Sunday 21 August 2016


Anyone will make mistake , none but a fool ( baryta ) will continue in it .

Some born great ( plat ) , others achieve greatness ( aur ) and some ( lyco ) have greatness thrust upon them .

A job worth doing , is a job worth doing well ( aur ) .

Empty vessels make the most noise ( verat ) .

An honourable death is better than a dishonoured life ( aur ) .

Great talkers are little doers ( lach ., sulph ) .

A great talker is a great liar ( op ) .

An idle brain is the devil’s workshop (iod ) .

Everything is within the reach of him who makes incessant efforts to get it ( metals ) .

A penny saved is a penny gained or earned ( ars ., bry ., calc-fl ., nux-v ) .

A rolling stone gathers no mass ( fl-ac ., tub ) .
Better late than never ( stram ., carbons ., cann-in ) .

Cheerfulness is the medicine for the mind ( croc ) .

Giving and forgiving ( magnesia ) .

Fear is a dark room , in which negatives are developed ( gels ., stram ) .

In sickness we fear for our lives ; in health we fear for our money ( ars ., calc ., lyc ) .

Still water , runs deep ( ign ., aur ., nat-m ., verat ) .

Jack of all trades and master of none ( lach ) .

Pride and grace , dwell never in one place ( plat ., verat ) .

Honesty is the best policy ( staph ) .

Strike while the iron is hot ( lach ) .

Great haste makes great waste ( apis ., mosch ., nat-m ., ) .

Age is a matter of feeling ; not of years ( fl-ac ) .

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush ( calc ) .

The easiest way to dignity is humility ( carc ., staph ) .

He who forgives , ends the quarrel ( magnesia ) .

You will never be a leader , unless you first learn to follow ( aloe ., choc ) .

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