Wednesday 25 April 2018

Kent’s First Observation

Dr. J. T. Kent gave us so many gifts in field of homeopathy, one of them is his keen twelve observations after medicine. Dr. Kent observed in patient that there are different changes occurs after medicine, by which we can judge action of medicine, nature of diseases and nature of patients. It also guide in second prescription; that is what we should do in follow up patient. It is not only useful in homeopathic practice but it is also useful in modern medicinal practice. First observation is as follows:

“A prolonged aggravation and then final decline of the patient”
After we gave first medicine we find what changes occurs in patient. One of them being aggravation and another being amelioration. Technically they both are good signs but their time and intensity are important. According to law of cure a weaker dynamic affection is permanently distinguishes in living organism by stronger one. So as said by Master Hahnemann medicinal disease take place in body and natural disease is gone in this process with minute homeopathic aggravation. But how much time that patient have to face this aggravation? Highest ideal cure must be rapid, gentle and permanent, so prolonged aggravation will not cure the patient.
So if we observe this that mean we are wrong, that potency is not suitable (means it may be too high), case is not curable one. In this case we must antidote the medicine. It occurs when there is organic changes present. Structural or organic changes must be dealt with low potency. According to me material quantity is also important factor in homeopathy, and in low potency there is more medicinal content than higher potency. For organic changes to revert more medicinal content is required, and that why one should give low potency in organic changes. Some may find my view is materialistic but organic changes is also materialistic.
If we find this observation in patient, it is not favorable one. Prognosis of these patient is not good, unless we change plan of treatment. I had seen some practitioner are too impatient. They are finding cure in single dose in small amount of time. Not every cases are curable one, it is not possible that we didn’t make mistake in our prescription. We must understand patient and his disease, and that is one must search these observations in patient.      

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