Sunday 25 September 2016


- Never try to fool or scare the patient with wrong/ false diagnosis, bad prognosis or false hopes of curing. There are plenty of Doctors around for second opinion. ‘Word of mouth’ not only gives fame, but can also defame your career.
- As far as possible do ask for an accompanying parent/ care taker or spouse in case taking, so to get more details and so that both Doctor and Patient feel comfortable. Always have a close relative close while conducting any physical examinations.
- Being a homeopath, a person can share all his/ her intimate details with you in case taking. Some may sound very desperate due to bad personal issues. It is important to control your passions towards them and respect the formal Doctor-Patient relation. If you feel the patient is trying to befriend you for such reasons, warn them! Our profession entirely depends on our dignity in the society.
- How you dress, how you interact to people around your clinic and how you maintain your time punctuality makes an impact on your dedication to service
- NEVER defame or Gossip regarding other Doctors. Keep in touch with other Doctors always.
- For many patients, a Doctor is one who will basically check you. The Blood pressure, Pulse, Tongue, Respiration, weight is mandatory for such persons.
- Never Judge a person or Suggest/ Criticize him when he talks about what and who affects him. Many members from the same family having problems with one another may be your patients. Be unbiased and understanding. We just need the patients feelings and reactions, without adding our wisdom in between. We must keep our emotions out of the patients story and OBSERVE without getting involved.
- Be professional in maintaining Appointments & Charging fees from beginning. The patients will respect this and also explain the same to ones they refer. Patient needs your undivided attention, he pays you for that.
- No matter what troubles you are facing, what kind of day you had, what weather is going on, the patient expects their Doctor to greet with a Smile and talk to their level of understanding without ego or contempt.
- When you are new in practice, and solving a case which you never had before, deep inside feel honored that the patient gave you this opportunity instead of planning what to charge him. You need him for a long follow up and gain confidence for treating such cases in future.

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