Thursday 8 December 2016


➡To remove the bad effects of steroids, the following remedies are very useful:-

Baryta Phos-200

Growth retarded due use of steroids.

Calc. Phos-6x

If someone has to use steroids for a long period, it may be use to prevent the weakness of bones.


If the Liver has been damaged due to steroids, it also removes the hardness of blood vessels.


It removes the bad effects of cortisone.


It also removes the bad effects of steroids.


To remove the bad effects of excessive use of male hormones.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

POINTERS to remedy selection

1. Arg nit-hurriedness
2. Ars alb-insecurity, desire company, possessive,
avaricious, fastidiousness,anxiety about health.
3. Aurum met- depression and loathing of life
4. Baryta carb-misplaced
5. Bryonia-loneliness and insecurity
6. Calc phos-discontended
7. Causticum-graudal paralysis, graduality
8. Carbo veg-sluggishness, coldness, desire to be fanned
9. Chelidonium-forceful individual
10. Dulcamara-domineering and possessive
11. Hepar sulph-oversensitive and abusive
12. Ignitia-women liberation, grief
13. kali bich-narrowness
14. Kali carb-distinctive personality, committed,
dogmatically to the sense of duty, inflexible to rigid degree
15. Lachesis-constantly seeking outlet for relief
16. Mag mur-sour temperament
17. Medo- fitful, unstable, profusion inversion
18. Merc-lack of reactive power coupled with inability or
inefficiency of functions
19. Nat mur-introversion
20. Nit acid- dissatisfaction
21. Phos acid-weakness or enfeeblement
22. Phosphorous- diffusion
23. Platinum-exemplifies the process of perversion and
conflict between normal function
24. Plumbum-paresis
25. Pulsatilla-changeability
26. Rhus tox-stiffness
27. Sepia- bipolar conditions of body
28. Silica-yeilding
29. Stannum met- exhaustion
30. Staphysagria- suppression of emotions
31. Stramonium- violence
32. Thuja-ugly and deceitful
33. Tuberculinum-changeability (extreme levels)
34. Veratrum-constant activity.