Tuesday 27 March 2018

Does Homeopathy act ONLY as PLACEBO?

I read some articles on internet claims “Homeopathy does not work”, “Homeopathy is nothing more than placebo”, “Homeopathy work only on those who believes it.” After reading these article I wonder are they legit articles? Ok it may not scientifically “working” but so many people had seen it effectiveness. So we cannot question about it effectiveness.
They says it acts only as placebo nothing more. Some diseases are terminal; after few time disease terminate itself and complete its course. That may be true in acute diseases as for example viral cases like common cold, chickenpox, and smallpox even benign dengue fever (non-hemorrhagic type) they all subsides from individual after running their course. There may not need any medication to cure them except symptomatic and/or supportive care. As definition of acute diseases they are of sudden onset, rapid course and having tendency to recover or death. So treatment should be based on severity of diseases. So from this one may say homeopathy merely act as PLACEBO. Well this may be true in acute disease (Not all acute cases) but what about chronic diseases? Chronic diseases have tendency to relapse and remits.
As a homeopath I had seen result in both acute and chronic cases. Recent case I treated was of recurrent oral cyst. It questioned me about those articles. First I treated oral cyst that means homeopathy is working! And second thing you just cannot treat any growth or cyst only by PLACEBO!!!
So, here is how this case goes; about two weeks earlier (after just reading those articles) a patient came through reference by my old patient. He had recurrent oral cyst since past 3 years. He tried to remove so many time but it came back in two or three weeks. He even also tried to remove himself with his teeth! But one thing bothered me most that he does want to take homeopathy! He continue asking me if I can remove his cyst and give allopathic medicine! I explained him that no allopathic medicines (except chemotherapy in cancer) are working on growth or cyst. According to allopath growth needs to be remove from body. As far as I know he doesn’t want to take homeopathic medicine, but my old patient keep insisting him to take homeopathic medicines. In the end he finally took medicine from me. But I sense somehow he still doesn’t trust on homeopathy. After a month he came alone to visit me and says ‘I can’t believe’, ‘it completely removes complain!’ and by the way when he first took medicine he has 1 cm cyst in his mouth. And I asked him that if he had remove his cyst by biting or any other measure? He says no ‘I have not.’ ‘It became smaller day by day and vanished itself!’ So this case proves it did not act just as placebo. Because for placebo effect first you need to believe in medicine and second nature of disease must be self-limiting and in above case patient’s disease was not self-limiting and patient was not convinced in mode of treatment. And believe me it is not first case of trust issue!

After case like these one can’t trust these articles. It acts also on those who don’t trust homeopathy. As I recall Dr.Kent and Dr.Boeninghaussen are also impressive examples of homeopathy’s effectiveness, because they were not homeopath first. One more thing I like to say; allopathic system of medicine is NOT BAD! Yes, it is also effective system (without any doubt). I said this because it is now advanced and also reliable. So it not wise to blame that it is bad way to treat, OK it WAS BAD in master Hahnemann’s era but now it had evolved. I said this because in some college they still consider it is irrational, and misdirect young homeopaths. Our master told us not to be prejudice! It is modern time and we need to move on because at some point you will need it! Yes like we have our pro and cons like all system have their own. Blaming and criticize other system with do not good for our system. And one more thing I proudly practicing HOEMEOPATHY!

Saturday 24 March 2018

Thuja: The King of Anti-sycotic Remedies


   Introduction of drug:
    Thuja is constitutional and polycrest medicine belonging specifically sycotic origin in fact it is king of all anti-sycotic remedies. Thuja belongs to vegetable kingdom and commonly known as Tree of life or Arbor vitae or White cedar, and member of Coniferae/Cupressaceae family. Proving was conducted by our Master Hahnemann and he stated that it is only efficacious remedy for fig-warts and gonorrhea. Mother tincture is prepared from leaves and twigs of Thuja plants.
   About Sycotic Miasm:
    We all know that there are three fundamental miasms (which are psora, syphilis and sycosis). Sycosis is also known as fig-wart disease and is venereal chronic miasm which causes external condylomatous and cauliflower like growth on genital area (this is primary manifestation of sycosis).  Secondary manifestation of sycosis occurs when this over growth is externally removed by means of cauterization, burning or surgical way. So basically sycosis is one kind of over growth of any kind.
   Symptomatology of Thuja:
    Like sulphur is king of anti-psoric medicines, mercurius is king of anti-syphilitic medicines, Thuja is king of anti-sycotic medicines. Thuja acts on skin, genital-urinary organs, nervous system, blood, gastro-intestinal tract, kidneys and brain. It chiefly act on skin and genital-urinary organs and causing over growth i.e. warts and condylomata. It good medicine to start a treatment of chronic case.
 Constitution: Hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl. (Hydrogenoid means increased capacity of to contain more water in cytoplasm of cells). Persons are fleshy and having over growth of some kind i.e. warts, tumors. They are generally chilly patients.  They are slow in learning.
 General symptoms:
· First and obvious symptom is it causes over growth; it produces fig-warts, condylomata on skin.
· For being king of sycotic remedy, all complains are ameliorates by abnormal discharge which are leucorrhea, coryza etc.
· Chiefly affects left side of the body; left kidney, left arm etc.
· Ailments from bad effect of vaccination, suppressed or mal-treated gonorrhea.
· Sweat only on the uncovered parts that is all over body except head. Sweating only during sleeping hours.
· Vertigo when closing his eyes.
· Tooth decay at roots and crown of teeth remains intact.
· Extreme dryness especially of vagina.
· Perspiration on genital smells like honey.
· It is very good remedy for diarrhea, more specifically after break-fast and after vaccination; diarrhea is profuse and watery, gushing type like water is gushed out of bung-hole.
· Delusion; thinks his limbs were made of glass and it would break easily, feels his lower limbs are made of wood and he feels it while walking, something alive is moving in his abdomen.
· Music is unbearable.
· Constipation; stool partly expelled and recede back.
· Rheumatism.

Case Study:
Case 1 (Self): few months before there was papilloma, a benign growth was developing under my armpits. First I did not give much important and then it draws my attention. Then I decide to take Thuja 30c single dose, as Thuja is specific in warts and growth. After just 5 days that growth became shrunken at end and when I touched it, it came off! I was surprised with this much fast result without any surgical means!

Case 2 (Patient): A healthy looking patient came to visit me for recurrent coryza. He was having complain of coryza since 1 and half year. After further investigation he told me he had corn on feet and it was removed by surgically. It was about just 3 months before coryza started. So it is certain that coryza is secondary manifestation of sycosis. But he had taken allopathic medicine throughout this time. That’s why he needed first dose of sulphur and placebo for a month, in follow up he told me he feels slightly better than before but complain was not completely removed. On that visit I gave him a dose of Thuja 200c and placebo for 15 days. On third visit he felt very good as coryza was gone.