Tuesday 26 May 2015

Diagnosis from Complete Blood Count.

Yesterday I was in my clinic and a patient came with his blood report. After consulting patient I gave that report to my student and asked him what you diagnose from this report. Then he replied me that it is not necessary in homeopathic treatment and he doesn’t know diagnosis. This incidence made me to teach him how really necessary to diagnose the case from report. And then I feel that there are many false beliefs about homoeopathy. We should know what we are dealing with, and there comes the diagnosis. Well, according to me the diagnosis of a case is a key for the cure.
In homoeopathy it is important to the diagnosis of the case. Our master Hahnemann had said in organon of medicine “Knowledge of disease” which means we have to know what diagnosis of the case is. A homeopathic physician must possess knowledge regarding medicine & disease.
When a patent came with blood report or any other report then a physician must know use of it. In many cases there are common symptoms which are really difficult to differentiate one disease to another.
CBC: Complete blood count
First to learn diagnosis from CBC report one must know normal value of each components of blood & function of it.  
Hemoglobin:One of the valuable components of blood. It is protein molecule found in red blood cells which carries oxygen to oxygen to other tissue. Normal value of Hemoglobin is in males- 13.8 to 18.0 g/DL, in females- 12.1 to 15.1 g/DL, in children- 11 to 16 g/DL & in pregnant women it is 11 to 14 g/DL.
·        Low hemoglobin level indicates anemia, sickle cell anemia, vitamins &nutritional deficiency (especially vitamin B12, folic acid and iron), bleeding (external or internal), leukemia, cirrhosis, lead poisoning, splenomegaly, thalassemia, profuse menstruation, multiple myeloma, hypothyroidism, bone marrow disorder, certain drug use & kidney failure.
·        High hemoglobin level indicates Polycythemia Vera, lung diseases & tumours.
Red Blood Cells:It is also known as erythrocytes. Function of red blood cells is to deliver oxygen to body tissue via circulatory system. Normal value of red blood cells in males is 4.7 to 6.1 million cells /µL & in females 4.2 to 5.4 million cells /µL. All disorder that occurs due to low or high hemoglobin level is also due to low or high erythrocytes count, because hemoglobin is major component of red blood cell.
Platelets:Also known as thrombocytes. It is very important is for coagulate blood (i.e. stop bleeding). Normal value of platelets is 150,000 to 400,000 cells/µL. 
Low platelets count is called Thrombocytopenia and causes of thrombocytopenia are leukemia, in some anemic condition, alcoholism, infections such as dengue fever, enteric fever (typhoid fever), malaria, hepatitis C, and HIV infection etc, certain drug therapy & mild low count seen in pregnancy.
High platelets count is called Thrombocytosis and causes of Thrombocytosis are allergic reaction, removal of spleen, certain type of anemia, auto-immune diseases like lupus & rheumatoid arthritis, chronic kidney diseases, infections, trauma and surgery etc.
White Blood Cells:They also called Leucocytes. They are cells of immune system and main function of white blood cell is to provide immunity to body. Normal WBC count is 4000 to 11,000 cells/ µL. There are five types of leucocytes which are eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes.
Causes of increase in number of cells:
·        Eosinophils:(causes of eosinophilia) allergic conditions such as asthma, hay fever, drug allergies & skin allergy, parasitic condition & in some malignancies.
·        Neutrophils:(causes of neutrophilia) bacterial infections (especially cocci, bacilli, spirochetes), fungal infections, acute asthma, ketoacidosis, uremia, poisoning (lead, mercury, digitalis, camphor etc.) and burns.
·        Monocytes:(causes of monocytosis) infections which may be bacterial, viral or protozoal, auto-immune diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, myeloproliferative disorders, obesity and sarcoidosis.
·        Lymphocytes:(causes of lymphocytosis) infections, malignancies and auto-immune diseases.
Causes of decrease in numbers of cells:
·        Eosinophils:(causes of Eosinopenia) Hypercorticoid states like Glucocorticoid administration, Cushing’s syndrome & stress.
·        Neutrophils:(causes of Neutropenia) aplastic anemia, arsenic poisoning, leukemia, nutritional deficiency, radiations, certain medication & auto-immune diseases.
·        Monocytes:(causes of monocytopenia) acute infections, aplastic anemia, leukemia & glucocorticoids treatment.
·        Lymphocytes:(causes of lymphocytopenia) infections, Hodgkin’s disease, HIV infection, systemic lupus erythematosus, severe stress and due to certain medicines use like chemotherapy.
So, that was regarding the complete blood count hope it is helpful.

Normal range of complete blood count.

Saturday 16 May 2015

How to remember homeopathic medicine and their symptoms:

How to remember/ study material medica

An illustration of  anacardium patient having 'two wills'
Homeopathic material medica is very vast subject. It is impossible to remember all symptoms from all homeopathic medicines. I have seen many practitioners & students finds difficulty in remembering homoeopathic material medica. Even our mentor “Master Hahnemann” had also accepted that fact.
Luckily there are many ways to remember these symptoms, of course not all symptoms from all medicine!!!
Yes we can use repertories for finding similimum medicine, but even repertory has its own limitation. Repertory and materia medica are complementary to each other; they both need to study thoroughly. A homoeopathic physician must have knowledge of medicines.
When I was student I found very difficult to remember symptoms, & symptoms of medicine were going to mix with another medicine! Back then I learn few tricks. First of all I studied constitutional symptoms and then I find person (friends & family members) who has exact same constitution! & consider that patient is of that remedy! For example I have a friend whom has tall height, slender in body, dark in complexion somewhat like Bryonia Alba! So whenever I need to recall bryonia I simply remember his constitution.
Sometimes I try to compare mental symptoms to different persons. This helps me to remember medicines. Alright let’s see different ways to study homoeopathic materia medica.
·        Anatomical schematic method: It is a very systemic way of remembering materia medica. We can remember symptoms in arranged anatomically; i.e. head to toe. By the way our master Hahnemann also used to study this way!
·          Physiological method: We can remember symptoms by observing medicine’s physiological actions on healthy human being.
·        Key-note method:  By this way we see only characteristic symptoms of each medicine. It is very easy way we need to just remember characteristic symptoms of remedies which is very during finding similimum.
·        Therapeutic method: We all know that drugs posses the power to cure the symptoms of different diseases from their pathological changes. Thus we can remember symptoms or can study drugs from its curative power & drug pathogenesis. Let’s see an example; various drugs have property of producing & curing the continuous type of fever like bryonia, baptisia, acid phos, gelsemium etc. So, this method is very useful in day to day practice. By the pathological changes we can remember many drugs.
·        Comparative method: This is my favorite one! Believe me it helped me not only remembering one or two medicine but a lot of! This method deals with comparison of different medicine with their similar or dissimilar symptoms. There are many levels that you can compare medicines.

 Disease level- Comparison of various drugs indicated in particular disease.  For an example: A state of collapse but wants to be fanned all the time- Carbo veg is a remedy. If craves fresh air, skin felt cold yet desire to be uncovered Camphora & Secal cor are remedies. Cold & bathed with cold perspiration Veretrum Alb is the remedy. But all these symptoms described above are found in Medorrhinum! See? By that way you can remember more medicines.
Symptomatic level-
Comparison based on various symptoms. For an example; burning, when ameliorates by cold application the medicine is sulphur but burning, when ameliorates by cold application with objective feeling of coldness then medicine is Secal Cor. And this method was used by great homoeopathic physicians which are Hering, Kent & H.A. Robert!

Organ level-
Drug resemblances to each other in their drug pathogenesis are compared to each other i.e. cina, chamomilla, bryo.
Rhus tox, silicea at the method of study should be adopted only after acquiring a through knowledge of the individual drug. And this method got applied by Dr.Farrington & Dr.Gross.
Classes level-
Well this method is quiet useful to remembering homoeopathic materia medica. In this method we can get some classes like various kingdoms, chemical groups, botanical families, nosodes, insects’ remedies etc. Certain groups or classes have similar symptoms.  

·        Picture method: It is easy and better way to remembering symptoms from medicine. It is fact that we remember or learn by visual or picture 20%. By this method you just need to draw an expressive picture of homoeopathic medicine.  It is easy to recall symptoms when you had seen graphically than reading.
·        Drug proving: Probably the best way to remember a thing is experience. It is also fact that we can remember 90% by what we say and what we do! When we prove some of the medicines on our self or others we can remember lots of symptoms of that medicine.    

So, these were few methods regarding study and remembering homoeopathic materia medica. But for remembering medicines & their symptoms one must study materia medica thoroughly.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Phosphorus: A Medicine with great uses.


General Intro about Phosphorus:
Red phosphorus- An element

            Phosphorus is an element, which is from mineral kingdom. Phosphorus exists in two forms white & red. In periodic table phosphorus lies in group V, next to silica and sulphur, and phosphorus is closely related to those two medicines. Phosphorus is known as "Light bearer" Or Morning Star". We all know fact that in crude state, is highly combustible if exposure to oxygen. In Allen’s encyclopedia there are about 3900 symptoms in phosphorus.
            Phosphorus comes in my mind when I see few symptoms in patient which are—Chilly but craves for cold things + Left Sided + Burning +Hemorrhagic Diathesis + Over Sensitiveness. And then I start to look other symptoms for totality in case.

Clinical uses:
Alopecia, anemia, asthma, arterial diseases, bone affection, brain affection, breast abscess, bronchitis, cancer, cataract, catarrhal condition, constipation, chorea, cough, cold, consumption, croup, dandruff,  diarrhea,  dropsy, ecchymosis, enteric fever, epilepsy, exostosis, eye affections, epistaxis, fatty degeneration, fistula, flatulence, gastritis, glaucoma, gleet, gum affections, hemoglobinuria,   hemorrhagic diathesis, headache, heart affection, hoarseness of voice, hysteria, impotence,  intussusceptions, jaundice, joint affection, lactation disorders, laryngitis, liver affection, locomotor ataxia, marasmus ,menstrual disorders, neuralgia, numbness, paralysis, pneumonia, pregnancy disorders, rheumatism, sleep disorders, scurvy, slpenomegaly, typhus fever, ulcers, vomiting and nausea, yellow fever etc. and in many condition it can be very useful.

Action of Phosphorus:
According to Dr.Nash there is no any other medicine than phosphorus having stronger action on nervous system. Basically it acts on every tissue of the body because it is one of the marked polychrest medicines in homeopathic pharmacy.

Constitution of Phosphorus:
Phosphorus is adapted to tall, slender, narrow-chested, with thin transparent skin, weak person who desires company. Phosphorus persons are good & beautiful in look having delicate eyelashes & soft brownish hair. Young people who grow too rapidly and are inclined to stoop.
Temperament:  Sanguine temperament & very sensitive nature. Phosphorus persons also have lymphatic, irritable & bilious temperament.
Thermal: Chilly, but its head and stomach crave cold things, cold application, cold drinks & cold food.
Diathesis: phosphorus covers two diathesis tubercular and hemorrhagic diathesis.
Miasm: Since phosphorus is polychrest medicine it covers all three miasms- Psora, syphilis & sycosis, but Psora being the basic soil.

Mental/Mind of Phosphorus:
Phosphorus has feeling of being unloved and uncared for. They want to be magnetized. They are very sensitive to all emotions, fear, and grief. Thus they have unique symptom “hot flushes from excitement”. They are always tried to draw your attention, for an example; a person in a group always conscious about his clothing, he want something unique, like they wear shiny shoes or whatever which draws attention towards them. They want their place in society, group or family and they fear that they will lose their place.
Phosphorus persons are very loving, affectionate, sympathetic and caring. But they can be very easily excited, very anxious, fearful, clairvoyant and restless. Child of phosphorus is very extroverted; he will make so many friends, but often make his friendship superficial. Their relationship is not deep; they just keep it on superficial level.
On other hand he is very much apathetic & indifference to the friends and surroundings, even to his own children, unwilling to talk, think slowly, move sluggishly. Like lycopodium & tuberculinum phosphorus person is quite intelligent but physically weak.
They are very fearful. Fear of thunderstorm, darkness, fear of death when alone. They suspect as if something was creeping out from every corner of the house. They are oversensitive to external impressions light, noise, odor etc.

Physical symptoms of Phosphorus:
            Burning:  As I mentioned earlier in Sulphur, Phosphorus is also one of the Trio of burners. Burning is almost as strong under this remedy as under arsenic and sulphur. Burning in phosphorus is very characteristic symptom; in fact burning is anywhere & everywhere all over the body. There is burning in spot along the spine, between scapula, of palms and hands, in chest, lungs etc.
            Hemorrhagic diathesis: Wound bleeds very much even if very small; wound that appear to have healed, break open again. The character of blood is BRIGHT RED, WATERY & NON COAGULABLE. Intermittent flow, ecchymosis with purpuric spots. There is acute hemorrhage rather than chronic, calls for this great remedy. Like Bryonia Alba there is vicarious menstruation & epistaxis instead of menses.
            A weak, empty all gone sensation in head, chest, stomach & entire abdomen.
            Over sensitiveness is very marked in phosphorus. They are susceptible to external impression like light, noise, odor, touch, electric changes, and thunderstorm.
            Though phosphorus is chilly patient he craves for cold things, ice creams which agree cold food & drinks. Cold water which is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. Sometimes there is vomiting of bright red blood. Phosphorus patient craves for acids, refreshing things, wine, sour things, salt & fatty food.
            There is restlessness in phosphorus which is characteristic. Person moves continuously, he cannot stand still for a moment, with constant fidgety feeling all over body especially in evening, twilight & when they lying on left side.
            It is very good remedy for hair complain like alopecia & dandruff. There is hair falls out in bunches. Baldness in local spots.
            It is strange to know that perspiration of phosphorus smell like sulphur!
            During Pregnancy, she is unable to drink water; sight of it causes nausea & vomiting. She must have to close her eyes during while bathing.
            Phosphorus patient complains about constipation in which stool is slender, long, dry, tough & hard. Their stool is like of a dog’s stool! In order to void stool they face much difficulty & great straining. There is also some patient who complains about diarrhea especially morning diarrhea. They feel as is anus remain wide open.
So that about phosphorus, hope it is useful to you!

Monday 4 May 2015

Migraine cured in single dose!

      Hello everyone, today I am going to tell you story about me why I trust homoeopathic medicines. First of all when I take admission in a homoeopathic college, I haven't any idea what is homoeopathic system of medicine!!! The places where I grown up there are very few, you can say rare homeopaths! In fact I haven't seen any homoeopathic clinic, so I wasn't aware about homoeopathy.At a time when I take admission in  a homoeopathic college, at that time I have no idea what I am going to do, clearly because I just wanted to be doctor!After getting admission I started to learn that homoeopathy is complete different system of medicine! My senior colleagues had implanted idea that "Homeopathic medicines have no effect and have no side-effect!" . They told me for any side effect of any medicine, the medicine must have effect in first place. That thing made to do allopathic practice in future. therefore, I just read all the homoeopathic book for just getting pass in exams. 

      I was having migraine since 8th standard. Well, I wasn't know, I was just like 'hey its just headache and vomiting no need for medicines'. I was having paroxysms of migraine around like 6 months. In ending of first year I had a attack of migraine, so needed to go home at that time. When I was reading materia medica I read all mental and laugh, and saying there are no such people in world yet I was comparing them to people around me!

       One day, in third year, I had mild headache, clearly not a paroxysm of migraine! then I just need to drink tea, because I am very big fan of tea! sometime when I am having mild headache a cup of tea will helps me! So me and my friend was going to drink tea at stall, bur our principal just stopped us and asked where are we going! we replied that we need to drink tea, I am having a headache. He says 'no you are not permitted to drink tea (though he was drinking it then!). If you having headache go and take belladonna 30 c from dispensary.' we went dispensary for belladonna but then I thought that I need Nux Vomica than belladonna. Its because when I read materia medica I thought it is suited me, and a symptom of it "If I could only vomit, I would be so much better" and guess what my headache was relieved by vomiting! and then I took nux vomica instead of belladonna, but I didn't take it then it because I hadn't faith in Homoeopathy. 

      Few months after I got paroxysm of migraine, headache was bursting type, painkiller wasn't helping. I just felt that I need to vomit. After vomiting I was having mild headache and then I think I just try nux vomica! So, I took 8-9 pallets of nux vomica 30. After taking nux vomica I feel good within 15 minutes!! After that time I haven't feel any paroxysm of migraine! I was so surprise that homoeopathy actually works! after that I had started to read about it, and seen results of it. that experience was unbelievable! I was just shock that my migraine was cured in single dose!! So, this is my story how I believe in homoeopathy hope you like it!!

SULPHUR: The King Of Anti-Psoric Medicine.

Hello folks, today we like to share a polychrest remedy ‘Sulphur’ which is very important to every homeopath in daily practice. Its OK to ask questions.


A Crystalline Sulphur. 
General Intro of sulphur-
Sulph. is an element, found free in nature. Sulphur is one of the greatest polychrests and is the “KING OF ANTIPSORIC MEDICINE”. It commonly known as ‘Flowers Of Sulphur’ or ‘Brimstone’. It has wide range in homoeopathic prescribing. Master Hahnemann says that it has reputation as remedy for itch about thousands years ago. So, Sulph. is a non-metallic yellow, brittle crystalline substance.

It is prepared for homoeopathic use in two different ways, 1st the flowers of sulphur washed and cleaned, are mixed with alcohol form tincture; 2nd by tincturing flowers of Sulph with sugar of milk.

Clinical Uses-
Acne, adenoids, amenorrhea, anemia, prolapse of anus, asthma, atelectasis, bed-sores, biliousness, boils, congestion of brain, breast affection, bright’s disease, cataract, cough, coryza, chest pain, cold, constipation, corn, diarrhea, dysentery, eye complaints, eczema, emaciation, enuresis, epilepsy, eructation, eruptions, burning feeling, perspiring, fever, gout, piles, headache, liver affection, menstrual disorders, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheumatism, SKIN AFFECTION, vertigo, warts, worms, worry etc.

Action of Sulph.-
It has great affinity for skin. It acts pre-elementally on the nervous system and also affects venous capillary system. Its action is from within outwards. Mucous membranes are also affected by this remedy, especial of eyes, bronchi, urethra & rectum.

Sulphur is chronic of aconite in acute disease.

Sulphur is adapted to people of light complexion who are easily angered although dark complexioned persons also yield to its influence. Suited to persons subject to skin affections particularly those who have a harsh & rough skin.  Sulphur is especially suited to lean, stoop-shouldered person who walk & sit stooping, walk stooping like an old man. Uncleanliness with offensive odor from the body. Delicate face with long & thin eyelashes.
Temperament- Sanguine Temperament
Thermal- Sulphur patients are very sensitive atmospheric changes, Yet they are HOT pt.
Diathesis- Scrofulous
Miasm- Psora. It is king of all anti-psoric medicines.

Guiding/Key note Symptoms:
·       Burning anywhere and everywhere in body, general or local. Sulphur is one of the Nash’s trio burners. (Others are Arsenic & Phosphorus.)
·       Standing is worse position in sulphur patient. They cannot remain stand; every standing position is very uncomfortable & unbearable.
·        Though sulphur is a hot pt., yet he refuses to take bath.
·       A weak empty all-gone sensation in the stomach, pt., can’t wait for lunch especially about 11 AM.
·       Nightly complaints worse in warmth of bed, covering up, washing.
·       Desire- sweets, acids, fat, alcohol, beer, whisky.
·       Aversion- meat & milk.
·       Periodicity of complaints.
·       All discharges are acrid & offensive.
·       Early morning diarrhea.
·       Chronic alcoholism.
·       Congestion of single parts: nose, eye, chest, abdomen, ovaries, arms, legs or any organ of body.
·        SKIN- dirty, filthy look of body prone to skin affection. Itching of skin with scratching, feels good to scratch. Scratching causes burning which is worse at night in warmth of bed. Skin affections that have been treated with medicated soap and wash. Boils that coming in crops in various parts of body or a single boil succeeded by another as soon as the first one heals. Boils and abscess especially in summer season. Tendency to formation of acne especially on face, hands & arms. Every little injury suppurates. Suppression of disease causes diarrhea.
Mental/ Mind of sulphur:
·       Dr. Hering called the sulphur pt. “The Raged Philosopher”.
·       Delusions; Even rags seem beautiful when pt. takes fancy for it. Everything seems full of beauty. He dresses himself in the filthiest rags but considers them to be the most elegant of decorations.
·       The pt. wears a paper crown, thinking he is majesty, the king.
·      Very forgetful, weak memory. Forgets recent events but remembers old ones.
·       Childish peevishness in grown persons.
·       Irritable, selfish, no regard to others.
·       Religious melancholy.
·       Too lazy to arouse himself.
·       Cannot find proper word during conversation.
·       Indifference towards work; aversion to business.
·       Happy dreams and wakes up singing.
·       Nervous & hypochondriacal in nature.

Saturday 2 May 2015

The Way Of Homoeopathy: An Introduction

Greetings everyone, we gladly introduce our new blog about homoeopathy & homoeopathic materia medica. We are happy to start our blog about homoeopathy; we will publish our articles about homoeopathy & Homoeopathic medicines, in a week or two weeks.

A little introduction about Homoeopathic system of medicine:

Homoeopathic system of medicine is unique and rational art of healing, which is founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
Homoeopathy from the Greek: (hómoios, "-like" and páthos, "suffering") is a form of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann based on his doctrine of like cures like (similia similibus curentur), whereby a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people. This notion of "like cures like" was similar to the emerging science of inoculation and vaccination.
This idea is referred to as the “Law of Similars“, and was understood by Aristotle and Hippocrates and mentioned in ancient Hindu manuscripts. It was Hahnemann, however, who turned it into a science of healing.

Here are examples of this principle:
·        An onion is a substance which makes your eyes water and your nose burn. If you are having an attack of hay fever with watering eyes and a burning nose, a homeopathic remedy made from onion can relieve it.
·        Drinking too much coffee can cause sleeplessness. According to this principle, when coffee is made into a homeopathic medicine, it could be used to treat people that struggle to sleep.

In homeopathic medicines, substances are used in ultra-high dilutions that make them nontoxic. These Homeopathic medicines are manufactured using a process combining serial dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking). Homeopathic medicines are perfectly safe to use for babies, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women, who are under the supervision of a medically-qualified practitioner.
Homoeopathy was introduced in India in 1839 by Dr. Honigberger. Calcutta is known as birth-place of homoeopathy in India. The ancient Hindu physicians had, in fact recognized the "Law of Similars" as one of the principles of treatment. In the Bhagwat Purana, written hundreds of years ago in the Bhagwat Purana - a Sanskrit couplet says "Vishaya Vishmoshashi" to which Homoeopathy took root and flourished.
There are many celebrities who had taken homoeopathic treatment. India’s father of nation Mahatma Gandhi is one of them who had taken homoeopathic treatment and said that it should be more promoted because it is harmless way to cure the patients. A famous actress Lindsay Wagner said that if she wasn’t an actress, she would be a homoeopathic doctor!
There are different modes of treatment, and every method has its own theory, scopes and drawbacks. Homoeopathy cures greater percentage of cases than any other mode of treatment. Many cases have miraculous result in homoeopathic mode of treatment. So we like to spread words about homoeopathy as far as possible. I had seen many young students who blame blindly on homoeopathy; it is because they are so naïve and impatient. If you study homoeopathy carefully and apply its laws in real cases then only you will know its genius. In the end I just only have to say that we will write articles about homoeopathic remedies, clinical cases and many more in this blog so stay tune! Thank you.