Saturday 30 November 2019


Aversion to boilded food: calcarea carb 200
Aversion to Brandy: mercurius Sol 200
Aversion to bread: natrum mur 200
Aversion to butter: pulsatilla 200
Aversion to butter milk: cina 200
Aversion to cabbage: lycopodium 200
Aversion to cereal: arsernic album 30
Aversion to cheese: nitric acid 6
Aversion to chicken: bacillinum 200
Aversion to chocolate: terentula hip 200
Aversion to coffee: chammomilla 200
Aversion to cold drinks: arsernic album 200
Aversion to cold water: sabadilla 200
Aversion to coocked food: lycopodium 200
Aversion to cucumber: magnesia mur
Aversion to eggs: ferrum met 200
Aversion to fish: graphites 200
Aversion to flour: phosphorus 200
Aversion to fried food: phosphorus 200
Aversion to fruit: ignatia 200
Aversion to garlic: sabadilla 200
Aversion to honey: natrum carb 200
Aversion to ice-cream: radium brom 30
Aversion to lentils: chelidonium 6
Aversion to meat: calcarea carb 200
Aversion to onions: sabadilla 200
Aversion to prickles: abies can 30, 200

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