Thursday 30 May 2024

"होम्योपैथी में सेक्स पॉवर बढ़ाने के लिए विस्तृत गाइड"

होम्योपैथी में सेक्स पॉवर बढ़ाने के लिए विस्तृत गाइड

सेक्स पॉवर या यौन शक्ति किसी भी व्यक्ति के जीवन में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। यह न केवल शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य बल्कि मानसिक और भावनात्मक संतुलन के लिए भी आवश्यक है। जब यौन शक्ति कम हो जाती है, तो यह कई समस्याओं का कारण बन सकता है, जैसे कि तनाव, चिंता, और आत्मविश्वास की कमी। होम्योपैथी एक प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा प्रणाली है जो बिना किसी साइड इफेक्ट के इन समस्याओं का समाधान प्रदान कर सकती है। इस ब्लॉग में हम होम्योपैथी में सेक्स पॉवर बढ़ाने के लिए विभिन्न उपायों और दवाओं के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे।

होम्योपैथी की मूल बातें

होम्योपैथी एक चिकित्सा प्रणाली है जो 'समान को समान द्वारा उपचार' के सिद्धांत पर आधारित है। इसका मतलब है कि किसी बीमारी का इलाज उन्हीं पदार्थों से किया जाता है जो स्वस्थ व्यक्ति में वही लक्षण पैदा कर सकते हैं। होम्योपैथी में इलाज व्यक्ति विशेष के संपूर्ण शारीरिक, मानसिक और भावनात्मक लक्षणों के आधार पर किया जाता है।

सेक्स पॉवर बढ़ाने के लिए होम्योपैथिक उपचार

  1. लाइकोपोडियम (Lycopodium): यह दवा उन पुरुषों के लिए उपयोगी है जिनमें आत्मविश्वास की कमी होती है और जिनमें यौन इच्छा तो होती है लेकिन प्रदर्शन करने में कठिनाई होती है। यह दवा यौन कमजोरी और शीघ्रपतन की समस्या को दूर करने में सहायक है।

  2. अग्नस कास्टस (Agnus Castus): यह उन पुरुषों के लिए उपयुक्त है जो अत्यधिक हस्तमैथुन या अन्य कारणों से यौन शक्ति की कमी का अनुभव करते हैं। यह दवा यौन इच्छा को बढ़ाने और प्रदर्शन में सुधार करने में मदद करती है।

  3. नक्स वोमिका (Nux Vomica): यह दवा उन लोगों के लिए है जो अत्यधिक कार्यभार और तनाव के कारण यौन समस्याओं का सामना कर रहे हैं। यह मानसिक और शारीरिक तनाव को कम करने में सहायक है, जिससे यौन शक्ति में सुधार होता है।

  4. कैल्केरिया कार्बोनिका (Calcarea Carbonica): यह दवा उन लोगों के लिए है जिनमें थकान और उदासी के कारण यौन इच्छा में कमी होती है। यह सामान्य ऊर्जा स्तर को बढ़ाकर यौन शक्ति में सुधार करती है।

  5. सेलेनियम (Selenium): यह दवा विशेष रूप से वृद्ध पुरुषों के लिए उपयोगी है जिनमें यौन शक्ति में कमी होती है। यह यौन ऊर्जा को बढ़ाने और शीघ्रपतन की समस्या को दूर करने में मदद करती है।

जीवनशैली और आहार

होम्योपैथिक दवाओं के साथ-साथ जीवनशैली और आहार में भी कुछ बदलाव आवश्यक हैं ताकि यौन शक्ति को बढ़ाया जा सके:

  1. स्वस्थ आहार: अपने आहार में प्रोटीन, विटामिन, और मिनरल्स को शामिल करें। ताजे फल, सब्जियां, नट्स और बीज यौन स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभकारी हैं।
  2. व्यायाम: नियमित व्यायाम शरीर की ऊर्जा और सहनशक्ति को बढ़ाता है। योग और ध्यान भी मानसिक शांति और यौन शक्ति को बढ़ाने में सहायक हैं।
  3. धूम्रपान और शराब से बचें: धूम्रपान और अत्यधिक शराब का सेवन यौन शक्ति को कम कर सकता है। इन्हें कम करने या पूरी तरह से बंद करने की कोशिश करें।
  4. तनाव प्रबंधन: तनाव को कम करने के लिए नियमित रूप से विश्राम और मनोरंजन के साधनों का उपयोग करें।


होम्योपैथी में यौन शक्ति बढ़ाने के लिए कई प्रभावी उपाय और दवाएं मौजूद हैं। यह उपचार प्रणाली बिना किसी साइड इफेक्ट के शरीर और मन को संतुलित करती है। हालांकि, किसी भी दवा का सेवन करने से पहले होम्योपैथिक चिकित्सक से परामर्श अवश्य करें ताकि आपकी विशेष आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार सही उपचार प्राप्त हो सके।

इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से हमने जाना कि कैसे होम्योपैथी के माध्यम से सेक्स पॉवर बढ़ाई जा सकती है और किस प्रकार जीवनशैली में बदलाव करके यौन स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बनाया जा सकता है। आशा है कि यह जानकारी आपके लिए उपयोगी साबित होगी।

Saturday 30 December 2023

"A Healing Symphony: Mr. Patel's Homeopathic Journey"

     In the quaint town of Symptoville, Mr. Patel's tale of healing began. He walked into Dr. Holisticus' clinic burdened by an incessant itch that plagued his entire body. From hands to chest, back to legs, and even behind his ears, the itch seemed relentless, demanding his attention throughout the day.

       Desperation led Mr. Patel to bathe multiple times with hot water, finding temporary solace in the warmth. His routine became a fourfold dance with the water, attempting to soothe the persistent discomfort. The scratching, though providing momentary relief, left a trail of blood, and the red spots on his abdomen and back became unwelcome companions.

    The white spots, reminiscent of an unwritten song on his skin, hinted at a deeper complexity. They stubbornly clung to him, resistant to the passage of time. Mr. Patel also carried the weight of a new concern—sexual weakness and a diminishing libido.

    As Dr. Holisticus listened to this symphony of symptoms, he carefully selected Arsenicum album as the lead conductor for Mr. Patel's healing orchestra. The remedy known for its affinity to itching, restlessness, and warmth became the guiding note.

    As the days unfolded, Mr. Patel adhered faithfully to the prescribed treatment. The itching, once a chaotic symphony, gradually softened into a gentler melody. The compulsive bathing routine reduced to three times a day, and sometimes a simple wash sufficed to pacify the itch. The red spots gracefully exited the stage, leaving behind only faint echoes.

    The white spots, although lingering, held steady, and the new note of sexual weakness saw its own transformation. The once waning libido found a renewed vigor, adding a hopeful cadence to Mr. Patel's life.

    In this healing symphony, Arsenicum album played its part, and as the curtain fell on this chapter, Mr. Patel stood at the threshold of relief. The once tumultuous itch had transformed into a gentle hum, and the white spots, though persistent, seemed less pronounced.

    Symptoville now awaited the next verse in Mr. Patel's journey. Dr. Holisticus, the silent conductor in the background, was ready to continue crafting the melody of healing, one note at a time.

Saturday 30 November 2019


Aversion to boilded food: calcarea carb 200
Aversion to Brandy: mercurius Sol 200
Aversion to bread: natrum mur 200
Aversion to butter: pulsatilla 200
Aversion to butter milk: cina 200
Aversion to cabbage: lycopodium 200
Aversion to cereal: arsernic album 30
Aversion to cheese: nitric acid 6
Aversion to chicken: bacillinum 200
Aversion to chocolate: terentula hip 200
Aversion to coffee: chammomilla 200
Aversion to cold drinks: arsernic album 200
Aversion to cold water: sabadilla 200
Aversion to coocked food: lycopodium 200
Aversion to cucumber: magnesia mur
Aversion to eggs: ferrum met 200
Aversion to fish: graphites 200
Aversion to flour: phosphorus 200
Aversion to fried food: phosphorus 200
Aversion to fruit: ignatia 200
Aversion to garlic: sabadilla 200
Aversion to honey: natrum carb 200
Aversion to ice-cream: radium brom 30
Aversion to lentils: chelidonium 6
Aversion to meat: calcarea carb 200
Aversion to onions: sabadilla 200
Aversion to prickles: abies can 30, 200

Sunday 24 November 2019


What are Uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are common benign, non-cancerous growths arising in the uterus. Uterine fibroids most affect women of childbearing age. A single or multiple fibroids may appear. The location may vary from case to case.

There are three types of uterine fibroids – subserosal fibroids, submucosal fibroids, and intramural fibroids. Subserosal fibroids grow outside the uterus wall. The submucosal fibroids grow inside the uterus. The intramural fibroids grow between the uterus muscles.

Uterine fibroids mainly affect women around the age of 30–40 years. Fibroids tend to decrease in size after menopause.

Homeopathic Medicines for Uterine Fibroids-----

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris, Calcarea Carb, Belladonna, Sepia Officinalis, Ustilago Maydis, Sabina Officinalis, Trillium Pendulum, Kali Carbonicum, Erigeron Canadensis and China Officinalis and Ferrum Met are the top remedies used in the treatment of uterine fibroids.

1. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – For Uterine Fibroids with Prolonged Menses.

Thlaspi Bursa is one of the top grade medicines for treating uterine fibroids with prolonged menses. The menses continue for 10-15 days. Menses appear very frequently as well. The next menstrual cycle appears even before recovery from the periods has occurred. Menstrual bleeding is profuse, with the presence of large clots. Violent uterine colic during menses may also arise. Cramping pain in the uterus during menstruation in uterine fibroids cases is also suggestive of use of Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris.

2. Calcarea Carb – For Heavy Periods from Uterine Fibroids.

Calcarea Carb is a very useful medicine for treating heavy periods from uterine fibroids. Menses continue for long and may even appear early. Vertigo during menses may arise. Leucorrhea of thick, milky or yellow color is another complaint that may attend.

3. Belladonna and Sepia Officinalis – For Uterine Fibroids where Menses are Painful.

Belladonna and Sepia Officinalis are well-indicated medicines for uterine fibroids where the menses are painful. Belladonna is best prescribed where there is cramping pain in the uterus during menses, the menses are bright red in colour and profuse. Use of Sepia Officinalis is recommended in case of griping, burning or bearing down pains during menses. Menses start early and are quite copious. Fainting and chilliness during menses may attend. Sepia Officinalis is also indicated for treating painful intercourse in uterine fibroids cases.

4. Ustilago Maydis – For Uterine Fibroids with Dark Menstrual Bleeding.

Ustilago Maydis is a highly suitable medicine for uterine fibroids where menstrual bleeding is dark. Clots may also be present in menstrual blood. Uterine bleeding may be stringy in nature.

5. Sabina Officinalis – For Uterine Fibroids where Clots Pass with Menstrual Blood

In the case of menstrual bleeding with clots in uterine fibroid cases, Sabina Officinalis is a significant medicine. The slightest motion increases menstrual bleeding. Pain from sacrum to pubis is another attending feature. During menses, pain in the uterus may be present that gets better by lying on the back. Uterine pain may extend to the thighs. Other symptoms include foul, acrid, corrosive, yellow leucorrhoea.

6. Fraxinus Americana – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for uterine fibroids with bearing down sensation

Fraxinus Americana is a top grade medicine for uterine fibroids which is mostly recommended when the major indicating feature is a bearing down sensation in the pelvis from uterine fibroid.

7. Trillium Pendulum and Kali Carbonicum – For Uterine Fibroids with Back Pain during Menses.

In uterine fibroid cases with back pain during the menstrual cycle, Trillium Pendulum comes highly recommended. The pain may radiate to the hips from the back during menses. Tight binding of the back and hips provides relief. Menstrual bleeding is bright red and gushing. The slightest movement worsens uterine bleeding. Trillium Pendulum is also indicated for inter-menstrual bleeding every two weeks. Another attending feature is faintness from uterine bleeding. Kali Carbonicum is selected when there is violent back pain during menses. The pain gets better from sitting and pressure. The menstrual flow is also copious.

8. Erigeron Canadensis – For Frequent Urination in case of Uterine Fibroids.

Erigeron Canadensis is a beneficial medicine for treating frequent urination in case of uterine fibroids. In some cases, painful urination may also arise. The attending features are excessive menstrual bleeding which is bright red in colour. Erigeron Canadensis is also used for inter-menstrual bleeding from slight exertion.

9. China Officinalis and Ferrum Met – For Uterine Fibroids with Heavy Bleeding and Anaemia.

Both China Officinalis and Ferrum Met are effective medicines for treating uterine fibroids with heavy bleeding and anaemia. Among them, China Officinalis works best when there is profuse, dark menstrual bleeding, clots in menstrual blood, exhaustion and anaemia. Fainting spells may also arise. Ferrum Met is best used where the symptoms include pale, watery, heavy and prolonged menses leading to anaemia. Menstrual flow worsens from the slightest movement. Lower back pain or abdomen pain during menses may be observed.

Saturday 23 November 2019

Miracles of Homoeopathic mother tinctures

Miracles of Homoeopathic mother tinctures

This practice is still in use by the Homoeopaths, even today. Homoeopathy have a large number of Mother tinctures for use in diseases and in ailments with great success. Find here the descriptions of some Mother tinctures, which are total safe in use.
Homoeopathic mother tinctures are prepared from the following kingdoms:
Dr. Hahnemann have directed, how to prepare mother tinctures, in his work “ Materia Medica Pura”
Alcohol or distilled water, is used to prepare the mother tincture or mother solutions
Under the Hahnemannian guidelines, Mother tinctures are prepared for treatment purposes
Prescribed doses : Q / MTs
For Adult : 10 to 15 drops
For New born: One drop in two spoonful, make four doses / ¼ drops
Infants: One drop
Children : 2 to 4 drops
Adult children : 5 to 7 drops
Mother tinctures should be taken on empty stomach, unless not specified
This is a general prescribing mode of Mother tinctures

Safe Use
Mother tinctures are totally safe in use, as  is indicated, for any disease condition
After, remedy name “Q” or “MT” or “Mother Tincture” specifically suffix, to indicate , that the remedy is in Mother tincture form
Fast actions
Mother tinctures have very fast actions
Being prepared in Alcohol, the molecules of the ingredient of herbs etc , absorbed by the stomach and intestines quickly
Action of the medicine starts within 3 to 4 minutes
These actions remains for several hours

Alternations of Mother Tinctures
Mother tinctures can be given in alternation.
To cover the several disease conditions, MTs are prescribed single , two, three and even more in alternation.
Today Homoeopaths, mixes Mother tinctures according to the need of patient’s complaints, which could be 2 to 10 in numbers.
Mother Tinctures are sure-shot prescribing for disease conditions and never fails.

Advantages of mother tincture
It is used in most cases of emergency or acute cases where homeopathic physician require enough time to take out indicated medicine. (Blood pressure, acute stone pain, dysmenorrhoea, acute abdomen)
It is used as a palliative medicine for many cases.
It has very fast actions as compare to medicines
Its action starts within 3-4 minutes and last for several hours.
Mother tinctures are prepared from alcohol so as it is readily absorbed in stomach and intestine.
It is a very safe type as it has lowest potency than any other medicine. It is a less diluted tincture.
It is very sure indication with lesser reaction and failure
It also helps patient in weaning period of their medication.It helps them to minimize withdrawal symptoms and keep them permanently away from addictions.Eg-lobelia inflate helps them to wean asthmatic medication as it provides support to lung function.
Mother tincture is also indicated in bruises as a cold compressor.
It is helpful in preparation of many homeopathic tonics and external application along with proper homeopathic medicine internally.( according to aphorism no 284. Many of mother tinctures like cantharis, calendula are used as first aid in many external causes like burns, injuries along with internal medicines. )
Mother tinctures like arnica Q, jaborandi Q, and camphor Q are also used to prepare hair oil for special care of hair along with internal use of homeopathic medicine.
Mother tincture like calendula are used as an antiseptic in wounds cases, it is called as homeopathic “disinfectant” and it is mostly used with good results.
There are numerous numbers of mother tinctures (no limitation) so as to select according to each individual case.
It is useful in any disease if it depends upon symptom similarity.

Mother tinctures have chances of emerging new pathological symptoms as they are in crude form.
Long use of mother tinctures containing plant enzymes, poisonous alkaloids, glycolides and other phyto chemical ingredients are dangerous to health.
Mother tinctures are not permanent solution for any complaint; they are only for temporary and emergency use.
Mother tincture are not capable to pass complete pure energy to activate dearrange vital force as it contains drug molecules of original drug and it is not fully diluted.
If our selections of mother tinctures are not similar to disease symptom then it considers as anti homeopathy.


1. Chelidonium Q - enlarged liver, jaundice with loose motion.
2. Carduus Mar.- enlarged liver, jaundice wth constipation.
3.Aegal Mar. - diarrhoea and indigestion
4. Kurchi Q - Amoebic dysentery
5. Chaparro Am Q - Bacillary dysentery
6. Craetagus Q - heart tonic and coronary artery blockage
6. Avena Sativa Q - Tonic for nerves
7. Alfalfa Q - General tonic, appetizer and fat producer
8. Aspidosperma Q - asthma, broncho dialeter.
9. Blatta oriant. Q - Asthma
10. Trillium. Q - bleeding from uterus red color
11. Mellifolium. Q - dark uterine bleeding and epistaxis
12. Hydrastis. Q - dyspepsia, constipation, liver dysfunction
13. Berberis. Vul. Q - kidney stone
14. Hydrangea Q - for breaking of kidney stone
15. Sarsaparilla Q - for cleaning of kidney stone, sand in kidney
16. Gentiana Lut. Q - Appetizer in children
17. Gentiana. Chirata. Q - chronic fever and blood purifier
18. Echinacea Q - blood purifier antiseptic
19. Calendula Q - for antiseptic wash of wounds
20. Passiflora Q - sleeplessness and as a tranquilizer
21 Acalypha Indica Q - bleeding of pulmonary TB
22. Jabotandi Q - for mumps and local use for falling of hair
23. Arnica Q - local massage for injury
24. Aleteris Q - leucorrhoea with weakness
25. Viburnum Opul. Q - painful menses
26. Damiana Q - sexual weakness and less sperm
27. Yohimbinum Q - sexual weakness and early ejaculation
28. Plantago Q - local use for toothache and gums swelling
29. Mullain Oil Q - local use for earache
30. Cascara. Sag. Q - constipation
31. Arjuna Q - A heart tonic
32. Atista Indica Q - for all types of worms
32 . Berberis. Aqua. Q - external use for pimples and spots
33. Baptisia Q - typhoid fever
34. Ceanothus. Q - enlarged spleen and kala azar
35. Carica Papaya Q - enlarged liver and spleen and indigestion
36. Chionanthus Q - gall stone colic
37. Cynodon Dect Q - any type of bleeding
38. Ficus Rel. Q - bright red blood from any orifice of the body
39. Fraxinus Americana Q - enlarged uterus with bleeding
40. Justicia Q - expectorant
41. Lufa Bindal - gall stones
42. Xanthoxylon Q - Painful menses among young girls
43. Streculia Q - for stamina/athletes
44. Asoka Q - tonic for woman
45. Hydrocotyl Q - Leucodermia
46. Natrum Hyposulph Q - Locally and internally for Liver spots
47. Pinus LT Q - Menses irregularity among married women
48. Vesicaria Q - Kidneys failure and dysuria

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Kent’s First Observation

Dr. J. T. Kent gave us so many gifts in field of homeopathy, one of them is his keen twelve observations after medicine. Dr. Kent observed in patient that there are different changes occurs after medicine, by which we can judge action of medicine, nature of diseases and nature of patients. It also guide in second prescription; that is what we should do in follow up patient. It is not only useful in homeopathic practice but it is also useful in modern medicinal practice. First observation is as follows:

“A prolonged aggravation and then final decline of the patient”
After we gave first medicine we find what changes occurs in patient. One of them being aggravation and another being amelioration. Technically they both are good signs but their time and intensity are important. According to law of cure a weaker dynamic affection is permanently distinguishes in living organism by stronger one. So as said by Master Hahnemann medicinal disease take place in body and natural disease is gone in this process with minute homeopathic aggravation. But how much time that patient have to face this aggravation? Highest ideal cure must be rapid, gentle and permanent, so prolonged aggravation will not cure the patient.
So if we observe this that mean we are wrong, that potency is not suitable (means it may be too high), case is not curable one. In this case we must antidote the medicine. It occurs when there is organic changes present. Structural or organic changes must be dealt with low potency. According to me material quantity is also important factor in homeopathy, and in low potency there is more medicinal content than higher potency. For organic changes to revert more medicinal content is required, and that why one should give low potency in organic changes. Some may find my view is materialistic but organic changes is also materialistic.
If we find this observation in patient, it is not favorable one. Prognosis of these patient is not good, unless we change plan of treatment. I had seen some practitioner are too impatient. They are finding cure in single dose in small amount of time. Not every cases are curable one, it is not possible that we didn’t make mistake in our prescription. We must understand patient and his disease, and that is one must search these observations in patient.      

Friday 20 April 2018

Medicine in short: BLATTA ORIENTALIS

This medicine is prepared from INDIAN COCKROACH! It is true some people may feel “Eewww…” when they find out it is made from, but blatta orientalis is marvelous remedy for asthma. Blatta orientalis is medicine with small sphere of action. Its action is limited to bronchio-tracheal system. It was proved accidentally by Dr.D.N.Ray, one best practitioner in India. One of his patient had asthma and he took tea which was made in water with cockroach! Cockroach was boiled in water after drinking this tea it relieved complaint of asthma in that patient. Dr.Ray observed it and conducted drug proving. Blatta orientalis had cured many patient since then!
If blatta orientalis is given in low potency it will relieves acute attacks of asthma, but after spasmodic attack it must be given in high potency to prevent further attack of asthma.
INDICATIONS: Best suited to stout and corpulent persons. Acute cases of bronchial asthma, bronchitis and phthisis. Cases where bronchioles and trachea are main target. Suffocation caused by mucus which is pus like. Cough with dyspnea, oppression of breathing with pus like mucus. Restlessness with plenty of sweating. Lying down aggravates suffocation. Arsenic album is also good medicine for respiratory complaints but when arsenic doesn’t produce sufficient effect or just palliates complaint, blatta orientalis will give satisfactory result.
Another medicine is made from cockroach is BLATTA AMERICANA. Which is indicated in liver and urinary tract; ascites, dropsy, jaundice and urinary tract infections.