Thursday 8 December 2016


➡To remove the bad effects of steroids, the following remedies are very useful:-

Baryta Phos-200

Growth retarded due use of steroids.

Calc. Phos-6x

If someone has to use steroids for a long period, it may be use to prevent the weakness of bones.


If the Liver has been damaged due to steroids, it also removes the hardness of blood vessels.


It removes the bad effects of cortisone.


It also removes the bad effects of steroids.


To remove the bad effects of excessive use of male hormones.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

POINTERS to remedy selection

1. Arg nit-hurriedness
2. Ars alb-insecurity, desire company, possessive,
avaricious, fastidiousness,anxiety about health.
3. Aurum met- depression and loathing of life
4. Baryta carb-misplaced
5. Bryonia-loneliness and insecurity
6. Calc phos-discontended
7. Causticum-graudal paralysis, graduality
8. Carbo veg-sluggishness, coldness, desire to be fanned
9. Chelidonium-forceful individual
10. Dulcamara-domineering and possessive
11. Hepar sulph-oversensitive and abusive
12. Ignitia-women liberation, grief
13. kali bich-narrowness
14. Kali carb-distinctive personality, committed,
dogmatically to the sense of duty, inflexible to rigid degree
15. Lachesis-constantly seeking outlet for relief
16. Mag mur-sour temperament
17. Medo- fitful, unstable, profusion inversion
18. Merc-lack of reactive power coupled with inability or
inefficiency of functions
19. Nat mur-introversion
20. Nit acid- dissatisfaction
21. Phos acid-weakness or enfeeblement
22. Phosphorous- diffusion
23. Platinum-exemplifies the process of perversion and
conflict between normal function
24. Plumbum-paresis
25. Pulsatilla-changeability
26. Rhus tox-stiffness
27. Sepia- bipolar conditions of body
28. Silica-yeilding
29. Stannum met- exhaustion
30. Staphysagria- suppression of emotions
31. Stramonium- violence
32. Thuja-ugly and deceitful
33. Tuberculinum-changeability (extreme levels)
34. Veratrum-constant activity.

Sunday 25 September 2016


- Never try to fool or scare the patient with wrong/ false diagnosis, bad prognosis or false hopes of curing. There are plenty of Doctors around for second opinion. ‘Word of mouth’ not only gives fame, but can also defame your career.
- As far as possible do ask for an accompanying parent/ care taker or spouse in case taking, so to get more details and so that both Doctor and Patient feel comfortable. Always have a close relative close while conducting any physical examinations.
- Being a homeopath, a person can share all his/ her intimate details with you in case taking. Some may sound very desperate due to bad personal issues. It is important to control your passions towards them and respect the formal Doctor-Patient relation. If you feel the patient is trying to befriend you for such reasons, warn them! Our profession entirely depends on our dignity in the society.
- How you dress, how you interact to people around your clinic and how you maintain your time punctuality makes an impact on your dedication to service
- NEVER defame or Gossip regarding other Doctors. Keep in touch with other Doctors always.
- For many patients, a Doctor is one who will basically check you. The Blood pressure, Pulse, Tongue, Respiration, weight is mandatory for such persons.
- Never Judge a person or Suggest/ Criticize him when he talks about what and who affects him. Many members from the same family having problems with one another may be your patients. Be unbiased and understanding. We just need the patients feelings and reactions, without adding our wisdom in between. We must keep our emotions out of the patients story and OBSERVE without getting involved.
- Be professional in maintaining Appointments & Charging fees from beginning. The patients will respect this and also explain the same to ones they refer. Patient needs your undivided attention, he pays you for that.
- No matter what troubles you are facing, what kind of day you had, what weather is going on, the patient expects their Doctor to greet with a Smile and talk to their level of understanding without ego or contempt.
- When you are new in practice, and solving a case which you never had before, deep inside feel honored that the patient gave you this opportunity instead of planning what to charge him. You need him for a long follow up and gain confidence for treating such cases in future.

Saturday 3 September 2016


How would various remedy personalities put up their Selfies?
SULPHUR – Probably the Inventor of Selfies, Self Loving Personality. Always trying out a unique selfie, which would also display his Talents – With a drawing, Invention, new looks, new car, celebrating tradition, visiting historical places etc. along with an intelligent quote that displays his wisdom. Someone who can always find an artistic way for new selfies. Makes the world known of all his work – Eating here, Watching there, Dancing here, etc. Deletes the selfie if it doesn’t get expected response in time.
PHOSPHORUS – Most Vibrant and colourful selfies, Cheeks to cheeks with friend, can be revealing yet charming. Hard to miss. Have the best selfies, with maximum likes. Very simple natural selfies or with Lots of effects.
CALCAREA – Someone who tries to click a selfie just coz the whole world is doing so. The dullest unenthusiastic selfies. Awkward smile, always unsure which to post. What will people think? Posts more of his children’s, wife’s and Gods pictures.
NUX VOMICA – The eater who posts selfies with Alcohol glasses, smoke, cars, office women, MORE SMOKE, ALCOHOL and lots of food. Rarely family photos.
MEDORRHINUM – THE ADVENTURER SELFIE – Selfies on Peaks of mountains, Under the sea, Air diving, Trekking, high on drugs, etc. Depicting his thirst for crossing his limits.
VERATRUM – Dressing especially for Selfies. May click them wearing branded glasses, clothes and watches in malls in trial room, even when he is not gonna buy them. Can pose besides anybody’s sports car, bungalow or girlfriend and mentions below – “Enjoying Life” as if his own
HYOSCYAMUS – Revealing selfies, friend list contains mostly unknown people. Poses as if some big hero or heroine, and tags everyone with a stupid tagline in weird font and spelling, “maY LiFe, Mai RuLez. RoAcK OoN!!!”
PULSATILLA – Has a selfie for every emotion, and loads of supporters too. What to wear? What to eat? How is my dress? Looking bad na? Feeling sad, just woke, sleeping. Messages in private to ask why you didn’t like my selfie? Finds a great satisfaction in social media in the way of acceptance and appreciation.
CARCINOSIN – Selfies with animals, Nature, Flowers, helping or doing charity or of her own eyes. Every selfie having a deeper meaning or quote.
LACHESIS – LOUD SELFIES – Of parties, roaming around, jumping, and wearing new dresses. Centre of attraction. Always a Big open mouthed smile and loads of expressions. Would not post those selfies where the other person looks smarter than her.
NATRUM MUR – reserved and less selfie oriented. Would put up mostly with family, children, parents and pets.
LYCOPODIUM – Would hardly post due to his lack of confidence. Would try an angle that would hide his baldness, his belly and his flaws. Would post if with some Influential person.
MERC SOL – Anarchist selfies – with the middle finger pointing up, with blood, after injury, or fighting with someone.
PLATINUM – Sensual and exclusive selfies with self-obsessed quotes
ARSENIC – TIP TOP SELFIES - Well dressed. Looks more like a posing for a passport photograph. Even KALIS

Thursday 25 August 2016

                      Common Symptoms Of Natrum Group:

1. Ailments from: Mental: Conflict, disappointment, fright, fits of passion, over study, etc.

2. Physical: Loss of fluid, masturbation, quinine, fat, wine, salt, bread, sugar, milk, head injury, thunder storm, suppressed gonorrhoea, etc.

3. Direction of action: Na has centripetal action. The cause lies within the body. Disease symptoms develop from periphery to centre.

4. Miasm: Sycotic.

5. Constitution: Natrum person is obese. He is oedematous, bulky, fatty and flabby without fitness. He is light weighted and his skin is soft and smooth like wax. HydraemiaĆ  tendency to retain salt and water, so edematous and dropsical condition.

6. Inflammation and pain: Pain and infection both are less; therefore it should be used in physiological doses in painful and inflammatory condition. Dynamic doses are used in non-inflammatory and painless condition.

7. Sphere of action: It forms alkaline secretions and it is present in the extra- cellular fluid.
CNS: Brain: Oedema. Hypothalamus- Psychoneurosis. Conflicts and mood disorders.
Endocrine gland: Hypofunction of the glands.
Sensory organ: Oedema and hypofunction of sensory organs.
Lung: Acidosis.
Kidney: Polyuria, alkaline urine.
CVS: Cardiomyopathy. Palpitation of heart due to sudden noise (Nat-mur, Borax).
GIT: Psychosomatic disease e.g. hyperacidity, peptic ulcer, mal-absorption syndrome, etc. Headache: sun, summer, and hot weather, anaemia with nausea and vomiting, periodical.
Skin: Dryness of skin and mucous membrane manifested as cracks and fissures. All types of skin diseases. Inflammation and tendency to ulceration, aphthous ulcer.
Specific Remedy Affinities
Nat-carb: Anaemia, chlorotic, puffiness, emaciation, weakness, Debility from sun heat
Nat-mur: Early morning debility
Nat-sulph: Debility from diabetes and anaemia.
Natrums are good for blood disorders e.g. haemolytic anaemia and leukaemia (Nat-sul)
Rheumatoid, gouty disease:
Nat-carb: Weak ankle, pain in heels (Calcaneal spur), burning of palm and soles.
Nat-mur: Chronic back muscle pain, must support back > by hard pressure
Nat-sulph: Rheumatism of children with heart affection.

8. Tongue and discharges: Sensation of hair on tongue or in the mouth (Borax, Nat-mur). All discharges are white, albuminous, profuse, acrid, thin, and hot. (Borax - hot, white, leucorrhoea).
a. Thick greenish - Nat-carb
b. Thin, white watery like boiled starch - Nat-mur
c. Yellow or golden yellow- Nat-phos
d. Greenish- Nat-sulph
e. Hot, burning, acrid- Borax.

9. Depth of action: Physiological to functional level.

10. pH: Na is used for alkaline or basic tissues and their secretions, e.g., blood, saliva, C.S.F., intestinal juices, etc.

11. Thermal modality: Chilly, but is aggravated by heat of sun, summer, high temperature. On exposure to sun: Debility: Nat-carb. Headache:Nat-mur; Diarrhoea: Borax
All Natrums are chilly except Borax, Nat-iod and Nat-mur ambithermal.

12. Sensitivity and susceptibility (reactivity): Natrum does not exist free in nature. It is highly reactive. Its action is through water as it is water-soluble. It is the most powerful reducing agent and least oxidising agent.
It reacts rapidly (aggravate) with water, and with cold as well as warm moist air. It is hygroscopic (absorbs water) and shows hydrogenoid constitutional properties (retention of water, ie < from water in any form). It is aggravated during April to July (in north continent) & warm damp weather.
It reacts with tissues or secretions having excess or increased carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, sulphur and chlorine. Na shows immediate response to external stimuli. It shows arthus phenomenon (action similar to adrenaline and nor adrenaline)

13. Reversible or irreversible changes: Na actively participates in the reaction. The reactions are ionic, reversible and require water media.

14. Electromagnetic forces: Na shows diamagnetic (repulsion) properties. It does not show catalytic properties. It gets aggravated by electromagnetic forces such as x-rays, radiation, lunar rays, gravitational forces, water vapour, steam, fumes, gases, new moon, full moon, etc.

15. Modalities:
Aggravation: Music (Nat-carb, Nat-mur), mental exertion, heat of sun, summer, sea side, high temperature, excess of salt, alternate days, damp weather, cold air, onanism, coition morning, contradiction, consolation.
Morning Aggravation: Nat-mur: 10 a.m.
Nat-sulph: 5 to 6 a.m.
Nat-carb: 10 to 11 a.m. Nat-mur: Cough and eczema. < Dampness and sea Nat-sul: Asthma, rheumatism < Damp weather Nat-carb: < thunderstorm Borax: < damp & sudden change of weather Periodical complaints, alternate day, 10.0 a.m., moon phases (Nat-carb), spring (Nat-sul.), menses with (Nat-mur). < Every summer (head symptoms); < in spring and winter (body symptoms). Amelioration: Eating after (Nat-carb), fasting (Nat-mur), change of position, rubbing, sweat, etc.

16. Food habits:
Aversion: Beer, fish, meat, milk, bread, butter, coffee, salt, fatty food, tobacco.
Desire: Beer, fish, salt, farinaceous food.

17. Mind: During health the Natrum person is social and extrovert. He is soft hearted and non-egoistic. He has high expectations in life. He always desires company. He cannot remain alone or idle. He must be occupied in some work. He talks less and has a feeling that he could have done the work in a better way. He is loving and affectionate. He has deep attachment and love, either with family member, relative, society, job, business or object, etc. He always thinks about business, family and society welfare. Normally the person is anxious and gets frightened easily. He has anticipatory anxiety. He is God fearing and feels guilty for anything done wrongly. He is always in hurry and restless.

Natrum person is very emotional. Psychosomatic complaints develop after the conflict between emotion and the intellect (i.e. wrong thinking, will and understanding). Wrong thinking gives rise to irritability which is of violent and malicious type. He dwells constantly on the past. The conflict arises between present and past life of the patient or with family, friends, own self; that leads to confusion in mind.

Breaking off an attachment leads to indifference and indecisiveness in mind. He requires immediately another attachment to become calm and quiet, so he hurriedly takes wrong decision like falling in love with a wrong person, job selection, etc. He becomes sad, depressed and disappointed. He does not want to work or does not take part in pleasurable events. He is always unhappy and dissatisfied. He cannot be pleased by anything. He broods over it and becomes morose: < consolation & contradiction.

He has his own uni-directional thinking. Now he is in a neurotic state. He does not want to be contradicted. He becomes hypo-chondriac and develops self-pity. He loses hope of recovery in his business. Similarly he is in a despair of recovery from his bodily ailments. He develops feeling of insecurity, envy and jealousy. He becomes over-sensitive to noise, music and contradiction. Weeps involuntarily when he is alone. Causeless weeping. He indulges in masturbation and excessive sex, drink, alcohol or where he gets pleasure. Fits of hysteria, mania or schizophrenia develop. There are repeated impulses to suicide. He desires death but lacks in courage to do so.
Another feature: Natrum has a dominating and willful nature; when not satisfied, she feels hurt and becomes frustrated, especially during menses.

18. Remedy relationship: Na complementary to K, Ca, Be.
Na and K are agonistic and antagonistic to each other.

Sunday 21 August 2016


Anyone will make mistake , none but a fool ( baryta ) will continue in it .

Some born great ( plat ) , others achieve greatness ( aur ) and some ( lyco ) have greatness thrust upon them .

A job worth doing , is a job worth doing well ( aur ) .

Empty vessels make the most noise ( verat ) .

An honourable death is better than a dishonoured life ( aur ) .

Great talkers are little doers ( lach ., sulph ) .

A great talker is a great liar ( op ) .

An idle brain is the devil’s workshop (iod ) .

Everything is within the reach of him who makes incessant efforts to get it ( metals ) .

A penny saved is a penny gained or earned ( ars ., bry ., calc-fl ., nux-v ) .

A rolling stone gathers no mass ( fl-ac ., tub ) .
Better late than never ( stram ., carbons ., cann-in ) .

Cheerfulness is the medicine for the mind ( croc ) .

Giving and forgiving ( magnesia ) .

Fear is a dark room , in which negatives are developed ( gels ., stram ) .

In sickness we fear for our lives ; in health we fear for our money ( ars ., calc ., lyc ) .

Still water , runs deep ( ign ., aur ., nat-m ., verat ) .

Jack of all trades and master of none ( lach ) .

Pride and grace , dwell never in one place ( plat ., verat ) .

Honesty is the best policy ( staph ) .

Strike while the iron is hot ( lach ) .

Great haste makes great waste ( apis ., mosch ., nat-m ., ) .

Age is a matter of feeling ; not of years ( fl-ac ) .

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush ( calc ) .

The easiest way to dignity is humility ( carc ., staph ) .

He who forgives , ends the quarrel ( magnesia ) .

You will never be a leader , unless you first learn to follow ( aloe ., choc ) .