence.
          Another possible complication of cervical spondylosis is cervical radiculopathy, when bone spurs press on nerves as they exit the bones of the spinal column. Pain shooting down into one or both arms is the most common symptom.

How it Can be Diagnosed ??
          It can be diagnosed by the history taking, Followed by Physical Examination, For the confirmation We can take x-ray , CT Scan and MRI.

How it will be treated ? (Allopathic Way)
          Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Chiropractic manipulation that can help to control episodes of more severe pain, Muscle relaxants, such as cyclobenzaprine, to treat muscle spasms. Steroid injections, such as prednisone, to reduce tissue inflammation and subsequently lessen pain.

How it will be treated ?? (Homoeopathic Way)
          There are so many homoeopathic remedies are available for the treatment of the cervical spondylosis. The Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial in controlling pain or stiffness in the neck, numbness or pricking in limbs and vertigo experienced as a result of Cervical Spondylosis.

Different remedies and their actions on Spondylosis: 

Rhus tox : Pain And stiffness in Neck and back which is relieved by motion.
Kalmia : Pain radiates to neck to shoulder. pains sticking, darting, pressing & shooting in downward direction.
Gelsemium: Complete relaxation & prostration of whole muscular system.
Bryonia: Stiffness of neck and back. < by motion, > by absolute rest and pressure.
Calc Carb: As if neck and back were paralyzed. Great debility. Pain almost  in 3 am.

These are some specific remedies for spondylosis, but remedy must be prescribed on base of full case study for cure.


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