Monday 16 April 2018

Mother Tinctures & Their Uses

· Acalypha Indica Ǿ: Bleeding of pulmonary tuberculosis
· Arnica Montana Ǿ: Local injury
· Aegal Mar. Ǿ: Indigestion and diarrhea
· Alfalfa Ǿ: Appetizer and general tonic
· Avena Sativa Ǿ: Nerve Tonic
· Aspidosperma Ǿ: Broncho-dilator, asthma
· Aleteris Ǿ: Leucorrhoea with weakness
· Arjuna Ǿ: Heart tonic
· Atista Indica Ǿ: Worm Infestation
· Blatta Orientalis Ǿ: Asthma
· Berberis Vulgaris Ǿ: Renal stone
· Berberis Aqua. Ǿ: Acne and spots (Externally)
· Baptisia Tinc. Ǿ: Typhoid fever
· Chelidonium Ǿ: Liver tonic; hepatomegaly, jaundice, diarrhea
·  Carduus Marianus Ǿ: Liver tonic; hepatomegaly, jaundice, constipation
· Chaparro Am Ǿ: Bacillary Dysentery
· Crataegus Ǿ: Heart tonic; coronary artery blockage
· Calendula Ǿ: External antiseptic for wound
· Cascara Sag. Ǿ: Constipation
· Ceonanthus Ǿ: Splenomegaly, kala-azar
· Carica Papaya Ǿ: Indigestion & Hepato-splenomegaly
· Cynodon Dect. Ǿ: Bleeding disorder
· Damiana Ǿ: Sex tonic; sexual weakness; low sperm count
· Echinacea Ǿ: Blood purifier; antiseptic
· Ficus Rel. Ǿ: Bright red bleeding from any orifice of body
· Fraxinus Americana Ǿ: Enlarge uterus with bleeding
· Gentiana Lut. Ǿ: Appetizer in children
· Gentiana Chir. Ǿ: Chronic fever and blood purifier
· Hydrangea Ǿ: Renal stone
· Hydrastis Ǿ: Dyspepsia, liver disorder, constipation
· Kurchi Ǿ: Amoebic Dysentery
· Trillium Ǿ: Dark red bleeding from uterus
· Mellifolium Ǿ: Painless epistaxis
· Sarsaparilla Ǿ: Renal stone; white sand in urine
· Passiflora Ǿ: Tranquilizer
· Jaborandi Ǿ: Hair tonic and mumps
· Viburnum Op. Ǿ: Dysmenorrhea
· Yohimbinum Ǿ: Premature ejaculation; sexual weakness
· Plantago Ǿ: Toothache and gingivitis (locally)
· Mullian Oil Ǿ: Earache (Locally)

· Justicia A. Ǿ: Expectorant 

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