Thursday 9 July 2015

Clinical Case #4 : Tonsillitis

          One male patient aged 30 visited my clinic for chronic tonsillitis. He had taken lots of allopathic medicines for over 1 year but no relieve at all. Continue recurrent tonsillitis occurs. Patient was advised for tonsillectomy. Patient don’t want to remove tonsils so that he search about alternate way and found out about homoeopathy. Eventually he found my clinic at nearest to his home, he visited me. He is teacher at school and had to speak whole day. Pain was only when eating or drinking.
Patient was very hot. Even in winter he take bath with cold water. Can’t stay without fan at maximum speed. I examined his throat, tonsils are red but left sided tonsil more inflamed. I asked patient from which side pain started in throat? He told me, left side throat was initially painful then after right side also become painful. Clearly, Left sided medicine will come
Stool, urine – NAD
Sleep – NAD
Past history – No any major illness previously
Family history – Father:- A/H
I didn’t find any other important symptoms in physical plane so I asked patient about his social life and married life. This is the one knock on his mind. He started telling everything about his life.
Problem started before 1 year since his divorce. He was loving his wife very much but she didn’t understand him. She always finds fault in him and start to fight. We didn’t have any children. I don’t want to leave her but she did not want to stay with him. May be she lost interest in me. I couldn’t accept that she left me.
I was silently listening the patient without any interruption and he keeps speaking continually.
Patient told, I had done many MANTA (Wish) to the god so that his relation may become normal and his wife come back to him. I walked to the AMBAJI MATAJI temple with naked legs which is about 20 km form my home.
Then suddenly patient stopped speaking. I remained silent. He again start speaking. He told, I had done lots of hard work to reach in this position (As school teacher in well-known school). And he was nominated to promote as a principle of school but due to my throat complaint, he was rejected. In his place, one teacher promoted as principle in spite of not as good as him. He had lack of many quality to became principle.

THAT’S IT. Case taking over.
Clear cut remedy came out of this case. That is LACHESIS.
But I still want to conform it with repertorization.
I took following rubrics.
1)      Disappointed Love
2)      Swelling tonsils, Left
3)      Swallowing, Difficult
4)      Religious
5)      Loquacious, Delirium
6)      Jealousy

Lachesis covers all above rubrics. I prescribed Lachesis 30 single dose of 6 globules stat with placebo for 1 week.

Follow up:- Patient came with smile on his face and told me that, The day 1st visit after 1st dose, that night he had dinner WITHOUT ANY PAIN. After that he hadn’t suffer for pain for even single time. I examined his throat, for my astonishing, there is no any sign of inflammation. Just single dose of perfect medicine cleared his tonsillitis in just 1 week. That is the power of our homoeopathic medicines. I prescribe him 1 week of placebo.
He thanked me literally 4-5 times before leaving my clinic.