Friday 19 June 2015

Clinical Case #3 : Corns

       Today, Let's get some knowledge about Corn and after that I will share my clinical case of corn.

What is Corn ? :-
      "Corns are Small calloused areas of skin caused by local pressure irritating tissue over a bony prominence. It is just thickening of surface layer of skin due to local pressure as from shoes, ground, and   It occurs mostly on the foot and palms of hands. It occurs due to local friction of part and due to pressure to the skin tissue.

Case :-
              One patient visited my clinic for 4-5 corns on the both foot since 1 year. Patient had taken Allopathic treatment , used salicylic acid creams but got no relief in corns so that he had surgically removed all corns from foot but after 2 months corns reoccurred. After that , He had taken treatment from homeopathic doctor for around 5-6 months. Corns shrinks somehow but again grow repeatedly. Patient became very much frustrated about this problem (Corns) so that he stopped medicines of that homeopathic doctor and after 1 month he got my address from my other patient and he decided to visit me.
             It were very much painful. Patient can't walk with bare foot. Corns were red, painful and burning in morning. pain < in morning and better in evening & night. Patient was chilly. Patient's body structure was weak. Patient was very nervous (may be due to 1st visit but it's also important symptom to prescribe homoeopathic medicine.) I asked him in which foot corn appeared first. He told me 1st corn was appeared on left foot then after 1 month corns appeared on right foot also. He always need to add extra salt in food. I immediately checked his tongue, it was mixed type of as imprint of teeth with somewhat map like drawing in tongue. When I told patient that Corns will be cured soon so don't worry about it, patient replied in anger that all doctors had told him it but it were never cured.
           This is the whole case. Now I have to select medicine. Frankly speaking, I was confused because it covers most symptoms of Nat Mur but 2 symptoms are not of Nat Mur and for 1 minute, I felt to prescribe specific medicine like Antim crud, Silicea, Sulphur etc. But, This remedies may already prescribed by other Homoeopath. It didn't given result.
          Symptoms of Nat Mur in this case-
          - Left sided as corns appeared on left foot 1st
          - < Morning
          - > Evening  (<Sunrise to sunset)
          - Patient's body emaciated
          - Mapped tongue
          - Salt craving
          - Nervous patient
          - Consolation aggravates (I told him that not to worry but he replied me in anger)

     Controversial symptoms to Nat Mur-

        - Chilly patient

        - Imprint of teeth

        - Burning corns

I decided to go with Nat Mur as most similimum medicine. I prescribed  Nat Mur 30 OD x 3 doses with sac lac BD for 7 days.

Follow up:- After 1 week, Corns were become soft & painless. No redness. No new corn appeared after medicine. I prescribed Sac lac for another 15 days and after that again for 15 days. After nearly 1 month all corns were cleared. Don’t go for specific medicine. Prescribe only which suits the case most, Result will definitely good.

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