Friday 20 April 2018

Medicine in short: BLATTA ORIENTALIS

This medicine is prepared from INDIAN COCKROACH! It is true some people may feel “Eewww…” when they find out it is made from, but blatta orientalis is marvelous remedy for asthma. Blatta orientalis is medicine with small sphere of action. Its action is limited to bronchio-tracheal system. It was proved accidentally by Dr.D.N.Ray, one best practitioner in India. One of his patient had asthma and he took tea which was made in water with cockroach! Cockroach was boiled in water after drinking this tea it relieved complaint of asthma in that patient. Dr.Ray observed it and conducted drug proving. Blatta orientalis had cured many patient since then!
If blatta orientalis is given in low potency it will relieves acute attacks of asthma, but after spasmodic attack it must be given in high potency to prevent further attack of asthma.
INDICATIONS: Best suited to stout and corpulent persons. Acute cases of bronchial asthma, bronchitis and phthisis. Cases where bronchioles and trachea are main target. Suffocation caused by mucus which is pus like. Cough with dyspnea, oppression of breathing with pus like mucus. Restlessness with plenty of sweating. Lying down aggravates suffocation. Arsenic album is also good medicine for respiratory complaints but when arsenic doesn’t produce sufficient effect or just palliates complaint, blatta orientalis will give satisfactory result.
Another medicine is made from cockroach is BLATTA AMERICANA. Which is indicated in liver and urinary tract; ascites, dropsy, jaundice and urinary tract infections.

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