Monday 4 May 2015

SULPHUR: The King Of Anti-Psoric Medicine.

Hello folks, today we like to share a polychrest remedy ‘Sulphur’ which is very important to every homeopath in daily practice. Its OK to ask questions.


A Crystalline Sulphur. 
General Intro of sulphur-
Sulph. is an element, found free in nature. Sulphur is one of the greatest polychrests and is the “KING OF ANTIPSORIC MEDICINE”. It commonly known as ‘Flowers Of Sulphur’ or ‘Brimstone’. It has wide range in homoeopathic prescribing. Master Hahnemann says that it has reputation as remedy for itch about thousands years ago. So, Sulph. is a non-metallic yellow, brittle crystalline substance.

It is prepared for homoeopathic use in two different ways, 1st the flowers of sulphur washed and cleaned, are mixed with alcohol form tincture; 2nd by tincturing flowers of Sulph with sugar of milk.

Clinical Uses-
Acne, adenoids, amenorrhea, anemia, prolapse of anus, asthma, atelectasis, bed-sores, biliousness, boils, congestion of brain, breast affection, bright’s disease, cataract, cough, coryza, chest pain, cold, constipation, corn, diarrhea, dysentery, eye complaints, eczema, emaciation, enuresis, epilepsy, eructation, eruptions, burning feeling, perspiring, fever, gout, piles, headache, liver affection, menstrual disorders, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheumatism, SKIN AFFECTION, vertigo, warts, worms, worry etc.

Action of Sulph.-
It has great affinity for skin. It acts pre-elementally on the nervous system and also affects venous capillary system. Its action is from within outwards. Mucous membranes are also affected by this remedy, especial of eyes, bronchi, urethra & rectum.

Sulphur is chronic of aconite in acute disease.

Sulphur is adapted to people of light complexion who are easily angered although dark complexioned persons also yield to its influence. Suited to persons subject to skin affections particularly those who have a harsh & rough skin.  Sulphur is especially suited to lean, stoop-shouldered person who walk & sit stooping, walk stooping like an old man. Uncleanliness with offensive odor from the body. Delicate face with long & thin eyelashes.
Temperament- Sanguine Temperament
Thermal- Sulphur patients are very sensitive atmospheric changes, Yet they are HOT pt.
Diathesis- Scrofulous
Miasm- Psora. It is king of all anti-psoric medicines.

Guiding/Key note Symptoms:
·       Burning anywhere and everywhere in body, general or local. Sulphur is one of the Nash’s trio burners. (Others are Arsenic & Phosphorus.)
·       Standing is worse position in sulphur patient. They cannot remain stand; every standing position is very uncomfortable & unbearable.
·        Though sulphur is a hot pt., yet he refuses to take bath.
·       A weak empty all-gone sensation in the stomach, pt., can’t wait for lunch especially about 11 AM.
·       Nightly complaints worse in warmth of bed, covering up, washing.
·       Desire- sweets, acids, fat, alcohol, beer, whisky.
·       Aversion- meat & milk.
·       Periodicity of complaints.
·       All discharges are acrid & offensive.
·       Early morning diarrhea.
·       Chronic alcoholism.
·       Congestion of single parts: nose, eye, chest, abdomen, ovaries, arms, legs or any organ of body.
·        SKIN- dirty, filthy look of body prone to skin affection. Itching of skin with scratching, feels good to scratch. Scratching causes burning which is worse at night in warmth of bed. Skin affections that have been treated with medicated soap and wash. Boils that coming in crops in various parts of body or a single boil succeeded by another as soon as the first one heals. Boils and abscess especially in summer season. Tendency to formation of acne especially on face, hands & arms. Every little injury suppurates. Suppression of disease causes diarrhea.
Mental/ Mind of sulphur:
·       Dr. Hering called the sulphur pt. “The Raged Philosopher”.
·       Delusions; Even rags seem beautiful when pt. takes fancy for it. Everything seems full of beauty. He dresses himself in the filthiest rags but considers them to be the most elegant of decorations.
·       The pt. wears a paper crown, thinking he is majesty, the king.
·      Very forgetful, weak memory. Forgets recent events but remembers old ones.
·       Childish peevishness in grown persons.
·       Irritable, selfish, no regard to others.
·       Religious melancholy.
·       Too lazy to arouse himself.
·       Cannot find proper word during conversation.
·       Indifference towards work; aversion to business.
·       Happy dreams and wakes up singing.
·       Nervous & hypochondriacal in nature.

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