Natrum |
Common Symptoms Of Natrum Group:
1. Ailments from: Mental: Conflict, disappointment, fright, fits of passion, over study, etc.
2. Physical: Loss of fluid, masturbation, quinine, fat, wine, salt, bread, sugar, milk, head injury, thunder storm, suppressed gonorrhoea, etc.
3. Direction of action: Na has centripetal action. The cause lies within the body. Disease symptoms develop from periphery to centre.
4. Miasm: Sycotic.
5. Constitution: Natrum person is obese. He is oedematous, bulky, fatty and flabby without fitness. He is light weighted and his skin is soft and smooth like wax. HydraemiaĆ tendency to retain salt and water, so edematous and dropsical condition.
6. Inflammation and pain: Pain and infection both are less; therefore it should be used in physiological doses in painful and inflammatory condition. Dynamic doses are used in non-inflammatory and painless condition.
7. Sphere of action: It forms alkaline secretions and it is present in the extra- cellular fluid.
CNS: Brain: Oedema. Hypothalamus- Psychoneurosis. Conflicts and mood disorders.
Endocrine gland: Hypofunction of the glands.
Sensory organ: Oedema and hypofunction of sensory organs.
Lung: Acidosis.
Kidney: Polyuria, alkaline urine.
CVS: Cardiomyopathy. Palpitation of heart due to sudden noise (Nat-mur, Borax).
GIT: Psychosomatic disease e.g. hyperacidity, peptic ulcer, mal-absorption syndrome, etc. Headache: sun, summer, and hot weather, anaemia with nausea and vomiting, periodical.
Skin: Dryness of skin and mucous membrane manifested as cracks and fissures. All types of skin diseases. Inflammation and tendency to ulceration, aphthous ulcer.
Specific Remedy Affinities
Nat-carb: Anaemia, chlorotic, puffiness, emaciation, weakness, Debility from sun heat
Nat-mur: Early morning debility
Nat-sulph: Debility from diabetes and anaemia.
Natrums are good for blood disorders e.g. haemolytic anaemia and leukaemia (Nat-sul)
Rheumatoid, gouty disease:
Nat-carb: Weak ankle, pain in heels (Calcaneal spur), burning of palm and soles.
Nat-mur: Chronic back muscle pain, must support back > by hard pressure
Nat-sulph: Rheumatism of children with heart affection.
8. Tongue and discharges: Sensation of hair on tongue or in the mouth (Borax, Nat-mur). All discharges are white, albuminous, profuse, acrid, thin, and hot. (Borax - hot, white, leucorrhoea).
Thick greenish - Nat-carb
Thin, white watery like boiled starch - Nat-mur
Yellow or golden yellow- Nat-phos
Greenish- Nat-sulph
Hot, burning, acrid- Borax.
9. Depth of action: Physiological to functional level.
10. pH: Na is used for alkaline or basic tissues and their secretions, e.g., blood, saliva, C.S.F., intestinal juices, etc.
11. Thermal modality: Chilly, but is aggravated by heat of sun, summer, high temperature. On exposure to sun: Debility: Nat-carb. Headache:Nat-mur; Diarrhoea: Borax
All Natrums are chilly except Borax, Nat-iod and Nat-mur ambithermal.
12. Sensitivity and susceptibility (reactivity): Natrum does not exist free in nature. It is highly reactive. Its action is through water as it is water-soluble. It is the most powerful reducing agent and least oxidising agent.
It reacts rapidly (aggravate) with water, and with cold as well as warm moist air. It is hygroscopic (absorbs water) and shows hydrogenoid constitutional properties (retention of water, ie < from water in any form). It is aggravated during April to July (in north continent) & warm damp weather.
It reacts with tissues or secretions having excess or increased carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, sulphur and chlorine. Na shows immediate response to external stimuli. It shows arthus phenomenon (action similar to adrenaline and nor adrenaline)
13. Reversible or irreversible changes: Na actively participates in the reaction. The reactions are ionic, reversible and require water media.
14. Electromagnetic forces: Na shows diamagnetic (repulsion) properties. It does not show catalytic properties. It gets aggravated by electromagnetic forces such as x-rays, radiation, lunar rays, gravitational forces, water vapour, steam, fumes, gases, new moon, full moon, etc.
15. Modalities:
Aggravation: Music (Nat-carb, Nat-mur), mental exertion, heat of sun, summer, sea side, high temperature, excess of salt, alternate days, damp weather, cold air, onanism, coition morning, contradiction, consolation.
Morning Aggravation: Nat-mur: 10 a.m.
Nat-sulph: 5 to 6 a.m.
Nat-carb: 10 to 11 a.m. Nat-mur: Cough and eczema. < Dampness and sea Nat-sul: Asthma, rheumatism < Damp weather Nat-carb: < thunderstorm Borax: < damp & sudden change of weather Periodical complaints, alternate day, 10.0 a.m., moon phases (Nat-carb), spring (Nat-sul.), menses with (Nat-mur). < Every summer (head symptoms); < in spring and winter (body symptoms).
Amelioration: Eating after (Nat-carb), fasting (Nat-mur), change of position, rubbing, sweat, etc.
16. Food habits:
Aversion: Beer, fish, meat, milk, bread, butter, coffee, salt, fatty food, tobacco.
Desire: Beer, fish, salt, farinaceous food.
17. Mind: During health the Natrum person is social and extrovert. He is soft hearted and non-egoistic. He has high expectations in life. He always desires company. He cannot remain alone or idle. He must be occupied in some work. He talks less and has a feeling that he could have done the work in a better way. He is loving and affectionate. He has deep attachment and love, either with family member, relative, society, job, business or object, etc. He always thinks about business, family and society welfare. Normally the person is anxious and gets frightened easily. He has anticipatory anxiety. He is God fearing and feels guilty for anything done wrongly. He is always in hurry and restless.
Natrum person is very emotional. Psychosomatic complaints develop after the conflict between emotion and the intellect (i.e. wrong thinking, will and understanding). Wrong thinking gives rise to irritability which is of violent and malicious type. He dwells constantly on the past. The conflict arises between present and past life of the patient or with family, friends, own self; that leads to confusion in mind.
Breaking off an attachment leads to indifference and indecisiveness in mind. He requires immediately another attachment to become calm and quiet, so he hurriedly takes wrong decision like falling in love with a wrong person, job selection, etc. He becomes sad, depressed and disappointed. He does not want to work or does not take part in pleasurable events. He is always unhappy and dissatisfied. He cannot be pleased by anything. He broods over it and becomes morose: < consolation & contradiction.
He has his own uni-directional thinking. Now he is in a neurotic state. He does not want to be contradicted. He becomes hypo-chondriac and develops self-pity. He loses hope of recovery in his business. Similarly he is in a despair of recovery from his bodily ailments. He develops feeling of insecurity, envy and jealousy. He becomes over-sensitive to noise, music and contradiction. Weeps involuntarily when he is alone. Causeless weeping. He indulges in masturbation and excessive sex, drink, alcohol or where he gets pleasure. Fits of hysteria, mania or schizophrenia develop. There are repeated impulses to suicide. He desires death but lacks in courage to do so.
Another feature: Natrum has a dominating and willful nature; when not satisfied, she feels hurt and becomes frustrated, especially during menses.
18. Remedy relationship: Na complementary to K, Ca, Be.
Na and K are agonistic and antagonistic to each other.