Tuesday 23 June 2015

Obstacle to cure : Diet & regimen

            Homoeopathy is application of minute dose of medicine for the treatment of various diseases. The action of this small medicinal dose should not be disturbed or removed by any foreign medicinal irritant through diet or regimen.

Diet & regimen in Chronic diseases:-

Careful investigation of diet & regimen which may act as obstacle to cure is necessary in chronic disease. This disease causing or maintaining errors may passed unnoticed which results in failure to achieve cure. Master Hahnemann has advised to avoid following type of diet & regimen in patient suffering from chronic disease.

1) FOOD:- Highly spiced foods & dishes of herbs, roots & stalks of plants possessing medicinal qualities, ONIONS & crude medicinal vegetables. All excesses in food & in use of sugar, salt, spirituous drinks. Chines foods are highly spiced with various oils mixed should avoided during treatment.

2) BEVARAGES:- Coffee, Herbal tea, liquors, beer made with medicinal substances, perfumes. Coffee & tea are most popular beverages all around world. It often become obstacle to cure as this drinks removes medicinal action of medicines.

3) TOILET ARTICLES:- Tooth powders, strong scented flowers in room, perfumes, odorous water.


- Sedentary life style

- Uncleanliness

- Long-time stay in heated rooms

- Woollen clothing next to skin

-  Onanism or suppressed sexual intercourse

- Poor living, Damp rooms

- Over exertion of body or mind.

Above all things are obstacle to cure. This all may result in failure in achieving cure. Let me tell you about one of my clinical case.

CASE :- One of my patient was taking medicines from me for his eczema. He was suffering for over 1 year and visiting my clinic for over 4-5 months. Now, I couldn’t recall which rubrics I had taken but single medicine Sulphur came after rapertorization. Sulphur was covering 8 out of 8 rubrics. I prescribed it in 30 potency but in follow up, no change at all I got. I tried 200 potency and even sulphur 1M also I prescribed but no change in eczema found. This all changing potencies runs for 4 months. I retake the case but after rapertorization, only 1 medicine came Sulphur. What will you do when your best selected medicine fails in give result? I couldn’t understand why my selected medicine didn’t bring cure. I decided to retake case again.

             During case taking I found out that patient was drinking COFFEE 4-5 times/day. I became damn sure that coffee is the OBSTACLE TO CURE in my case. I asked patient to stop drinking coffee and prescribed sulphur 200 single dose with sac lac TDS for 7 days. In next visit, patient’s eczema decreased about 30 %. On following visits, patient was completely cured.

         I faced failure then after I learned something that I will never forget in my lifetime. I am sharing this knowledge to you so that you don’t have to face what I faced. Diet and regimen is very important things while treating chronic cases. My personal advice is not to change medicines too rapidly if you don’t get results. First try changing potencies if didn’t get result then check for error in case taking as for example, diet and regimen and still not getting the result then only change remedy according to case which is most similimum.

1 comment:

  1. If the selected remedy is actually not the remedy of the patient ,then you have suggested to give the same remedy in different potenties before selection of another remedy.May it not harm the patient?
