Yesterday I was in my clinic and a
patient came with his blood report. After consulting patient I gave that report
to my student and asked him what you diagnose from this report. Then he replied
me that it is not necessary in homeopathic treatment and he doesn’t know
diagnosis. This incidence made me to teach him how really necessary to diagnose
the case from report. And then I feel that there are many false beliefs about
homoeopathy. We should know what we are dealing with, and there comes the
diagnosis. Well, according to me the diagnosis of a case is a key for the cure.
In homoeopathy it is important to
the diagnosis of the case. Our master Hahnemann had said in organon of medicine
“Knowledge of disease” which means we have to know what diagnosis of the case
is. A homeopathic physician must possess knowledge regarding medicine &
When a patent came with blood
report or any other report then a physician must know use of it. In many cases
there are common symptoms which are really difficult to differentiate one
disease to another.
CBC: Complete blood count
First to learn diagnosis from CBC
report one must know normal value of each components of blood & function of
Hemoglobin:One of the valuable components of
blood. It is protein molecule found in red blood cells which carries oxygen to oxygen
to other tissue. Normal value of Hemoglobin is in males- 13.8 to 18.0 g/DL, in
females- 12.1 to 15.1 g/DL, in children- 11 to 16 g/DL & in pregnant women
it is 11 to 14 g/DL.
Low hemoglobin level indicates anemia,
sickle cell anemia, vitamins &nutritional deficiency (especially
vitamin B12, folic acid and iron), bleeding (external or internal), leukemia,
cirrhosis, lead poisoning, splenomegaly, thalassemia, profuse menstruation,
multiple myeloma, hypothyroidism, bone marrow disorder, certain drug use &
kidney failure.
High hemoglobin level indicates Polycythemia
Vera, lung diseases & tumours.
Red Blood Cells:It is also
known as erythrocytes. Function of red blood cells is to deliver oxygen to body
tissue via circulatory system. Normal value of red blood cells in males is 4.7
to 6.1 million cells /µL & in
females 4.2 to 5.4 million cells /µL. All disorder that occurs due to
low or high hemoglobin level is also due to low or high erythrocytes count,
because hemoglobin is major component of red blood cell.
Platelets:Also known as thrombocytes. It is
very important is for coagulate blood (i.e. stop bleeding). Normal value of
platelets is 150,000 to 400,000 cells/µL.
Low platelets count is called Thrombocytopenia
and causes of thrombocytopenia are leukemia, in some anemic condition,
alcoholism, infections such as dengue fever, enteric fever (typhoid fever),
malaria, hepatitis C, and HIV infection etc, certain drug therapy & mild
low count seen in pregnancy.
count is called Thrombocytosis and causes of Thrombocytosis are allergic
reaction, removal of spleen, certain type of anemia, auto-immune diseases like
lupus & rheumatoid arthritis, chronic kidney diseases, infections, trauma
and surgery etc.
Blood Cells:They
also called Leucocytes. They are cells of immune system and main
function of white blood cell is to provide immunity to body. Normal WBC count
is 4000 to 11,000 cells/ µL. There are five types of leucocytes which are eosinophils,
basophils, neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes.
Causes of increase in number of cells:
Eosinophils:(causes of eosinophilia) allergic
conditions such as asthma, hay fever, drug allergies & skin allergy,
parasitic condition & in some malignancies.
Neutrophils:(causes of neutrophilia) bacterial
infections (especially cocci, bacilli, spirochetes), fungal infections, acute
asthma, ketoacidosis, uremia, poisoning (lead, mercury, digitalis, camphor etc.)
and burns.
Monocytes:(causes of monocytosis) infections which may
be bacterial, viral or protozoal, auto-immune diseases like systemic lupus
erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, myeloproliferative disorders, obesity
and sarcoidosis.
Lymphocytes:(causes of lymphocytosis) infections,
malignancies and auto-immune diseases.
Causes of decrease in numbers of cells:
Eosinophils:(causes of Eosinopenia) Hypercorticoid
states like Glucocorticoid administration, Cushing’s syndrome & stress.
Neutrophils:(causes of Neutropenia) aplastic anemia,
arsenic poisoning, leukemia, nutritional deficiency, radiations, certain
medication & auto-immune diseases.
Monocytes:(causes of monocytopenia) acute infections,
aplastic anemia, leukemia & glucocorticoids treatment.
Lymphocytes:(causes of lymphocytopenia) infections,
Hodgkin’s disease, HIV infection, systemic lupus erythematosus, severe stress
and due to certain medicines use like chemotherapy.
So, that was regarding
the complete blood count hope it is helpful.Normal range of complete blood count.
Hi..I am new to homeopathy. I am curious if I will see a difference in my CBC, before and after homeopathy. For example, I have enlarged red blood cells. I assume after I take the remedy, my RBC count should be in the normal range. If this is the case, I assume I would see improvement/move to normal of any WBC or RBC that are out of range. Is this true? My husband is a skeptic and would love to "prove" to him that homeopathy works for me personally based on changes in my lab markers. Thank you!