Thursday 11 June 2015

Suppression of Disease


      "Suppression is disappearance of existing disease symptoms at cost of some new suffering involving more vital organ of the body."

Example :- Psoriasis disappear (Skin complaint) but respiratory disease develops later. In suppression, Disease goes Periphery to center which is more dangerous for body.

Different between suppression & palliation:-
"Palliation is temporary relief of symptom of a disease"
Example :- Patient suffering from Headache so that whenever he takes pain killer medicine, headache relieves but after few days it reappears in same form. In this symptom (Headache) is just temporary relieved without any new suffering.

In Suppression, Disease disappears at cost of new suffering as example given above, Skin complaint relieved but at cost of new suffering (Respiratory trouble).

Types of suppression :-
1) Natural suppression : It is caused by nature.
2) Artificial suppression : It is caused by some artificial means.

Artificial suppression :- 
It occur in following different ways -
- Suppression by prolonged allopathic treatment
- Suppression of skin disease by external application
- Suppression by miasmatic states
- Suppression of natural body secretion by medicines
- Suppression by removing organs by surgery

Clinical example of Suppression :-

       A 40 year old patient was suffering from Eczema for 4-5 months. He visited allopathic skin specialist doctor. He gave him medicines and ointment which contain steroid so that eczema disappears in just 15-20 days. Patient was very happy as eczema was very irritating him and he was tired from constant itching. But, after 1 to 1.5 month he started suffering from cough and few days after he had difficulty in breathing. Now he was suffering from Asthma. after developing asthma, This patient visited one of my friend's clinic. He took case in very detailed and found out cause of asthma which is suppression of eczema.

=>Prescribing symptoms was as following-
 Asthma comes on by suppressed skin eruptions. Breathlessness immediately after lying down so that patient was unable to lie down. Patient feels tightness of chest. Breathlessness comes especially at midnight. Patient was chilly and extreme restless. Patient was worried about his health and anxiety can be seen on his face clearly. Patient feels better while eating hot food and in warm places.

Above all symptoms clearly suggest 1 medicine which is ARSENICUM ALBUM.
My homeopath friend prescribed Arsenic alb in 30 potency OD for 3 days and Sac lac for 7 days.

FOLLOW UP:- Patient was better in every aspect. Coughing frequency decreased. No feeling of tightness of chest. Mentally, all anxiety disappeared. Breathlessness occur only 3 time in whole week. He prescribed another 3 doses of arsenic alb with 1 week of sac lac.

  After 1 week, No cough , No breathlessness. Patient was completely out of asthma but old eczema reappeared. Patient became anxious and feared from reappearance eczema but doctor convinced him that it is good sign. We are at road to cure the disease. This is pure example of Hering's law of cure which is symptoms disappears from above downward , within outward and in reverse order of its appearance.
Disease is going from center to periphery that is from respiratory to skin, from more vital organs to less vital organ. This is perfect example of homeopathic cure.

Homeopathic suppression:-
In nowadays, some homeopathic doctors use homeopathic medicines in allopathic way. It will not lead to cure but it will do only one thing that is suppression. Many Homeopathic doctors I had seen using specific remedies for specific disease. This is not homeopathy at least it's not Hahnemann's homeopathy. This doctors blindly uses specific medicines for particular disease.
Example :- Sulphur for any skin disease , Thuja for any type of warts etc.
This will only suppress disease. Cure can't be achieved by this way. I request all homeopathic doctors take case in detail and give medicine which is most similimum to the case. Whatever the name of disease, it doesn't matter because "WE TREAT MAN IN DISEASE NOT DISEASE IN MAN".

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