Monday 4 May 2015

Migraine cured in single dose!

      Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you story about me why I trust homoeopathic medicines. First of all when I take admission in a homoeopathic college, I haven't any idea what is homoeopathic system of medicine!!! The places where I grown up there are very few, you can say rare homeopaths! In fact I haven't seen any homoeopathic clinic, so I wasn't aware about homoeopathy.At a time when I take admission in  a homoeopathic college, at that time I have no idea what I am going to do, clearly because I just wanted to be doctor!After getting admission I started to learn that homoeopathy is complete different system of medicine! My senior colleagues had implanted idea that "Homeopathic medicines have no effect and have no side-effect!" . They told me for any side effect of any medicine, the medicine must have effect in first place. That thing made to do allopathic practice in future. therefore, I just read all the homoeopathic book for just getting pass in exams. 

      I was having migraine since 8th standard. Well, I wasn't know, I was just like 'hey its just headache and vomiting no need for medicines'. I was having paroxysms of migraine around like 6 months. In ending of first year I had a attack of migraine, so needed to go home at that time. When I was reading materia medica I read all mental and laugh, and saying there are no such people in world yet I was comparing them to people around me!

       One day, in third year, I had mild headache, clearly not a paroxysm of migraine! then I just need to drink tea, because I am very big fan of tea! sometime when I am having mild headache a cup of tea will helps me! So me and my friend was going to drink tea at stall, bur our principal just stopped us and asked where are we going! we replied that we need to drink tea, I am having a headache. He says 'no you are not permitted to drink tea (though he was drinking it then!). If you having headache go and take belladonna 30 c from dispensary.' we went dispensary for belladonna but then I thought that I need Nux Vomica than belladonna. Its because when I read materia medica I thought it is suited me, and a symptom of it "If I could only vomit, I would be so much better" and guess what my headache was relieved by vomiting! and then I took nux vomica instead of belladonna, but I didn't take it then it because I hadn't faith in Homoeopathy. 

      Few months after I got paroxysm of migraine, headache was bursting type, painkiller wasn't helping. I just felt that I need to vomit. After vomiting I was having mild headache and then I think I just try nux vomica! So, I took 8-9 pallets of nux vomica 30. After taking nux vomica I feel good within 15 minutes!! After that time I haven't feel any paroxysm of migraine! I was so surprise that homoeopathy actually works! after that I had started to read about it, and seen results of it. that experience was unbelievable! I was just shock that my migraine was cured in single dose!! So, this is my story how I believe in homoeopathy hope you like it!!

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